Chapter 523

"Instructor Taylor, why did you call me out alone?" Mebius followed behind Taylor, very curious.

He didn't have any awareness of his potential, and he didn't have the slightest awareness of the special treatment he received from the Ultra brothers.

In his innocent mind, he only thought it was his brothers' love for him, and nothing else.

So even though his back was cold, but out of trust in his brothers, Mebius still didn't think too much, but came out with Taro.

They stayed away from the Ultra Fighting Arena, and left the Kingdom of Light instead, and even came to a desolate planet not far from the Kingdom of Light.

And here, although there is no such bad weather as King's Star, it is obviously a diverse planet. Apart from the desolate part, there are also oases and tropical rainforests.

The existence of life makes this planet possible for some evolution.

But even Ultraman is still insignificant in the concept of time in units of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

The gestation time of life is so long and the span of scale is so long that it is almost unimaginable.

Even the birth of life requires an unknown number of years of evolution before it can eventually evolve into intelligent creatures.

And before that, it's still early.

Even the huge figure of Ultraman walking in the tropical rainforest of this planet is still not too huge. After all, at a glance, it is basically a giant tree with a height of 40 to 70 meters, and some even climb to more than 50 meters. The trunk of the Altman stands out from the crowd, the average height of Ultraman is only more than [-] meters, and walking in these lush woods is also unremarkable.

Mebius followed Tai Luo. Although he didn't ask too much out of trust, he was still quite nervous and excited when he left the Kingdom of Light for the first time.

Only the members of the Ultraman Guard can leave the Kingdom of Light to travel in the universe. Those who have not graduated are just some children. Because of the malice that the universe people have towards Ultraman in the universe, the little warriors who have not yet grown up walk alone. The possibility of being caught is quite high.

Since childhood, only Mebius, who left the Kingdom of Light today, saw scenery that he had never seen before.

What you see with your own eyes is always more shocking than what you see in textbooks.

"Actually, I didn't ask you to come out, but my brother and my master called you here." Tai Luo actually couldn't bear it. Although he was a scumbag, he still loved Mebius very much.

Especially thinking of the training he has received before, Xiaomeng has to come again.

Just like just now, I didn't even want to throw the nirvana of the third stage of charging at me as an apprentice.

If I didn't catch it, wouldn't I lie on the ground and howl on the spot.

"Mebius, what you are going to face next is the teachings of one of the top experts in the Kingdom of Light. It may be very strict, and you may find it hard to bear, but it will be of unparalleled benefit to your future." After all. Still afraid of hitting the child too hard, Taro said.

"I can have the ability I have now, and it is also partly related to his teaching, so you must seize this opportunity."

"Ah? Yes!" Although he didn't understand who Taro was talking about, but Taro was so serious, Mebius also became very curious about the person he was going to meet next.

Finally, after bypassing a towering giant tree of more than 70 meters, the scenery in front of me suddenly opened up.

Behind is a lush forest, but what you see in front of you is a desert filled with yellow sand.

In this desert stands a red warrior, who has been waiting for Taro and Mebius for a long time.

"Brother Nexus? Why are you here?" Seeing Nexus suddenly, Mebius waved his hands happily and shouted excitedly: "Are you also called here like me?"

"I didn't expect that a powerful fighter like Brother Nexus would be taught. Instructor Taro, I'm really curious about the identity of that person. He must, must be a great strong man!" Mebius Turning around, he shouted at Taro excitedly.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

... After saying this, the corners of Taro and Nexus' mouths twitched a little.

Mengbius is so stupid, it is true that they have nothing to do.

"Ahem, Mebius, let me introduce you again. This is Ultraman Nexus, one of the Ultra Brothers, your idol, and also my master. He is the one who called you over." After Taylor's introduction, he silently stepped back and gave way to the venue.

He had already prepared simple medical equipment and placed it beside him, just waiting for Mebius' timer to start flashing, and put it aside when he was beaten, just in case.

"That's right, some teachings are not suitable to be shown in the Ultra Fighting Arena. It's too cruel, and it will leave a psychological shadow on those young fighters who don't have enough potential."

Nexus then added: "Mebius, you are the leader of the younger generation that the Ultra brothers are optimistic about. I also have high hopes for you. You will definitely become a very good Ultra warrior. .But before that, you have to learn how to be strong."

Yes, that's the real reason why Nexus asked Taro to call out Mebius.

Although Mebius will also grow by training in the Ultra Fighting Arena step by step, but it is limited in the end.

Some things cannot be trained in the arena.

In the original book, there is a problem with Taro's teaching of Mebius, but it's not that Taro's teaching is not good, but that Taro is concerned about all the students, that is, all the students in the entire Ultra Fighting Arena .

He didn't intend to single out Mebius for special treatment, so with that kind of training, Mebius' talent can only grow generally.

Although it will be stronger than the same period, but the strength is limited, because the education he received is the same as others.

It is because of his own talent that he can stand out a little.

That would be too much of a waste of Mebius' talent.

You must know that since the end of TV, Mebius' strength has been in an embarrassing position.

It is not as good as the Ultra brothers, but it is too much compared to the bottom.

This also led to the fact that the strong enemy sent him out and he couldn't beat him, and the weak didn't need him to go.

And what Nexus wanted was to take Mebius out alone and give him a little treat.

As for Taylor... of course, he still implements his popularized general training method.

Mebius, let him train himself.

This is also the decision to find Nexus, who has understood the meaning of his existence during this period of time.

Perhaps it is also a goal to teach Mengbius to become a talent and make him stronger than in the original book.

At least let yourself not have nothing to do.

"Mebius, I will personally train you. The next thing you will have to undergo is hell-like training. Your talent and potential make you qualified to undergo such training." If it is an ordinary guy, Nai Kesers also felt that the other party was not worthy of him making a special training plan.

That's why Xiaomeng got this treatment.

Kingdom of Light is the leader of the new generation after the Ultra Brothers.

"Hell? But brother Nexus, what kind of training is it? Can't we be in the arena?" Mebius still didn't notice any crisis, and asked a little puzzled.

Nexus didn't say much, raised his hand and threw a launcher to Mebius.

"The one in your hand is an Ultra bracelet, right? It can be transformed into an Ultra javelin to attack."

"That's not suitable for you, bring this, Hikari's latest invention." The things Nexus handed to Mebius were of course things that would be useful for the next training.

Mebius put the transmitter on his wrist, and the red lightsaber popped out, which surprised Mebius.

"It's actually..."

"Get ready, Mebius, I have no intention of showing mercy in the sword-to-sword battle." While raising his hand, Nexus pulled out the particle lightsaber and aimed it at Mebius.

"I will let you remember with your body, the cruelty of fighting."

(End of this chapter)

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