Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 542 Please stop your French behavior

Chapter 542 Please stop your French behavior
Because the equipment of the Victory Condor has been hacked, the Super Victory Team can only drive the vehicle to fight on the ground, and this will not cause much damage.

Even the laser cannon carried by the Hypa Sherlock can only do so much damage to Desfasa.

What?You said why didn't the ground troops put a shot aside to watch the show?

Of course, the Monera Stars have already prepared the way to deal with the ground troops. Desfassa rushed out from the ground and tore up the ground troops' front, so that the ground troops, which is an old-fashioned lineup, were destroyed in an instant. Not even the slightest resistance.

The Monera star people have plunged human beings into utter despair. When all weapons and equipment are useless, and the strongest cutting-edge weapons are aimed at human beings, they now realize that the only thing they can do is wait for death, or , is waiting for the rescue of Ultraman Dyna who has failed twice.

In the end, human beings, after all, can only be like this?
In the despair of human beings, Ultraman Dyna appeared in brilliance. Even though he was defeated twice, Ultraman Dyna still had the courage to face difficulties.

Although it was only regained after being inspired by others, some people can't arouse this kind of courage even at this time.

Facing the enemy that made him afraid again, Dyna fought cautiously, knowing that his battle memory was stolen by Desfasa, and his fighting skills were almost completely cracked by it. What Dyna has to do now is to abandon all previous battles Skills, put into battle in a whole new way.

It's tough, especially with established habits that don't come off the table.Desfasa's power suppresses Dyna, even if it is switched to a strong type, it still seems difficult.

But this difficulty did not last long in the end. After Dyna gradually adapted to his new fighting rhythm, Desfasa's data was already useless and became a backward data.

This also caused Desfasa to go through a period of calculation during the battle, and this little delay gave Dyna a chance to breathe.

The powerful Dyna waved his fists, and punched Desfasa's body one after another, destroying Desfasa's body with pits and sparks flying everywhere.

Probably the people from Monera also knew that Desfasa had reached the last moment, and continuing to fight would not bring any harm to Dyna, so they took the initiative to activate Desfasa's nirvana, which is the Nai on the chest. Omax Cannon, has a one-hit destroy an island main cannon launcher.

According to Dyna's combat experience in the past, when facing this cannon, Dyna didn't dare to meet it at all, and even fled in embarrassment.It can be seen that Dyna can't take this trick.

This is also the last resort of the Monera Stars.

But that was the cowardice that Dyna had, not what Dyna would have now.

During the charging process of the Neomax cannon, Dyna raised his fist, gathered the light energy, and rushed directly towards the position he was afraid of, and then punched through the main muzzle of the Neomax cannon. Matched Desfassa.

Sparks flew, and Desfasa's body was severely injured. Even the Monera star couldn't do it if he wanted to manipulate Desfasa to blow himself up.

Dyna, who faced his own fears, finally destroyed Desfassa with a powerful special move - Garnett Bombing, completely annihilating him.

Seeing that Dyna turned defeat into victory, the people who were sent to the refuge cheered loudly, because the Giant of Light once again saved the world, because the Giant of Light once again brought hope to the world.

But among them, only Staff Gonto was very unwilling. If it wasn't because Kisaragi was controlled by aliens, this power should have been used by humans...

After the battle, Dyna wanted to fly away.

But today, he must be treated like the new generation of Terika.

Halfway through the flight, his hands were entangled by two tentacles, he was pulled back involuntarily, and was locked in the belly of a creature.

And at the foot of the Tokyo land, when the soil was broken and the buildings were destroyed, it was the queen Monera who was rooted in the ground and absorbed the strength to thrive, that is, the main body of the Monera star.

Standing 258 meters high, it looks like a plant creature, with swinging tentacles capable of destroying a building with every blow.

Dyna is kept inside her main body, behind a coral-shaped belly.

The Monera star absorbed Dyna's light energy and inflicted heavy damage on him, and quickly consumed Dyna's light energy, causing Dyna's timer to go out, losing the brilliance of life, and thus dimmed.

In the eyes of outsiders, Dyna is dead, after all, the timer is not on.

But in fact, Dyna's light energy was exhausted and he fell into a coma.

Dyna's timer would re-ignite as long as there was an infusion of light energy, and he would wake up from the coma again.

Queen Monera captured and killed Dyna, cutting off the last hope of mankind. Then, as long as she infiltrated the root system into the earth's core and gained the power of the earth, this planet will be their Monera from now on. Starman's.

And before that, it needs to wean off human struggle.

At the opening and closing position like a flower above the head, the destructive light energy is already gestating, accompanied by the spread of light bullets in a circle, destroying all the buildings within a radius of 1000 meters of Queen Monera herself. Everything was completely destroyed in the sweep of the bullet.

Tokyo simply issued an evacuation notice a long time ago, and everyone sneaked into the underground shelter. Queen Monera's devastating attack only destroyed the building without hurting anyone.

Queen Monera's manic laughter echoed over Tokyo, and people were outraged, but there was really nothing they could do about it.

It was clearly a clear sky, but they couldn't feel any hope.

This despair is the destruction that human beings have brought upon themselves.

At the same time, following Dyna's defeat, different conflicts finally erupted within TPC, and the extremely discordant voices between the two factions erupted to the extreme at this moment.

The doves reprimanded the hawks for their blind pursuit of force, which eventually brought about their demise; the hawks, however, were limited by reality and had to swallow the bitter fruit.

Because the facts are right in front of you.

But the hawks dismissed the doves' request to reach a negotiated settlement with the Moneras.

Making peace with aliens is something stupid that only you guys with stupid wishes can do.

But the hawks condemned this behavior, and the doves backhanded and asked the hawks to come up with other solutions, forcing the hawks to blow their beards and stare, and could not give any measures.

It can only be said that the oppression is ruthless. The doves seized this opportunity to regain their bargaining chips now that the right to speak is declining.

The wind of peace talks slowly swept across the entire TPC, gradually occupying the mainstream.

And Kibi Gosuke, who knew about Dove Pai's plan, sighed helplessly.

It's too late to think about this now.

The aggressiveness of the hawks has caused the current situation, but the naivety of the doves is ridiculous.

peace talks?

Peace talks are conducted on the basis that the two parties are equal or even have a small gap.

And human beings have lost all their chips, so why talk about peace talks?
Human beings no longer have that qualification.

(End of this chapter)

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