Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 533 Dagu: Me, I always eat what's in the bowl, thinking about what's in the pot

Chapter 533 Dagu: I always eat from the bowl and think of the pot

After a while of flying around, the source disappeared and was replaced by Nexus standing on the street.

Of course, there are some things that people can't see when they are in human form, such as torn clothes and things like that.

Anyway, if he had to say it, Nexus could only say that Jaden of Light was really very clever.

If his physique hadn't been strengthened several times by the light, if he was really in human form, then he would have been eaten to death by Saori.

But fortunately, if you can't provoke yourself, you can hide. Anyway, as long as you run away, no matter how far away Saori is, it's impossible for Saori to target you.

Standing on the street thinking about the source of inexplicable things, I suddenly felt heart palpitations. At the same time, the Brilliant Stone shone with a little light, as if it wanted to tell Nexus something.

Looking at the Brilliant Stone in his hand, Nexus couldn't understand the meaning of the Brilliant Stone, and he didn't even know what happened.

At this moment, the Brilliant Stone projected a golden dotted line, piercing through the Kingdom of Light, even through the M78 nebula, directly reaching the deepest part of the universe, even... beyond the universe.

Nexus didn't care about explaining anything to anyone, so he put on the king's cloak and followed the end of the line.

So he left the Kingdom of Light almost in a very short period of time, leaving only an Autograph, which was his answer to Hikari and the others.

The Brilliant Stone is the protection of the earth and the blessing of life. This thing is of great significance to him. Now that the Brilliant Stone has changed, how could Nexus not take it to heart immediately?

The king's cloak pierced through the space, carrying Nexus' body and galloping all the way, almost passing through the barrier of the universe in the blink of an eye, and came to the outside of the universe.

Just like the scene seen by Sailo breaking through the universe and standing in the multiverse in the legend of the super galaxy, it is not the first time that Nexus has come here, following the line leading to another universe, Naike Seth turned into a ball of light and chased after him.

It’s just that he didn’t think much about his flight route at first, but the more he flew, the more familiar Nexus felt, as if he had traveled this route before.

It wasn't until he saw a large condensed dark vortex that Nexus suddenly remembered that this road was where he was teleported out of time and space after being attacked by a golden dragon before, and when he met Faust and fought, he Chase and kill Faust all the way to the Showa Universe route.

In other words, the ultimate end of this road is very likely to be in the Tiga universe, which is the universe that I rushed out of before.

"Dijia Universe... Dagu... Are you calling me?" After trying to figure out where the end of his road was, Yuanquan immediately thought of Dagu.

The scenes of working together and fighting side by side in the past are still vivid, as if it just happened not long ago.

And when I woke up from the memories, I realized that it had been a long time ago.

Daegu...is he married to Rina now?And everyone in the victory team, Captain Xibi and the others, should have formed a super victory team by now.

The one active on Earth now is Ultraman Dyna, right?

I really haven't gone back for a long time.

Missing is like a jar of old wine, once it is opened, there is no possibility of restraining it anymore. All kinds of memories from the past come to my mind. The posture of fighting and the peace of mind together constitute memories, which makes Nexus fly faster. few.

Return to Tiga Universe, see Dagu and the others again?

I have been away for so long, everyone, do you still remember him?

In ancient times, there were people on Earth who saved the world and immigrated to Mars as veteran vegetable farmers. Now, people from Mars who returned to Earth wrote Triga and read it as Nexus.

Of course, this wave is really a tribute.

Although I don't know what the relationship between Tiga and Triga is.

Anyway, the Martian old farmer looked at the red sky, recalling the battles in front of him, and the memories evoked by his thoughts made him smile.

Although it is said that he can become Ultraman again now, the transformation process is of course not worth talking about.

The main reason is that Dagu really didn't expect that Faust had already been killed, but he never expected that there are dark giants in this world.

And unlike the dark giant like Faust, this time the dark giant is still his old lover.

...actually Tiga's old lover.

But Dagu is Dijia, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that he is Dagu's old lover.

Yuanquan flew into the universe in a plasma Baishi and disappeared at the end of people's sight. Then Dagu, whose identity was almost exposed because of Lina's howl, naturally became the kind that could not survive on the earth.

You said you can't become Ultraman anymore?Isn't that just right?

If you can still become an Ultraman, I really dare not come to you.

Dagu faced the same experience as Yuanquan, Yuanquan was forced to leave the earth, and he also made the same choice, especially after cleaning up the mess of digging out the ultra-ancient hereditary Luluye for TPC, Dagu planned to I will never return to Earth in this life.

Different from the plot of the final jihad, although he also lost the magic light stick and transformed with the dark magic light stick, but Dagu’s experience is different from the original one. He has part of the light of the source in his body after merging with the source. legacy.

That is the qualification certificate for the pilot of the special space plane N, and it is also the driver's license of the Guga pilot. Could it be an ordinary thing?
In short, Dagu, who transformed into a composite Tiga with a black god light stick, went straight into Luluye, beat Dalam into a daba, and beat Hiram into a pulp.

When I finally met Camilla, I still couldn't bear to do it.

Although he didn't have the heart to do it, he still had to give her a beating. Otherwise, if Camila's mind was always unclear and entangled, wouldn't she be a numb claw?

So after hammering Camilla, Dagu, who watched Camilla wanting to merge into Dimojero and fought side by side with Yuanquan, subconsciously stopped Camilla's behavior.

After all, having fought side by side with Yuan for countless times, Dagu still has the awareness of this aspect.

After being prevented from merging, Camilla also seemed to have regained consciousness, and ran away screaming.

Dagu didn't care, after sinking Luluye back into the bottom of the sea, Dagu returned to his normal life.

But the problem lies in the follow-up, the wedding scene between him and Lina.

They had already sworn testimony and even exchanged rings.

Unexpectedly, Camilla popped out!
When she opened the door and came up, she just said that she disagreed, which directly turned the wedding scene into a silent scene, and Dagu was completely confused on the spot.

Then, it was Camila who swore her love for Dagu, and said that only she is qualified to get married, because they have a love that lasted 3000 million years.

A good wedding scene has turned into a snatching scene, and the one robbing is the groom!
Seeing this scene, Xincheng beat his chest and stomped his feet, wishing he could close his eyes immediately.

why!Why did the scene of two daughters fighting for husband appear and even let me see it?
I don't have a girlfriend in Xincheng yet!
In short, the result is that although Dagu is still living with Lina, Camila has not given up and insists on living with Dagu, even if Dagu disagrees.

Later, the alien girls Lucia and Maya cast envious eyes on Camilla who showed such courage.

They don't have the courage.

Otherwise, how can we say that Dagu is a man with a lot of sins?Obviously they have two wives, and even have children, but they are still looking at the sky of Mars and thinking about another person.

Even a man.

Men, marrying Lina is responsible for their own feelings, and Camilla...

"Yuan, where are you in the universe now?" Thinking of those years when another person fought with him, Dagu's eyes showed feelings and longing.

Dagu, who was immersed in such thoughts, didn't notice that in the room behind him, Camilla and Lina looked at him faintly through the crack of the door.

And the sound of scissors rubbing against the blades of the two people's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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