Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 525 - The Dark Emperor of the Universe

Chapter 525 - The Dark Emperor of the Universe

"Responsibility..." Mebius murmured and repeated these two words. His intuition told him that behind these two words was a burden as heavy as a thousand, and that as long as it was carried, it would be enough to weigh on his shoulders. , something heavy that makes one unable to breathe.

As for such a thing, Nexus in front of him walked with his back on his back, stood in front of him, and even... completed his responsibility.

"Yeah, if possible, I don't want you to take responsibility, it's too cruel and too difficult." Nexus sighed and said: "You just need to be yourself, and being a good person belongs to Mengbiyou Everything is fine, responsibility is something like this, you'd better never..."

"Please tell me, what exactly is responsibility!" Mebius interrupted Nexus loudly, the light shining from those milky white eyes was so amazing, as if Mebius had found something. The same thing that the heart longs for.

"...Mebius, you are too young, that kind of thing is not what you should bear now." Although Taro didn't know Nexus' past, he had heard his father and mother talk about it , have said that Nexus' past is very unbearable to look back on.

But what kind of crisis would it be?
Could it be that the Otto key was stolen and the crisis that the Otto star is about to hit the earth is more important?
(When this happened, the Ott brothers and Leo's brains were almost blown out. Taro was also on Earth at the time, but he was drinking, eating skewers, eating meat and watching the live broadcast. Maybe he also used two rockets.)
"If you want to know, I'll tell you." Nexus said with a smile: "Responsibility is the expectation you bear on your body, the responsibility you should fulfill, your self-awareness, and the life of others. Go on, go to the end, fulfill the wishes of others, and let your longing be released."

"It's the self-awareness that is carried on your body; it's the expectation that you bear with all your strength; it's what you put in your heart, yearn for, and do your best to achieve."

"Only this one, to consume all of my own."

"Father of Ultra has the responsibility to revitalize the Kingdom of Light, and Sophie has the responsibility to lead the Ultra Guard. The first generation, Seven, Jack, and Ace, their responsibility now is to guard the seal of Saurus and prevent it from escaping. out."

"Taro's responsibility is to teach the young warriors of the Kingdom of Light."

"My responsibility is to regenerate the planet, so that those expectations that I bear will not be disappointed."

"Mebius, when everyone will be burdened with their own responsibilities, before that, I just want you to become stronger, to be at least... When tragedy strikes, you will not hate yourself for being weak."


Mebius looked very dazed, probably because no one had ever said this to him before, and Mebius was shocked when he received the chicken soup for the first time.

But while being shocked, he was also absorbing and digesting what Nexus said.

Therefore, although he was distracted, neither Taro nor Nexus said anything about him.

"Is it really good to let him get in touch with this so early? He's still too young." Tai Luo still felt that something was wrong. He felt that Mebius was too young, and even if Mebius knew about it now, it would have no effect.

He thought about it by himself, but he couldn't think of a reason at all.

"Are you young? I'm 26 years old. Where's Mebius?" Nexus said directly, causing Taro to shut up.

Good guy, I even forgot that you are an Ultraman transformed from an Earthling.

You compare the age of people on Earth with Ultraman, I didn't say that, okay?

"Mebius is different. Don't treat him as an ordinary student. His growth potential is huge, and his final achievement may surpass you and I may not be sure." Nexus cast his eyes of approval and expectation On Mebius' body.

"We are the evening of yesterday, and he is the new dawn."

"The future is his."

As soon as the words fell, Nexus crossed his hands in front of him and drew Crescent Moon's guillotine directly. The vertical guillotine whizzed out and hit the energy bullet attacking Mebius from the dark universe.

In the next second, Nexus grabbed Mebius's hand to protect him behind him, and popped out the Storm Sword in front of him. Nexus waited intently.

Although Taro's reaction was a bit slow, he immediately stood beside Mebius, forming horns to protect Mebius.

At this time, a huge dark warship stood out from the cosmic starry sky.

The moment of instant appearance, the shock brought to Taro is indescribable.

"This is... the battleship of the Ampera Stars!" Of course Tai Luo recognized this battleship. This is an enemy that the father of Otto risked his life and would only lose both sides. How can he be an idler?
The name of the Dark Emperor is the most vicious and strongest name in the universe.

"Taylor, you escort Mebius back first." Nexus looked at the situation in front of him calmly. Emperor Ampera was very powerful, and Taro in the current time period was not his opponent at all.

Based on the grievances between the emperor and Ao's father, if Tai Luo stays here, he will definitely receive special treatment from him.

"But master!" In desperation, Tai Luo directly called out a word of master, but he didn't care about anything else.

"No, but, don't worry, I won't die." Nexus took a deep breath: "Maybe I was confused before, but now I have found a new life goal. Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Send Mebius back first and protect the child!"

Even though Taro was unwilling, he still had to agree with Nexus.

"Master, I will be back soon! You must wait for me!" Saying that, Taro pulled Mebius into a red ball of light and rushed directly to the Kingdom of Light.

Of course, Emperor Ampera would not let Tai Luo go. The battleship adjusted its position, and the main guns were ready to fire, ready to give Tai Luo a ruthless greeting.

It's a pity that just as the main gun was aimed, the vertical guillotine roared again and cut off the muzzle of the main gun, completely cutting off the battleship's idea of ​​firing.

Because of this, the guys in the battleship set their sights on Nexus.

The monster projected from the bottom of the battleship was unimpeded in the universe, approaching Nexus.

In Otto's vision, the thing that flew towards him looked like a mechanical monster. If he had to say it, it should be called a super beast.

...It turned out to be an old acquaintance, Bellocken.

"Isn't the Yapo guy sealed? Why are there super beasts?" The undoubted super beast attack made Nexus not in the mood to talk, and he opened his shield with one hand to block the roaring missiles.

He didn't use a combo like energy absorption, but directly canceled the shield, and the storm sword popped out and extended instantly, piercing Bellocken's chest.

The Super Beast might be considered a formidable enemy, but an old model like Bellocken, without any enhancements, would have no effect at all.

The strength of Nexus made him not need to take these old models seriously now.

"It's already here, don't you have the guts to come out? An Ampera star." Nexus was not polite, and he didn't even intend to call Ampera the emperor.

After all, with his own strength, Nexus is really not afraid of Ampera.

"Nexus... Ultraman." The deep and thick voice sounded with unspeakable majesty. Although Ampera has not yet appeared, his voice already makes people wonder how dignified his majesty should be.

"I sensed the same kind of breath from you."

"you are the same with me."

(End of this chapter)

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