Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 521 514: UyindamMikras: Brother 7, sorry, we are already in the shape of Hikari

Chapter 521 514: Wuyingdam Miklas: Seventh brother, sorry, we are already in the shape of Hikari

Saori didn't care about Hikari's muttering, she quickly pulled off the helmet she was wearing, unplugged the wiring on her body, and signaled Nexus to open the light shield.

Nexus immediately lifted the light shield.

Since the shield has lost its function, there is no need to continue to exist.

The moment the shield was released, the powerful light energy rolled back and covered Saori's body, and the shining plasma light entrenched around Saori's body, looking from a distance, it looked like a light bulb man who could glow .

These light energies are entrenched on Saori's body and cannot be absorbed by Saori, so they will accumulate more and more.

If this continues, Saori will be completely enveloped by plasma and eventually become a ball.

But just when the plasma energy accumulated to a certain level, the Jayden cells in the sand texture were finally stimulated.

Of course, the main reason is that Nexus input a beam of light that belongs to him to wrap around the light sphere composed of plasma energy.

As soon as this light belonging to Nexus appeared, the Jaden factor buried deep in Saori's body immediately reacted and began to protrude in Saori's body.

The automatically opened cells began to absorb the energy of the outside world through the pores, and with the light of Nexus as a primer, they devoured it in big mouthfuls.

Soon, the aura on Saori's body began to change. Although her own image had not changed, her life level had gone through several advancements, instead of the previous life level like an ordinary person.

This kind of absorption seems to be endless, and Saori is absorbing light energy all the time when exposed to the plasma light energy that is flooding in the Kingdom of Light.

The cells in her body are like a bottomless pit.

"Jaedon is a monster with infinite possibilities. This kind of absorption is endless, and according to the current information of Jaydun recorded in the Kingdom of Light, no one will know what Saori's final evolution goal is." Jayden is a cosmic dinosaur, a legendary monster that moves the universe, and Jaydon, who absorbs light energy and evolves, will have no definition of what the future will be like.

"No matter what, she won't become a big monster Jayden, and she doesn't have to endure that kind of pain all the time." Nexus didn't think so much, anyway, as long as Saori is good, he is satisfied.

It's nothing to control the power of Zedon or anything.

"I said, what kind of existence took action to eliminate the uncontrollable characteristics of the Jayden factor. The current Jayden factor is so well-behaved that it is unspeakable." Saori's problem has been solved, but who made Saori become like this? , Hikari is really interested.

"I don't know, it seems to have changed suddenly... I can't remember what happened in it." Apparently, Nexus also lost the memory of Sailo's arrival, so that Sand He completely forgot about the changes in the organization, and didn't remember the specific situation.

"...You won't be tampered with, right?" Hikari looked at Nexus with the milky white light bulb sideways: "There is no forgotten thing in Ultraman's memory, especially when it is so important. thing."

"You said you forgot, or didn't remember, I suspect that you have been tampered with."

"No, I think I'm pretty good." Looking around, Nexus only felt that he was full of energy, his physical strength was also at its peak, and he was in great condition. How could he have been tampered with?

"... Forget it, the possibility of being tampered with with your strength is very low." Hikari did not insist, but just listened to what Nexus said.

But whether he has made other preparations for this, no one knows.

On the experimental platform, Saori slowly floated up, and the plasma light ball dissipated, replaced by Saori in a monster girl costume.

And it's not an ordinary Jayden uniform. From Yuanquan's point of view, the Jayden uniform that Saori is wearing now is obviously very different.

Before Nexus could savor it carefully, Saori suddenly opened his eyes, and a touch of blue plasma energy flashed in the golden pupils.

The moment he raised his hand, the one trillion degree fireball condensed, and with the continuous light energy, the appearance of the one trillion degree fireball changed, from a pure fireball to a ball of white energy.

Condensed in the palm of Saori, it looks like a spiral pill.

"Eh? Is this... still a one-trillion-degree fireball?" Saori looked at the white light ball in her palm with belated knowledge, and shook it curiously. As a result, the light ball left Saori's palm and was captured by her. All of a sudden it fell on Hikari's knee.

A string of sparks exploded.


After taking a deep breath... two puffs... Hikari, who took countless breaths of cold air, covered his knees and cried out that it hurts.

"No way, Hikari, it's just such a small group of attacks, why are you covering your knees and screaming for a long time?" Nexus laughed at Hikari's actions, even if Saori's angry hands continued to swing towards He lost the ball crazily on his body, and he didn't care at all.

That's it?Tickle it!
"Hiss, don't talk too much, okay, I'm a member of the Blue Race, and my body is sensitive and fragile, but I'm not as rough and thick as you." Hikari was impatient, and at the same time secretly made up his mind that he must find a way to heal himself in the future. A set of armor saves you from being able to get up after being hit.

"Do you have any other abilities?" Nexus said indifferently after being thrown a ball of energy head-on.

"Hmph! I'm angry, and I won't show you some more!" Seeing that her attack had no effect, Saori bared her teeth angrily: "You have the ability to keep transforming, hehe, wait You have returned to the image of Yuan, just wait!"

"Tch, do I look like I'm afraid of you?" Nexus put his hands on his chest, stretched out his palms and spread them in front of him: "Okay, let's go back first."

"...Hmph!" Although angry, Saori still jumped onto Nexus's outstretched palm, hugged her chest in anger, and turned her face away.

But in fact, she didn't know that when she was wearing the particularly prominent Jayden uniform, her arms crossed her chest, and the curves outlined were quite alluring.

But it's a pity that here one is Tetsuo, and the other is the chief of science, they are the kind of guys who have no sense of this aspect.

This wonderful scenery fell into their eyes, but it didn't arouse their interest at all.

After all, one only wants to create crooked melons (cheats), and the other only wants to find a goal to fight for, how can they bother with this...

"Then let's take our leave first, Hikari." Turning around, Yuanquan solemnly said goodbye to Hikari.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I really thought that Saori was just an ordinary person from now on.

"It's my job, thank you." Hikali nodded: "I still have experiments to do, so I won't send it away."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work." Of course, Nexus also knew that Hikari was busy, so he didn't intend to disturb him: "We will meet again after you finish your work."

"Hmm!" He watched Nexus and Saori leave with both eyes, and only after the door of the laboratory closed automatically, Hikari rushed to the test bench and quickly saved the data.

"Finally got a new monster girl data, really worthy of my best friend, it's just the right time to come back!"

"With these data comparisons, my research will definitely go further!"

"The target of the experiment, let's use the monster capsule Miklas that Seven hid in the safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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