Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 541 When you shouted that slogan, you were hungry

Chapter 541 When you shouted that slogan, you were hungry
Camilla's request to invite the battle was eventually rejected, of course, not by Yuanquan, but by Dagu.

Just because of Dagu's words, Camilla snorted coldly, transformed from a giant back to a human body, stood beside Dagu, and even stood between the two of them quite angrily. He stared at the source with cold warning eyes.

It seems to be saying that as long as Yuanquan dares to take a step forward, she will immediately make Yuanquan look good.

"Can you still transform now?" Yuanquan didn't care about Camilla's eyes that wanted to kill him, and asked Dagu instead.

In fact, if Dagu didn't stop her, if there was a fight, Camilla would probably get fatter from the beating.

"You can still transform after getting the magic light stick again." Dagu glanced at Camilla beside him, how did this new magic light stick come from, but it was a friendly gift from Miss Camilla beside him.

Of course, she probably didn't expect that she did not become a Tiga of Darkness, but a composite Tiga of Light.

Of course, he himself didn't expect that after transforming with this thing and showing his ability to become Ultraman Tiga, Camilla would keep pestering him.

You must know that Lina is not the kind of person who will share her husband with other women.

And Camilla is definitely not the kind of woman who will let the person she likes have sex with other women.

So this led to the fact that, except for the night of the wedding, when Dagu and Lina accomplished a good deed, in the eight years since then, Dagu has never had sex once!
The truth is outrageous enough.

Just such a crime, Dagu didn't even know what he did to become like this.

Fortunately, his marksmanship is accurate, and with one shot, he successfully impregnated Lina and gave birth to a daughter named Guang. Otherwise, Dagu would have collapsed long ago.

"So do you know what happened on Earth?"

"On Earth? What happened?" Dagu was quite curious about Yuanquan's words. He really didn't know what happened on Earth. After all, he was so busy with his own affairs that he couldn't find time to care about other things. .

Yuanquan knew it would be like this, so he told Dagu what happened on the earth during this period of time, and even told him Dyna's identity.

While listening to Yuanquan's narration, Dagu changed from being confused to stunned, and finally turned into a dignified expression.

"That is to say, the TPC on the earth is about to suffer its own consequences?" Dagu had a headache. He knew that the TPC was no longer the original TPC, but he did not expect it to become like this.

It seemed that his plan to leave the earth was right, otherwise, he really couldn't stand it.

"The new giant of light, Dyna, I know, but did he lose to Desfasa twice?" Dagu didn't expect this, losing twice?Both times they went back in full condition, you call this a defeat?
Thinking back when he and Yuanquan were fighting monsters back then, once they were defeated, neither of them would be covered in injuries, and they were even beaten several times and lay in the hospital for several months to recuperate.

As a result, you lost twice in a row, and your state was completely alive and kicking, so you lost the courage to fight?

You lost the fart!
Look at your sleek uniform, I'm ashamed to say it!

"Before I came here, I taught him a little bit. This time he should be that guy's opponent." Yuanquan said, and quietly approached Dagu, even if Camilla came forward with wide eyes, He also completely ignored.

"Dagu, in fact Dyna is not a new giant of light. You may not know that Dyna was already in the universe when you became Tiga and I became Nexus." Then, Yuanquan told Dagu Ting about this unknown incident, that is, Dyna had appeared a long time ago, and when Nexus and Tiga were fighting to death on the earth, Dyna had been in the universe all the time. Let Dagu know all about the wandering.

At first, Dagu didn't take it seriously, and even clapped his hands when he heard the surprise.

But the more he listened, the more strange Dagu's face became, and even at the end, Dagu's face became completely gloomy, and his dark face seemed to drip black water from the Dead Sea.

"That guy is flying like a bird." The more he listened, Dagu felt his fists became harder and harder.

Nima's, obviously capable, has become an Ultraman but still won't come back in the universe, especially when the earth is facing the crisis of annihilation, she just looks at it in the universe and doesn't care.

You deserve to be called Ultra Warrior?
"Yuan, his training should not be completed yet." Dagu, whose fists were getting harder and harder, couldn't bear it anymore. Since Asuka was hopeless, but the father's debt was repaid, Asuka must pay for it. generation
Ahem, it's not the price, but my ancient superman, as a senior, I want to tell Asuka, a young man who has just become a giant of light, some things, and give him some tricks by the way.

Impossible, my ancient superman is the driver of Ultraman Guja, the incarnation of light, how could I be so stingy?

".That's right, I still have a lot of tricks that I haven't given him." As expected of the person who once merged into one and pulled out the evolution trustee to create miracles together, when Dagu said this, Yuanquan immediately reacted and took over On the words, the tacit understanding is perfect.

"Then count me in, and I'll teach him some skills, anyway, I have a lot of skills." Dagu geared up, looking forward to it.

We must know that he and Yuanquan went hand in hand at the beginning, and we grew up together.But now a bright opportunity to be a senior is in front of him, Da Gu will definitely not give up.

And still
"Huh? Yuan?!" Dagu and Yuan reached a consensus by giving thumbs up at the same time. At this moment, the side door opened, and Lina walked in holding the hand of a little girl.

The moment she saw the source, she was startled first, and then became 12 vigilant.

This sudden vigilance made Yuanquan, who was about to raise his hand to say hello, suddenly froze.

It's not that you, Lina, don't think that I will grab Dagu with you, like Camilla, do you?

You are all modern people, so your thinking is not so rigid, right?
Think about it, I'm a man!

"Yo, Lina, we haven't seen each other for a long time." No matter what, Yuanquan said hello first. If he cares about those, doesn't he really mean that?
"Who is this"

"This is Dagu and I's daughter, Xiaoguang, come on, this is Uncle Yuan." Lina took Xiaoguang's hand, and pushed her to Yuanquan in her arms.

"I didn't expect that I was already an uncle." Yuanquan was a little embarrassed, Dagudu got married and had a baby, and he is still single until now.
"Hello, Uncle." Xiaoguang showed no sign of fear, but instead looked up at the source, his innocent eyes were full of curiosity about this uncle he had never seen before.

"Hey, Xiaoguang~" Hugging Xiaoguang up, Yuanquan smiled brilliantly.

Who wouldn't like such a cute girl?

"It's already here, just stay here and have a meal before leaving." Lina took Camilla's hand and said with a smile: "Dagu, treat Yuan well, and we will cook."


Dagu nodded, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

And when Lina and Camilla left, Yuanquan hugged Xiaoguang and approached Dagu, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, I said Dagu, what's going on with Camilla? You two "

As he said that, Yuanquan made a gesture of bending his thumb down, and matched with his winking expression, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

"It's a long story." Speaking of the beginning of this miserable life, Dagu had countless bitterness to vomit.

In the past, it was Yuanquan who complained to him, but now, it was finally his turn to be the one to complain.

And when the two former saviors were doing homework on Mars, the Asuka on the earth had already taken off his helmet in the ruins, and rushed to the battlefield with a gun in his hand.

With passion, go forward!

(End of this chapter)

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