Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 530 A certain star's savior's retirement life in the country of light

Chapter 530 A certain star's savior's retirement life in the Kingdom of Light

A ball of light energy was condensed with one hand, and it turned into an ax in an instant. In the raging flames, Taro jumped up with the ax in his hand and slashed at Nexus.

But this move inherited from Nexus, of course, has no effect on him.

The Storm Sword stored energy for a short time, and the frozen air of the freezing beam condensed in the sword body, and Nexus swung it out with a backhand.

The extremely cold crescent shock wave collided with the flame slashing axe in an instant, and the extreme conflicting forces erupted into a strong confrontation.

The smoke and dust suddenly rose, and the two attacks dissipated at the same time. What was going on in this Ultra Fighting Arena belonged to the battle between Nexus and Taylor.

The inward vortex was swallowed by the flames, and instead of running up with the Ultra Bomb in an attempt to self-destruct, it extracted part of the power from its own horns to form an arrow-shaped cursor and shot out, intending to hit Nexus.

Nexus stood in front of him armed and blocked Taro's attack.

Nexus took a step back, dodging Taylor's chasing fist, and at the same time changed his feet one after another, continuously changing his position to avoid all Taylor's attacks, until he was forced to the edge of the virtual arena, Nexus Si flew up and passed over Taylor's head.

What Taylor was waiting for was this opportunity. After quickly accumulating power and getting ready for the posture, the Slim light was used immediately, and it was the light that had been charged to maximize its power. It was absolutely no small matter.

Taylor aimed at the moment when Nexus landed, and at that moment Nexus had absolutely no way to defend.

If the timing is right, Nexus will definitely take this move.

But in the end, the stream light passed Nexus, because Nexus stayed in midair for a moment, and it was this moment that the stream light passed under Nexus's feet first. But hit the open space.

The floor of the unique virtual arena absorbs the power of stream light, so that the field will not be blown away.

"The timing is good, but the gesture of shaking forward is unnecessary. Do you really think I'm blind and don't know what you're going to do?" After landing, Nexus raised the Storm Sword in his hand, which he used against the ground just now After hitting the crescent shock wave, he used that recoil force to force himself to stay in the sky for a moment longer, which caused Taylor's plan to fail.

"Although the simple Slim doesn't do enough damage, it's good if it can hit people." Turning around, Nexus directly used the cross storm, without any power and no swing forward, and came out of his hand.

"You don't want to kill me in seconds, do you?"

During Nexus' questioning, Taro avoided the cross storm with a ground roll technique, and at the same time a sliding shovel was ready to attack Nexus' chassis.

Flames blazed from the leggings, and Nexus stood still, waiting for Taro's slider to arrive.

As long as he dared to come, his atomic kick would definitely kick Tai Luo directly in the face.

Tai Luo, who had a full understanding of the power of the atomic flying kick, didn't want to experience this move for himself, so he hurriedly turned his body to his side to cancel the attack.

But he canceled it, Nexus did not.

Striding forward, the power of the atomic kick left scorched black marks on the ground of the virtual arena. The moment Taro deflected his body and just got up, Nexus jumped up and kicked over. .

At the moment of crisis, Taro blocked the Ultra Crown on his wrist from becoming huge, and crossed his hands to resist the gap.

The strength of the crown cannot be broken by atomic kicks. In addition, Nexus has reservations. Taro only endured the powerful impact of this move, and was pushed all the way to slide backwards. Finally, he was Rolled out outside the arena.

The whole person hit the wall in reality, smashing a sunken pothole on the glass-like transparent glass wall.Only then did Taro rub his wrists, and walked out of the sunken pothole.

"Even if I block it, I can't bear the impact?" After being kicked out of the virtual arena, Tai Luo really had no love.

No matter how many times he faced this trick, the deterrence brought by the atomic kick was always so exaggerated.

"It's also the gap between getting up and landing, why I succeeded and you failed, Taylor, do you understand?" Calming down the restless light energy in the body, the system of the virtual arena judged that this battle was won by Nexus , after releasing the simulation state, Nexus who returned to reality pulled Tyro up and asked seriously.

"Because my action prepared you, and the atomic kick didn't have any forward swing at all." Taylor shook his head, and the lesson this time was considered painful.

Although Slim's full power is powerful, it is also difficult to hit people.

"Also, when I saw my brother use the atomic kick, I canceled the attack. I thought my brother was going to wait for my attack and then counterattack, but my brother chose to rush forward beyond my expectation."

Taylor shook his head, trying to wake himself up a bit: "Because of my misjudgment, my brother's attack was already approaching when I turned around. I couldn't prepare for the attack, and I lost in the end."

"That's right, don't speculate on other people's behavior based on what you take for granted. In battle, what you think is what you think, but it's not like that." Patting Taylor on the shoulder, Nexus said approvingly .

"This is the end of today's battle. You go to the Silver Cross team for treatment. After you digest the results of today's battle, come to me for training."

"Yes! Brother!" Tai Luo cheered up his depressed mood. Although he was indeed defeated, this kind of failure was a defeat in training.As long as you know this play and correct it, you will become stronger and gain an experience.

Although the effect was not great for a while, after a long period of time, I was gradually getting stronger, instead of standing still.

One day, I will be able to reach the level of brother Nexus.

"Come on." After reassuring Taylor and watching Taylor leave, Nexus turned around, his milky white eyes scanned the audience, looking for him to beat... the one who needs special training little young.

Not daring to look directly into Nexus' eyes, a group of Otto youngsters trembled, for fear that Nexus would call them by name and call him up and get beaten.

Who dares to come forward at this time?Didn't you see that all the instructors of Tai Luo were defeated?
Do you want to go to the Silver Cross team to talk to Instructor Taylor?

"Brother Nexus, I have learned atomic kicking!" At this time, the door of the Otto Fighting Arena was pushed open, and Mebius happily ran in, jumping into the room without saying a word. Before stepping onto the stage, he shouted excitedly: "Brother Nexus, let's take a look at my training results during this period of time!"


Although Mengbius is a bit silly, compared to those young fighters who only dare to shrink their heads and dare not go on stage, Xiaomeng is already very good.

Although he himself may be too stupid to have this concept...

Facing Xiaomeng, Nexus cherished him, but he couldn't help being strict.

Xiaomeng is his favorite junior, and to cultivate Xiaomeng into a warrior who integrates body and mind, making Mengbius stronger than the original, is Nexus' current goal.

"Okay, then you use the atomic kick on me, and I'll see how you're doing." With that said, Nexus sank down, ready to face the impact.

"Ah? How can I attack my brother?" Xiaomeng turned pale with shock, and waved her hands one after another: "No, no, just use a mimic monster."

"The mimic monster can't tell how it feels after being kicked, just like Ace doesn't know whether the super beast feels pain when it is hacked to death by a guillotine." Nexus shook his head and said persistently : "If I don't experience it personally, how will I know if you have learned the essence?"

"Don't worry, I can take it."

"...Then...then I'm coming!" Although she didn't have much confidence, Xiao Meng secretly clenched her fists to cheer herself up.

Mebius, come on!
You must let your brother see your growth. The reason for your hard work during this period of time is to let your brother praise you!

 Ace: I really know that when a super beast is hacked to death by a guillotine, there is no pain (serious face)
(End of this chapter)

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