Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 526 They are all exiles, they were all hope

Chapter 526 They are all exiles, they were all hope

The Emperor of Darkness in the Universe - Ampera Starman, is the strongest and most vicious enemy of Showa Universe World Tourism Country.

Once launched the Ultra War that invaded the Kingdom of Light, and fought against the still young Ultra's father and Beria, who had not yet fallen.

From the moment he came to the Kingdom of Light, the first guard team established at that time was not enough to stop him, and was almost slaughtered by him alone.

All the warriors of the older generation and the new generation of the younger generation of the Kingdom of Light were wiped out, and only a few people, including the father of Ultra, were left in the end.

In the end, it was the father of Ultra who gathered all the power of Ultraman under the bell of Ultra, and then got the ultimate sword and Ampera cross-angle, and fought a one-on-one decisive battle in the battle space that belonged exclusively to the two, and finally Both lose.

Ampera withdrew from the battlefield, and the battle ended with the Kingdom of Light's disastrous victory.

To this day, the Kingdom of Light has still not recovered from the aftermath of the war.

The kingdom of light with withered talents was already overwhelmed, not to mention the incident of Beria's defection later, which made the kingdom of light, which was already lacking in combat power, lose a top fighter.

For so many years, Ao's father has worked diligently and devoted himself to nurturing the growth of the next generation of fighters, which has allowed the current Kingdom of Light to recover a little bit of vitality.

Although it is still far from what it used to be, it already has some background.

This is a job that needs to be worked on, but Ampera's comeback has made everyone in the Kingdom of Light nervous again.

Today's Kingdom of Light has no way to accept such a war again.

Leaving aside whether he can win or not, even if he can win, then the background accumulated over the years may be wiped out in one day.

Ao's father did not want to fight, but his wishes could not stop Ampera's actions.

The return of Ampera, who wants to avenge the Clan of Light, is unstoppable.

The past of Ampera is also a mystery. It is said that his planet was once a planet full of life, but like the Kingdom of Light, the star explosion caused them to lose their sun.

Since then, the planet that has lost its light has been buried in darkness, and the life of an entire planet has died in the collapsed darkness.

The beings who can no longer see the light are filled with deep resentment in the dark gully, unable to see the light of day again.

Ampera is the last life left on this planet.

He absorbed the resentment of his dead compatriots, grew in the dark, and finally became what he is today.

He gained great power, but at the same time, the resentment of his compatriots on the entire planet who wanted to live but had to die prompted his appearance.

He destroyed his own planet, proclaimed himself the Dark Emperor-Ampera Starman, and used this to move across the universe, and soon pulled out an invincible army to wipe out those existences filled with light in the universe.

Born from the extreme abyss, he has absorbed the resentment of being unable to survive, and has an unparalleled hatred for the light.

He hates light and wants to destroy all light.

The Ott family, of course, are his sworn enemies.

Now, the emperor who has made a comeback has received a message from the Yabo people, knowing that the child of the father of Otto-Taylor has appeared in the Land of Light, so he wants to come over to see the child of the father of Otto now. How far has it grown.

But when he arrived, he was attracted by another person.

From this Ultra warrior, Ampera noticed the light that he hated, but at the same time, he also noticed the same kind of aura that he possessed.

At that time, Ampera immediately understood that the guy named Nexus Ultraman in the records was an existence who had experienced the same story as him.

Therefore, he gave up on Taro, and put all his mind on Nexus.

"A class of people? Do you really think that?" Nexus has forgotten a lot about the emperor's setting, and he can't remember that Ampera, like him, used to exist as the last hope on a planet .

"The destruction of the planet, as the breath of the last remnant, I will never forget." Ampera stepped out from the open hatch, his dark figure and raised cloak, all showing his emperor's spirit.

Nexus, who felt that he couldn't lose his aura, put on the king's cloak with a thought.

The pale golden king's cloak fluttered, instantly pulling Nexus's figure up.

Ampera paused, and then continued to add: "It's really ugly. It is obviously the same existence as me, but it is wrapped in a sad light."

"The way you should really be, should be like me!"

"Don't put your experience on me, I am different from you, I am the one who fights for them and strives for a bright future!" Nexus did not understand what Ampera meant by this sentence.

Has someone like him, that is to say, had the same experience happen to the emperor?
"The so-called light is the most stupid thing. In the universe, only darkness is the eternal theme. No matter how brilliant the brilliance is, it is only a temporary brilliance, and it will still exist in the darkness in the end!" Ambella, who spread five fingers in front of her, pointed at Nexus.

"Give up that hateful light, you are of the same kind as me, you should become an existence like me!"

"You are qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with me!"

"Sorry, when I was desperate, when my world, my planet was about to be destroyed, it was light, not darkness, that appeared before me." Putting on a stance, Nexus was ready to fight Preparation: "It's better to say that it was the ultimate darkness that dragged my world Ruo Ru into destruction."

"Really? It seems that I was deceived by the light. I fell silent in the darkness and became the life of darkness. That is eternity." Withdrawing her hand, Ampera continued: "The one who enjoys the light and thrives Life, everything is given by light, and it has not changed for millions of years, but the stronger it develops, the faster the destruction will come."

"There is no eternal brilliance in the universe. No matter how brilliant the light is, there will be a day of extinction. At that time, the civilizations and lives that thrive in the light suddenly lose their light, so they can only accompany them together. Buried with that fading light."

"Darkness is the only eternal truth in the universe! Only by sinking into the darkness, growing and adapting in this eternity, will there be no hopeless day like that!"

"Because it's already in darkness, how can there be despair?!"

"You, don't you..." Hearing what Emperor Ampera said, Nexus had some guesses in his heart.

Such words cannot be said by an uninformed person.Could it be that the emperor... was once a life bathed in light?

"Those who are attracted by the light that blooms for a moment, I am saving you and letting you enter eternity, not for a moment of blooming."

"I'm sorry, but I'm human." Nexus interrupted the emperor's speech, and his flat tone showed that he was not moved even for a moment by the emperor's words.

"Huh? Human?" Ampera asked.

"Human beings have a very short lifespan, no more than a hundred years... no, no more than a few decades of life, old age, sickness and death, there is no eternity at all." Nexus continued.

"But we also have our way of survival, which is to do everything possible to let ourselves shine on the way forward, so that people who come after us don't have to bump into bumps and bumps, and this cycle repeats and grows slowly."

"We humans are born to be this kind of race that blooms in an instant."

"...Human, so that's the case. You are not an Ultra warrior from the Kingdom of Light. You are from Earth. That planet is loved by the Clan of Light." The emperor understood it, but what he understood even more was Nexus another identity.

"The Light Clan calls Earth their second home, so they will never let anything happen to Earth."

"And the breath on your body is indeed the breath of exiles, so your identity is not difficult to guess."

"You are an Earthling from another universe."

(End of this chapter)

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