Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 522 The source of elegance, gentleness, gentleness and kindness

Chapter 522 The source of elegance, gentleness, gentleness and kindness

After Saori can go out without a shield, some things become very simple. At least Saori will not have nowhere to go after Yuan goes out. She has the power of Jayton, although she is very uncomfortable when facing Ultraman. , but among enemies of the same size, there are very few opponents she can't beat.

There is no way, after all, it is the Jayden factor. Otherwise, why is the monster factor so difficult to control and even often loses control?
After Saori's problem was solved, Nexus also began to try to find something he could do, which was to devote himself to his original duty, that is, the position of instructor of the Kingdom of Light.

However, his training method is unbearable for ordinary Ultraman.

After all, he is not a native of the Kingdom of Light. He has not gone through the Kingdom of Light's procedure of upgrading from elementary school to arena graduation. He directly practiced with others and grew up by fighting monsters again and again.

So the result of his coming to be an instructor was because Mengbius, who heard that he was coming to be an instructor, ran over excitedly and was the first to announce that he would compete with Nexus.

Because he was concerned about the mentality of this innocent young man, and he didn't want to hit him too hard, so Nexus released a lot of water, and pushed Mebius out of the virtual battle by one move in the continuous fight. The platform made him fall outside the field.

To be honest, Nexus, who is so gentle and gentle, if Yinhe and Victory saw it, his eyes would pop out.

Everyone is a fledgling Ultra warrior!Why do you treat differently!
Mebius came to the stage happily, and left happily, so he conveyed some bad things to others, thinking that Nexus was so amiable and understanding.

But in fact, after Mebius, most of the arena youngsters who continued to challenge on the stage were defeated by a few strokes, and they lost quickly in a very short period of instruction, just like going through a process.

It wasn't until this time that they saw clearly how strong Nexus was, which was recorded in the textbook, saving the Ultra brothers and defeating the Imperial Stars.

Later, Taro, who saw the excitement here, also joined in, and the name was to show the young people what the battle of the mature Ultra fighters was like.

But in fact, he just ignited himself, and then he didn't restrain himself much. He ignited until his body automatically activated the Ultra Bomb and rushed to the stage, wanting to give Nexus a bear hug.

But it's a pity that Nexus, who came back after going out for a trip, already has the ability to completely resist this kind of Taro who spontaneously combusts at every turn.

Without saying a word, he directly gathered a stream of blue light above his head, and released it the moment he brushed it with his hand.

The one-third of the Ocean's Light not only enhanced the Nexus' Light and his physical data, but also added two new skills.

Quantum Reckoner/Photon Smasher.

And the light of the sea is of course quite suitable for dealing with this kind of guy who combusts spontaneously at every turn.

Unexpectedly, Nexus still has the light emitted from the head. Although Taro was surprised, he did not intend to avoid it. Instead, he relied on his gesture of opening the Ultra Bomb and used the Ultra Crown on his wrist as a shield. Standing in front of him, he caught the photon smasher.

If it is this one-third of the light of the sea itself, it is already the limit to do this.


Yuan, however, once opened the birth of the planet, and possessed the existence of all the light of the earth.

The azure blue photon smasher recharged its power for the second time, and the flow of light became thicker and its power increased several times. Tai Luo couldn't help but take a few steps back and let go of the power.

Followed by the third stage of the photon smasher, the light flow becomes thicker and at the same time it adds a spiral state, so that the power of the photon smasher-the third stage of charge climbs to a limit value .

Taylor couldn't bear the explosive output, and the photon smasher exploded where it was in contact with Ultra Crown, sending Taylor flying and falling under the platform.

The hand that Taylor used to resist the attack, that is, the hand holding the Ultra crown, was shaking non-stop, and the burnt red marks on the surface of the crown also showed the power of the photon smasher-three-stage charge.

The flames of the Otto bomb lingering on his body dissipated, and he was forcibly interrupted and suppressed by Nexus after launching it. With the skill of the light of the sea, Tai Luo's blood was calmed down.

"Huh... what kind of trick is this?" He didn't have many injuries, and the Ultra Crown borne most of the power. After Tai Luo calmed down the restless energy in his body, he immediately wanted to ask with great interest.

"The photon smasher comes from the inheritance of a blue warrior." After suffering a loss, Nexus didn't want to be blown up again by Luo Qiang's lock man, so he had already prepared his response after jumping out.

"It's amazing, brother, can you teach me?" Different from the original book, the six Ultra brothers here have become the seventh Ultra brothers, and Nexus is the sixth son of Ultra...

"This trick is hopeless, you need the light of the sea, but I can teach you other things, which I just learned." As he said, Nexus raised his hand, and the flames condensed in his palm were melted. Make a giant axe.

Only the ones with no handles.

It's the shape of the axe. Ah Gang from the next studio looked at it and called it an expert.

"The flames of your Ultra Bomb lingering all over your body can actually be used. This is a skill I developed myself. I haven't figured out the name yet. After you learn it, the Ultra Bomb doesn't need to explode."

"Let me explain in advance, if you dare to use this trick to attack me, don't blame me for pulling the spark sword!" Nexus, who knew Taro's character quite well, gave him a vaccination.

This guy must have such thoughts!
"Hey~" Tai Luo smiled embarrassedly, touched his corner, and his laughter was full of sincerity.

So sincere that he knew he was seen through, but he still took the opportunity to strike his mentor with an axe.

It is true that he is a good apprentice.

"This is the power of the elite among the elites of the Otto Guard. Take care, don't forget everything today, this is the direction you will work hard in the future!" Although Taylor wanted to learn this trick, his intuition told him, This trick may have special effects in the future.

But before that, he had to finish his own job first.

On the other hand, Nexus was thinking about whether to engrave this trick in the skill database included in the Kingdom of Light. After all the Ultra fighters in the Kingdom of Light have learned it, Gedd only needs to get the corresponding Austrian skill. The special capsule will naturally do this trick.

Then hit Beria's head directly!
It said it could be on (no mercy).

"Hurry up, brother, teach me this trick." After the lecture, Taro pushed Nexus and left, impatient to learn new skills.

"Don't worry, this has to be a process."

"Hey, I've already finished helping you. I'm the chief instructor. What I say is the same as what you said. So what are you talking about?"

"I want to talk about something else!" Turning around and grabbing Taro's hand, Nexus whispered in Taro's ear.

Following Nexus' explanation, Taro went from being puzzled, to shocked, and finally became suddenly enlightened, allowing him to completely understand what Nexus meant.

"Don't worry, brother, I'll arrange it right away!"

But in the audience, Mebius, who was acting as a crowd of onlookers, suddenly felt a chill down his back and shivered secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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