Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 532 Source: After being the savior for a lifetime, can't you enjoy it?

Chapter 532: After being the savior for a lifetime, can't you enjoy it?


A familiar explosion resounded in the sky, accompanied by shouts from far to near and the body of Ultraman falling from the sky, Mebius fell heavily on the barren land of the Star of Kings, landed extremely elastic and even turned upside down a bit.

The raised hand seemed to want to grab something, but in the end it fell down helplessly.

After landing on the ground, Leo hurriedly ran to Mebius' side. He never expected that Mebius would dare to come up to catch his flying kick, and he still used the same kicking technique to deal with it.

Leo could see that Mebius's kicking skills were also very powerful, but limited by Mebius' own strength, he could not display his true strength. Therefore, in the confrontation, Mebius would of course only lose. this way.

But defeat is defeat, what does it mean to directly hedge against my Leo Fei kick?
When Leo noticed Mebius' behavior, it was too late for him to pull back.

Although Leo, who was educating his apprentice for the first time, was uncertain about the strength of his attack, he still had reservations.

If he really went all out, he might even kick the current Mebius to death.

"Hey, Mebius! How dare you take it hard! Hey!" Leo anxiously came to Mebius's side and hugged him, very nervous and scared.

This is not when he was on TV back then, when Leo Fei kicked Ace's head and just jioed it.

At this time, if he really kicked a young junior from the Kingdom of Light, Leo himself would not be able to forgive himself.

Mebius's timer has already started to blink, and the milky white eyes are dimmed, obviously seriously injured.

Seeing Mebius like this now, Leo was even more worried, holding Mebius in his arms and preparing to move towards the Kingdom of Light.

But just as Leo had this plan, the King of Ultra suddenly appeared beside Mebius, even holding a hammer in his hand.

The Wanbao Hammer, Leo still recognizes this thing, after all, it was the baby who showed special abilities to free him from the curse of witchcraft.

The Wanbao Hammer tapped lightly, and the golden light particles were injected into Mebius' body by the Wanbao Hammer, repairing the wounds on his body and the light energy consumed in his body.

King Ao made a move, and Mebius couldn't die even if he wanted to.

Seeing that Mebius gradually came back to life under the Wanbao Hammer, Leo's heart was finally calmed down.

"It's okay." The Wanbao hammer fell for the last time, and Mebius returned to his full state. King Ao didn't say much, but focused on Leo: "This is the first time you teach a junior, You will always have this experience in the future.”

"Mebius has great potential, you can teach him with confidence."

"Yes, Wang! I already understand what kind of strength I should use." After almost kicking Mebius to death, Leo also knew how much strength he used to fight back. It was within the tolerance range of Mebius.


After King Ao finished speaking, the king's cloak wrapped his body and disappeared in the star of the king in an instant, and he didn't know where he went in the blink of an eye.

Leo was very grateful for King Ao's help. If it wasn't for King Ao, if he rushed to the Kingdom of Light, Mebius would have died.

Putting Mebius aside, Leo sat cross-legged beside him, as calm and motionless as a stone.

He guards Mebius, waiting for him to wake up.

Since the king has said that Mebius is a man who can be made, and he can teach him with confidence, Leo also abandons his worries and decides to teach Mebius his skills.


On the Kingdom of Light side, Nexus is working with Hikari to signal his home...

Of course, Hikari was still very dissatisfied when he was dragged out of the laboratory, but no matter how dissatisfied he could only bear it, after all, he still had to ask Saori.

It was Nexus Shikali who glanced casually from the slightly opened corner of the laboratory door, and seemed to see Bemonstein tied to the laboratory table, howling and begging for mercy.

Especially the tube made of unknown material, all protruding from Bemonstein's belly button!
Although that thing was Bemonstein's other mouth, it was still inexplicably shocking to Nexus.

Even with him along the way, he didn't dare to chat with Hikari.

After the signal was settled, Shika hurriedly wanted to go back to the laboratory, and at this moment, Tyro hurried over, saying that Seven sent the Ultra signature on the earth.

It was sent with its own few light energy.

Seven: Let Shikali wash his neck and wait, I will put an ice ax on his head when I come back in a few years!
This is probably the meaning expressed by Otto's signature. Taro and Nexus looked inexplicable, but Hikari didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and even ran away with a smile.

And judging from the direction he was heading, it was clear that he planned to go to Seven's house.

...Is this guy planning to take out all of Seven's monster capsules?
Saori is very happy to have a TV to watch. She is ready to be a house girl when she is not going to go out.

After giving Mebius to Leo, Nexus had nothing to do, so Yuanquan appeared in the room and began to use the small virtual training room for his own training.

Of course, the bigger reason is that Yuanquan is worried that Saori is at home alone.

The ghost knows whether she has kept her promise not to watch some inexplicable emotional and ethical dramas between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

If I continue to watch this kind of stuff and my mind is broken, then who can I turn to for reasoning?
Speaking of which, you are obviously a young girl, why do you like to watch this kind of thing!

The source of my incomprehension can only be attributed to the concept that the emotions in this type of TV series are very rich and help Saori grow up.

Of course, apart from being rich in emotions, the Three Views cannot be guaranteed.

After a long absence, there was a source of hot sweat. After taking a shower after exercising, I lay comfortably on the sofa and didn't want to move at all.

At this moment, a little white foot stretched out and placed it on Yuanquan's lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious what I mean?" Saori adjusted her sitting posture and said lazily, "Give me a pinch~"

"Then you're probably disappointed. I, Yuan, have never served others in my life, never before, and never again!" Yuanquan patted Sazhi's calf: "Get up!"

"I don't! I want to!" Su Bai's little feet lifted up, pushing against Yuanquan's belly.It made him so impatient.

Evil thoughts sprang up in his heart, and with a malicious smile, Yuanquan grabbed Saori's ankle and began to scratch the soles of her feet.

After scratching for a long time, I couldn't hear Saori's laughter, so Yuanquan looked over belatedly.

"Why? Looking at me with that kind of eyes?" Saori felt hairy from being watched by Yuanquan, and tried to pull her calf back, but couldn't do it at all.

"Oh~ so you're not ticklish." Yuanquan seemed to have suddenly realized: "I said it earlier, then I won't give up this idea."

"Then why are you grabbing my feet? Let go, I don't want you to wait on me!" Feeling a little bit of crisis, Saori now just wants to escape from Yuanquan's side.

Whenever the guy laughs like that, it's not a good thing.

But how could the source of suffering make Saori escape as he wished?

Without further ado, Yuan lifted his foot and placed it on Sazhikong's other thigh.

"Come on, let me be comfortable too."

"The wait is over, I will give you a lot of rewards!"

(End of this chapter)

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