Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 534 is no longer the TPC of the Earth Peace Organization

Chapter 534 is no longer the TPC of the Earth Peace Organization
Dagu on Mars actually did not expect that a very difficult battle broke out on the earth at this moment, especially when the Star Destroyer Prometheus made by humans was controlled by humans, it fell into a stalemate.

It can only be said to be a feature of the Tiga universe. Human beings always don't know how to repent, and always want to develop stronger weapons to destroy all enemies.

And this point, even if Ultraman Dyna is fighting now, it is not enough.

The powerful power can only be at ease when you control it in your own hands. Instead of expecting Ultraman, it is better to hold this powerful power in your own hands.

The life and death crisis of human beings can be solved by human beings themselves.

Now that Director Sawai and Director Ji Gang have both retired, the top management of TPC has been completely occupied by the hawks.The balanced situation where the two powers once stood side by side was broken at this moment.

The upper position of the hawks means that TPC will eventually go to the organization that was only for war, and it will no longer be a United Earth Organization.

The voice of the doves has been very weak, and they have even been pushed to the fringes.

Among them, Captain Jianhui, who stepped down as the captain of the victory team and was promoted, has the most say.

Speaking of which, she was already a member of the top management of tpc, but because she didn't agree with the concept of the current director of tpc, she was eventually left idle.It looks like an executive, but in fact he has nothing to do all day long.

The rest of the winning team were all dispersed and scattered to various positions in the tpc.

The members of the victory team who once fought for the peace of the earth have long been separated, and they may not see each other for several years or even decades.

The victorious team has become the past tense, replaced by the newly created super victorious team, which is added on the basis of the original victorious team.

As for why there is a super victorious team, it is true that everyone in the original victorious team has expired, but the bigger reason is that after the new director came to power, he cultivated and organized his own team, thus eliminating the previous director Sawai. people.

The hawks never make any sense to others. People who have only one idea in their minds cannot imagine or think about the result of failure.

But it can't be said that the top position of the Hawk Faction is completely useless, especially in these years, the development of technological weapons inside TPC has exploded like an explosion. The Shengli Feiyan EJ, which was once the most advanced airframe, has now been eliminated. Know how many versions of the model are behind.

The Victory Feiyan was retired early and became a training body.

The most powerful warship of TPC, Artdis, has long since become a thing of the past, and even the entire hull has been idled, and its attack is no longer needed.

Human weapons have been greatly improved. Over the years, even if Ultraman is lost, in the face of these increasingly powerful weapons, neither the aliens nor monsters can cause much damage to humans.

Powerful weapons wiped out those intruders and protected humans, and then the hawks had a greater say in TPC, and then developed more weapons, and then eliminated more and stronger monsters.

This is already a cycle, and the human beings caught in this deadlock seem to have completely ignored what awaits them at the end of this road.

Lost is never a person's business.

Against such a background, the current captain of the Super Victory Team, that is, the old captain of Yuanquan back then, Xibi Gangsuke is the most sober figure in the Hawks.

From that era, Xibi Gangsuke never imagined that in just eight years, TPC would become what it is now.

Once, he was under the command of Director Ji Gang and a member of the Hawk Faction.But now, compared with the current hawks, Xibi Gangzhu is more like a dove.

With a clear mind, he is extremely disappointed with the current TPC, but as the captain of the Super Victory Team, he must control the power of the Super Victory Team in his own hands, otherwise, those crazy guys will control the Super Victory Team, ghosts Know what they can do?
Struggling to maintain this outstanding and clear understanding, Xibigang helped to pull the wrecked ship along the way.

Now, eight years later, as human beings explore the universe and are about to surpass the solar system, new enemies are coming.

Sfia, this strange creature that came from nowhere has become the first obstacle hindering human beings from exploring the universe, and even the safety of life.

It seems that human beings are difficult to fight against this kind of creature. No matter what kind of weapon is in the face of these guys, it will not work at all.

However, it is like a cycle. When new enemies appear, new fighters will naturally appear.

Ultraman Dyna, the third Ultraman who appeared on Mars and appeared in front of the world, became a partner of the Super Victory Team to fight side by side.He shouldered the responsibility of fighting against Sfia and protecting human beings.

Whenever seeing Ultraman Dyna, everyone seems to think of the battle between your two Ultraman fighters.

They performed miracles that no one will forget even now.

The appearance of Dyna also stimulated the inside of TPC. The brand-new Ultra fighters represented a brand-new crisis, and for the first time there were differences among the Hawks.

Whether to find out Ultraman's true identity first, or continue to develop weapons.

In the end, the result of the discussion was to have everything.

As a result, Prometheus, a brand-new star destroyer, was born, which was transformed from the Artdis. The whole body is made of unknown special metals, which has quite strong resistance.

It itself is driven by the brand-new Max power system developed eight years later as the main driving energy, which is listed as a forbidden and even envied power in the universe. Eight years ago, a trace of power was initially revealed huge potential.

And now, eight years later, tpc, which has never given up on the research on the Max power system, has developed the Max power system to a deeper level.

It is no longer a driving force, pushing human beings towards the universe, exploring the unknown and opening up the hope of the future.

It is now used as a weapon, the strongest weapon to push human beings to fulfill their ambitions and destroy all enemies.

The Pandora's box, which was opened since the battle against Mechanical Island, has never been closed so far.

And now it seems that there is no need to close it.

The Prometheus, which appeared for the first time, showed great strength. The main gun was charged for only a moment, and it killed the enemy that could not be destroyed by Dyna's nirvana - Solget's light.

The display of this power gave Staff Gondo full confidence in the warship he developed.

Human beings no longer need Ultraman Dyna, human beings have to rely on themselves to protect themselves!
Holding this powerful experience in your hands is proof of peace of mind.

Staff Gondo was satisfied, but Kihigosuke was very worried about it. No one knew better than him how great harm it would cause if he had great power but didn't have the heart to match it.

He is Xibi Gangzhu, a veteran of the three dynasties who has gone from the tpc of the old era to the tpc of the new era, and has come to the tpc of today.

He was also the captain of the Nexus Ultraman human body-source.

Therefore, when everyone in the Super Victory Team was invited by the staff of Gonto to visit the arsenal on the island of Cremos, when they learned that the Prometheus was independently developed and improved by humans, Kihigosuke felt this There is always a familiar sense of déjà vu in routines.

He guessed in his heart that this wave was going to be bad.

(End of this chapter)

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