Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 527 Nexus-Spark Arms

Chapter 527 Nexus-Spark Arms
"Why, why are you at the end of life, but you... Could it be that those guys are all willing to die?"

Seeing the power of the brilliance flowing on the brilliant stone, the emperor's rare state of mind collapsed a little.

Even in the face of no matter how powerful the enemy was, he would not be nervous at all, but after seeing this stone, he couldn't accept it at all.

"They didn't die willingly, but after being buried, I freed them from the darkness."

Before Nexus could finish his sentence, the power of the angry emperor erupted was no small matter, and he stopped standing still, but flew forward directly, wrapped his cloak in a roll, and approached Nexus with a powerful dark storm.

Nexus also disturbed the cloak, the king's cloak and the dark cloak were entangled, and each began to fight.

And the two who took off their cloaks turned around at the same time, punched at the same time, and punched each other at the same time.

The bulging light energy is entangled with the congealing darkness, forming a shock wave that sweeps the surroundings.The emperor and Nexus made physical contact for the first time, and what they got was evenly matched.

No, it's not that they are evenly matched, but that the stone is constantly affecting him.That stone was reducing the power of resentment in his body.

That was his nemesis, the first nemesis he had encountered against himself since he had been in the universe for so many years.

And such a nemesis, being controlled by an Ultraman, this is something the emperor will never tolerate.

Turning fists into palms, grasping each other's hands, the two sides wrestled in the universe.

This is a collision between body and body, and it is also a duel of wills between each other.

Since the Great War of Ottoman ten thousand years ago, even Aofu had to resort to tricks to defeat him.

The emperor thought that there was no longer any enemy in the universe, not even the father of Ultra.

I was preparing to build the dark armor, as long as I finished the dark armor and put it on, if the father of Otto really dared to stand in front of him, then I just killed this cub with my own hands.

I just wanted to come out to find my father's son to talk about the past, but I never expected to meet this Nexus Ultraman who has become famous in recent years. He comes from another universe, and his experience is almost the same as his own but completely different. .

And his strength is actually so strong.

Does Nexus from other universes have the same power as the father of Ultra?
With this in mind, powerful darkness was bred in the palms of the emperor's hands, and the dark flame wave was about to strike Nexus' palm.

Nexus noticed this, and the spark shield turned around in an instant, changing its own shape in an instant, mimicking the Victory Flying Swallow...

The golden laser shot out, bombarding the emperor's back.This attack containing the power of the Brilliant Stone caused the power of resentment in the emperor's body to churn endlessly, and the attack that was originally brewing was also affected and could not be exerted.

"Damn it!" The emperor was furious, he abandoned the power of resentment, and pushed out directly with an endless torrent of darkness.

The torrent of lasing from the palms of both hands flew up and down, submerging the space in front of him.

But the tenacious light propped up the shield, resisting stubbornly in this dark torrent.Just like a stubborn stone in a torrent, no matter how it is washed away, I will not move.

Crossing his hands, the emperor pulled out a move of the same style as Zeta, and the dark torrent gathered by his hands instantly formed a spiral black light, bypassing the shield from left to right, and hitting Nexus' body.

Unexpectedly, this energy attack could turn a corner. Unexpectedly, Nexus ate a full-sized Nexus and was sent flying out. He flew upside down in the universe, trying his best to adjust his body.

But the emperor seized this opportunity, raised his hand and shot several dark flame waves, aiming directly at the sparks hovering on the other floor - Feiyan.

Feiyan was hit by Yan Bo, flew out backwards, lost the control of Nexus's thoughts, and changed back into the shape of a bracelet again, turning into a ray of light to chase after Nexus.


Holding the dominance of the battle in his hands, the emperor raised his hand, indicating that the muzzle of the battleship was ready to charge, and he wanted to bury Nexus here.

Swinging down with one hand, the destructive energy accumulated in the muzzle of the gun rushed out as a cannonball, intending to kill Nexus.

The brilliant stone switched to the legendary stone, and Nexus built a vortex with this, absorbing all the attacks of the battleship's main gun into this vortex.

After several rounds, the red galloping sea surged out, and was manipulated by Nexus to spit it out.

"What?" The emperor was very surprised, absorbing the attack and rebounding?Can I still do this?

Although the emperor was surprised, he did not move slowly. He drew out the dark sword and instilled part of the power of resentment in it. The rising resentment entangled the darkness, making the already dark sword even deeper.

The long and narrow red eyes looked at the mighty attack not far away, the emperor raised his hand and swung his sword, relaxed and freehand.

Split the stream of light from the center to protect his battleship, and the emperor's dark body was reflected in the explosion, terrifying like a demon.

The spark sword disappeared in a blink of an eye, and it came to the emperor in an instant. The dark sword and the spark sword intertwined for the first time, and the point of the sword faced each other, so that neither of the two swords wanted to retreat.

A figure of Nexus suddenly appeared behind the high-speed rotating spark sword, with the liquidator's blue light sphere condensed in his palm, Nexus slammed it into the end of the spark sword hilt with a loud shout.

Absorbing all the power of the liquidator, the spark sword emits a glistening blue light, surpassing the dark sword in power.

The light of the earth, which is completely different from the kingdom of light, made all the killing moves of the emperor against the clan of light useless.

But the emperor was worthy of being an emperor, he didn't care about the outcome of the sword, but raised one hand, and the Rezolim light, which had been secretly brewing for a long time, aimed at Nexus' head and directly bombarded it.

At the moment of crisis, Nexus's free hand popped out the Storm Sword, and used the blade to resist Rezolim's light, bringing the two sides into a stalemate.

But this stalemate did not last long in the end. Soon, both the Storm Sword and the Spark Sword suppressed the emperor, tearing apart all the emperor's tricks in an instant, and directly hitting him.

A sword mark was left on his chest, and his arm was also slashed by the sword of the storm. The emperor quickly pulled away to avoid being pursued. The dark cloak rolled back and was summoned by the emperor to put it on him again.

"You!" Of course, the emperor knew why he was suddenly crushed in such a stalemate, because the Ultra warrior in front of him changed his form in an instant.

The arm armor on his hand spread all over his body to envelop him, as if wearing a layer of armor.At the same time, Nexus' strength was greatly increased, breaking the deadlock at that moment and crushing the emperor.

"You also..." The long and narrow red eyes looked at the figure in armor and holding a spark sword, especially when the king's cloak was back on him, this cloak and armored posture was quite intimidating .

Nima's, I haven't made the dark armor yet!You actually put on your armor first and beat me up?

"To tell you the truth, if I hadn't given up that power, you should be dead by now." Nexus said truthfully, if he really came back with the first birth of the planet, the emperor would die here today.

"Oh, you really came prepared." Looking at Nexus's posture, the emperor also understood that he might not be able to bury this Ultra warrior today.

"Aren't you using your full strength? Ampera, how long do you want to test? I showed my hole card first." Ampera didn't use her full strength, which Nexus noticed during the battle.

It seems that because he was too close to the Kingdom of Light, the emperor was always afraid of the father of Otto who had never appeared.

He will never forget this enemy who stabbed him in the back.

"Full strength? I wanted to chat with Kane's son on a whim. Since I can meet such an unexpected guy as you, I am not in vain." The emperor disturbed the cloak, and his battleship roared. While preparing to speed up, they did not forget to take back their emperor.

"Nexus, I remember you."

(End of this chapter)

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