Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 529 Those who are not enlightened cannot bear the proof of the strong

Chapter 529 Those who are not enlightened cannot bear the proof of the strong

Disarmed from the spark, Nexus felt what he had felt before.

This is the new power that he has been able to use since the birth of the planet. He built the legendary power into armor to wrap the body and complete the spark arm.

There has been a substantial improvement in various attributes such as defense power, attack power, energy level, etc.

Although it is not as good as the birth of a planet, it is better than nothing.
At least for Nexus, it can be regarded as a strengthening.

Of course, the most important thing is to be handsome...

It's just that this time he used this trick under Hong Nai's situation, not after turning on the blue youth, so the bonus is not that big.

But even so, it is enough to compete with the emperor.

I just don't know how much power the emperor put out.

Reminiscent of the dark armor that Emperor Ampera is building. According to the setting, as long as Ampera puts on that armor, she can gain dozens of times the increase and sweep the universe without any opponent.

The emperor didn't use his full strength, and Nexus also showed a hole card for the emperor to see.

But the emperor has no confidence in the power of Nexus after this trump card is revealed.

Because he left before he hit him.

I don't know if the emperor wearing the dark armor can be his opponent with all his strength.

There is also the power in the emperor's body that directly opposes the Brilliant Stone, the power of resentment that cannot be born...

Nexus, with his mind full of thoughts, flew towards the Kingdom of Light, and soon he bumped into the father of Ultra, Zofi and other elite fighters who flew in urgently.

Aofu, who carries almost all the current combat power of the Kingdom of Light, is ready to fight to the death.

Even if it is death, he will drag the emperor with him, and he must not be allowed to cause any harm to the Kingdom of Light today.

He is conscious.

It wasn't until he saw Nexus that Ao's father was a little surprised. He looked around and couldn't find where the emperor was, so he asked suspiciously, "Where's Ampera?"

"I had a short fight with him once, and he decided the outcome, so we each took a step back." Nexus explained.

But his plain explanation shocked the Ultra warriors who came here.

That's not a cat or a dog, it's the Emperor Ampera Star!He is the dark emperor of the universe, who almost killed the most vicious enemy of the kingdom of light.

Even Ao's father back then had to resort to tricks to draw with the emperor.

Now, you stand here unscathed, saying that you had a [-]-[-] fight with the emperor?

"Really?" Ao's father was very emotional. He knew that Nexus was very powerful, but he never thought that he could be so powerful.

That's the emperor, how can he be an ordinary opponent?

If Nexus can split [-]-[-] with the emperor, it means that he plus Nexus is enough to suppress the emperor.

I no longer have to worry that one day in the future, the emperor will conquer the Kingdom of Light and destroy the entire Kingdom of Light.

"However, I got a piece of news from him." As he said, Nexus also planned to inform Aofu about the emperor's next behavior: "He wantonly destroyed many planets with life in order to collect The power of desperate resentment and the darkness of the universe, prepare to create the strongest armor for this."

"Once this pair of armor is manufactured, as long as Ampera puts it on, no one in the entire universe will be qualified to be his opponent (Ao Wang: ?)."

"Is he thinking about it?" Father Ao didn't expect Ampera's hatred for the Kingdom of Light to be so great. He was determined to kill the Kingdom of Light.

"Since this is the case, we should uphold justice in the universe, avoid such things from happening, and destroy Ampera's conspiracy!" Parvat looked at Nexus with blue eyes, clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

"That's true, but the terrible dark army under Ampera also needs to be noticed." Ampera is not weak and weak during the Great War of Ottoman. Ten thousand years have passed, and he has already developed a magnificent army. The army is running amok in the universe, fighting all over the world.His reputation can be heard no matter where in the universe.

The Four Heavenly Kings are still the Four Heavenly Kings, but the army of monsters and aliens under the command of the Four Heavenly Kings has been expanded several times, and it is not the same as before.

"The Kingdom of Light can only do its best. We are not yet the emperor's opponent." Sophie is also very serious. He was still very young during the Great War of Ottoman, but he also witnessed the great war with his own eyes.

The impression of the emperor, apart from the condensed darkness, is the figure of Xiongba.

"The emperor entrusted me to deal with it. In the battle between me and him, one thing was confirmed, that is, we are all the same existence, and we are each other's appearance in another way." Nexus came out, He took the initiative to take the responsibility of dealing with the emperor on himself.

"You want to be alone?" Eddie said in surprise.

"If I didn't succeed at the beginning, maybe I would have become an Ambella star; and similarly, if the Ambella star met the light in the end, he might have become Ultraman Nexus." Looking around, most of the None of the Ultra fighters understood the meaning of Nexus' words, and only a few who knew what Nexus had experienced in the past would show a thoughtful look.

Ao Fu and Zuo Fei are among this kind of people.

Reminiscent of Nexus' past, combined with the meaning of his words, Aofu naturally figured out the reason why Ampera became Ampera.

If this is the case, then Nexus can become so powerful, and Ampera can become so powerful, it seems that everything is explained.

After all, carrying everyone's hope or resentment, carrying light or darkness all the way to the present, that obsession and unswerving heart is the real reason for their strength.

Compared with that, compared with the consciousness of the emperor and himself during the Great War of Ottoman, it seemed so insignificant.

And when he was responsible for the survival and destruction of the entire Kingdom of Light and the fate of all the lives in Nebula M78, he was able to compete with the emperor, and even win the battle.

Because from that moment on, the young cow... Ultra warrior Kane has transformed into the guardian of the Kingdom of Light, possessing the awareness and burden no less than that of the Ampera star.

He became the father of Ultra and shouldered the mission.

"Brother, I will always stand by your side. No matter what kind of difficulties there are, the Ott brothers will always advance and retreat together!" Tai Luo was very emotional, and he could see that he was deeply ashamed by the previous evasion.

"Then become stronger, Taro, you have to become stronger!" Patting Taro on the shoulder, Nexus said in a deep voice: "The challenges in the future will exceed your imagination, even if you destroy the entire The Kingdom of Light's crisis will also come, and the Emperor is just the beginning, not the end."

"Yes! Brother!" Tai Luo was very excited. Are you going to teach me again?

Brother Nexus, last time it was an accident, it doesn’t count, next time I will definitely let you feel my enthusiasm, my growth, my Tamashi (soul)!

Then please take a look at my...transformation! (pointing to the body on fire).


"If the emperor and I haven't met and don't know each other's identities, we may not be interested in each other, but once we meet, life and death must be separated between us."

That's right, this is the conclusion that Qianqian reached after the first duel after the meeting.

Although the Kingdom of Light's is dazzling, the incandescent light is dazzling, but it's just annoying.

The existence of Nexus and the light on him made the emperor feel dazzling, and even made his mentality unbalanced.

They are the other sides of each other, the most similar but most different companions in this world.

"In any case, our days will be difficult in the future, and everyone must prepare. Since he appears, the Dark Legion will definitely take action." Although Aofu was helpless, he still shouldered this responsibility.

The reappearance of the emperor also represents the continuation of the war, and the peace of the universe that the Kingdom of Light strives to maintain will eventually be burned.

(End of this chapter)

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