Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 528: The Blessing of All Beings; The Resentful of All Beings

Chapter 528: The Blessing of All Beings; The Resentful of All Beings

"Is the earth that came from another universe and there perished? Hahaha! The homeland that the Clan of Light has longed for, will not escape the fate of destruction in another universe after all!" Anything that can disgust the Kingdom of Light, the emperor must He was the first to go up and mock.

Although he couldn't see it, he could also imagine the appearance of the earth being destroyed.

Because he already planned to bury that planet.


Raising his hand, the drawn black long sword blocked the attack of the eight-point light wheel. This kind of trick was not painful to the emperor at all.

But in front of him, there were still not many Ultra fighters who had the courage to attack.

"Looks like it's been too long, you people of light have forgotten the fear that the darkness brings to you." Putting down the black long sword in her hand, Ampera showed confidence, her red eyes revealed her invincible posture, and she was invincible.

"Let's talk about it, but I'm not an Ultra warrior from the Kingdom of Light. I don't know what the fear you bring." Nexus took a few steps back to distance himself, and posed again in the universe: "I only know that although you and I are the same, we are definitely not the same."

"That's right, let me show you the hypocrisy of the light, so that you can experience the reality of the dark universe." The emperor also had plans to do something, and he didn't intend to spoil Nexus.

The sword in his hand is a weapon that has been confronted with Ultra's father's ultimate sword since the Ultra War. He has been following the battle for an unknown period of time. It is a weapon that makes many cosmic people and monsters in the universe fearful.

Desiring to experience the power of the emperor in the red state, Nexus released the cross storm, and the blue cross storm pierced the universe and approached the emperor.

And the emperor's response method is also very simple, that is, he raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a terrifying dark energy was conceived, boiling and exploding like boiling water, and then the force of dark red resentment mixed with it was shot out impressively.

That is the ultimate move against Ultraman, as long as it hits, it is the strongest move that can crack Ultraman-Rezolim Ray.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the stalemate lasted for a moment, and then Rezolim suppressed the cross storm and began to advance towards Nexus.

And Nexus also knows that it is difficult to compete with this dark nirvana with the power of the cross storm, so he has already made preparations, directly canceling the launch of the cross storm and opening the ripple shield.

Rezolim's light tore through the light flow and hit the ripple shield. This powerful blow sent Nexus flying, pushing him all the way to the deepest part of the dark universe.

The corrugated shield can block it, but this powerful impact is really unbearable.

"Oh?" I thought that Nexus would be buried, but I didn't expect him to be able to open the shield to block Rezolim's light. This is a scene that has never happened before.

Ever since the emperor mastered this move, none of the warriors of the Otto clan dared to take this move head-on.

"What kind of shield are you?"

"A shield that you can't break!" Rezolim's light was very powerful. Nexus felt the moment when the ripple shield was about to reach its limit, and he didn't care about hiding it. He immediately activated energy absorption and absorbed Leizo with Nexus' arm The power of Lim's light is converted into pure light energy and stored in the body.

This classic combo finally saved Nexus' life. Rezolim continued to attack, but failed to break the shield. The emperor was astonished, and slowly raised his other hand.

Holding the black long sword, the emperor swept across the sword directly, emitting crescent-like crimson sword aura.

Back then, this move wiped out most of the vital forces of the Ultra security team in one blow, and directly defeated dozens of Ultra warriors who had experienced many battles.

Seeing the emperor attacking again, Nexus no longer hid, and chose to expose the spark sword, and the flying spark sword regrouped in mid-air, forming a shield against Nexus, completely eating the The emperor's blow came out unscathed.

For the power of legend, such an attack is not enough to break through its limit.

The second attack did not produce any effect, and the emperor was even more surprised. This Ultra warrior from another universe seemed to be different from those guys from the Kingdom of Light.

But they are all Ultra fighters, and they can have...


Absorbing enough power, Nexus defended behind the ripple shield with his hands crossed.

Accompanied by the lightning formed by the intertwined light energy on the arm blade, Nexus shouted, and swiped his hands flat in front of him. The accumulated energy was used by him to activate the vertical guillotine, canceling the ripple shield and Launching a counterattack, the vertical guillotine also hit Rezolim Ray head-on.

Dissipated streams of light washed over the blade from both sides of the guillotine, and the torn streams of light wailed.Even with all his might, he was unable to bring victory to his emperor.

The emperor was startled, this was the first time that Rezolim lost, and it was in such an appalling way.

After learning this move, Rezolim was almost invincible, and no opponent could survive this move.

Nexus was the first, or even the first, Ultra warrior to do such a thing.

With a hollow palm, the accumulated power turned into a driving force for repulsion. The emperor intended to crush the vertical guillotine, but what was beyond his expectation was that his dark power did not extinguish the attack, and even he The power of resentment boiling in his body collapsed automatically the moment he touched the guillotine.

The guillotine hit the emperor, causing a huge explosion.

But in just a moment, the cloak was swung, the emperor brushed off the smoke and dust on his body, felt the scar on his palm and the long-lost pain, a pair of long and narrow red eyes, sharp and full of challenges.


Nexus raised his hand belatedly. At this moment, as if the Brilliant Stone had been stimulated by something, it emitted an indeterminate light.And the attack power just now added some power of Brilliant Stone, making it difficult for the emperor to resist.

No, it's not that the Brilliant Stone is too powerful, but the response of the Brilliant Stone inspired by the power in the emperor's body, as if it had encountered the same kind of resonance.

"That kind of light... what is that?!" With his eyes fixed on the brilliant stone, the emperor seemed to just look at the light, and the anger and hatred in his heart would dissipate a lot.

Those resentments that he had absorbed belonged to a planet that had lost its sun and had to die. Under this brilliance, they all seemed to be yearning for something.

It's like yearning for that light.

But Ampera is the Emperor of Darkness, and he hates light, so how could he be willing to be attracted by light?

"What kind of light is that!"

"Ampera, you said that you and I are the same kind of people, have you forgotten what you said?" Nexus raised his hand, and the Brilliant Stone burst into countless brilliance in an instant, shining on the emperor's face. body, so that his body that was congealed by darkness was affected.

"No... no... this kind of light... I don't need it! The so-called light is simply false!" The power of resentment was stimulated. Although I resented all lights, but for the completely different light of the Brilliant Stone, resentment The power produced the desired emotion.

Because that is another path for all living beings, another possibility for them who go to darkness and resent the world.

And this possibility exists in Nexus.

It was only at this moment that Nexus and Ampera realized in their hearts that they were really the same kind of people.

It's the same existence... going to a different path.

It is also the last person to perish in the world; it also exists with high hopes; it also lives with the wishes of others; it also receives the blessings of the dead and the witness of the dead planet.

But the only difference is that they are walking on completely different paths.

One meets the light, bears hope, bets everything for the wishes of others, and grows in fetters and friendship.

One is silent in the dark, carrying the despair, carrying the resentment that the living have to die, and rises up, launching revenge like hope.

They are the same.

But they are not the same.

(End of this chapter)

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