Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 543 The Great Ancient Superman: Huh?I said Yuan, are you still single?

Chapter 543 The Great Ancient Superman: Huh?I said Yuan, are you still single?
"Tsk, the earth has become like this now." Yuanquan and Dagu came to the earth. At this moment, Tokyo, a place that has suffered a lot, has suffered again, and this time an alien queen came out of the ground Breaking out of the ground directly, one can't help but wonder if the basement of the Hanged Man has been drilled through.

But fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise Yuanquan would not be able to stop Dagu from transforming.

Because his original intention is to make human beings suffer well under such circumstances, knowing what the final result of being too addicted to desire will be.

In the case of no casualties, Yuanquan only wants to let humans see these clearly.

For this reason, Yuanquan would not hesitate to pay the price of rebuilding Tokyo.

"You have this idea again, but do you think this can really make human beings realize? Or do you still want to stage a confrontation with Ultra, like the battle with the Lightning Man?" Dagu also understood Yuanquan's plan, But this kind of thing doesn't last long, just eight years, no, not even eight years, TPC has already become like this.

Even if there is a scene where Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Nexus confront each other, what effect can it have on human beings?

The leaders of the current tpc don't care about that, and humans don't care about the stories of eight years ago.

Human beings cannot appreciate what went wrong in past mistakes.

So the past tense is, after all, just the past tense.

"That's it, you and I don't make a move for the time being, let human beings reflect on themselves." Yuanquan shook his head, and grabbed Dagu's shoulder: "The next thing we have to do is wait, maybe TPC is really difficult to turn back, but ordinary People, they must all remember."

"Isn't it precisely human beings who cheered you on with lights back then and turned into real light and rushed towards us?"

Human beings cannot be rejected because of the dark side of human nature; human beings cannot be trusted because of their bright side.

The trade-offs all depend on human beings' own choices.

"That's right, those children have grown up too." Dagu smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if recalling those scenes back then.

Those worth remembering, worth savoring.

"Let's go to the shelter and make a decision after reading it. Lina doesn't have time to cook, and we still have plenty of time." Dagu glanced at the sky. He must not be able to see Mars, but he did I can imagine Lina and Camila fighting in the kitchen.

Lina is a qualified pilot, the ace flying player of the Victory Team, but she is not a good cook...

Not to mention Camila, she is an ultra-ancient dark giant, an old antique that has been sleeping for 3000 million years.If you ask her to cook, she might answer you, what is rice?
So these two women got together in the kitchen, at least for a small fight, or for a gas explosion, anyway, the ancient capital is used to it.

With Camilla present, Lina would be fine, so she simply followed them.

"The guy who hugs left and right is really tough when he talks. I didn't expect you to have two wives after I've been away for eight years?!" Yuanquan was not surprised by this, let alone envious.

It doesn't exist, I'm a man who wants to become the God of Ultra, women are in the way.

I'm not sour, I'm not sour at all!

"Uh..." Dagu didn't have the nerve to say that Lucia and Maya had that kind of meaning for him. In order to avoid stimulating the mood of his best friend, he would feel that he would keep this matter in his stomach better here.

"You didn't make it to my wedding, and you didn't make it to Mayumi and Takumo's wedding. Both of them regretted not being able to see you again until the end." Dagu seemed to recall what happened at Mayumi's wedding, Can't help laughing out loud.

"You don't know, when Mayumi got married, Xincheng was very generous at first, but when I went to the toilet, this guy hid in the toilet and sat on the toilet crying miserably."

"He's still single, right?" Seemingly thinking of Xincheng's happy and sad face, Yuanquan couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Eight years have passed, and he hasn't had a single girl." fancy?"

"Then you're really right. He didn't find a girlfriend in Xincheng." Dagu also suppressed a smile. After all, he said that he was a handsome guy, and he was the only one who could find a girlfriend anytime he wanted. Still single.

The truth is ridiculous.

"Damn, I'm so happy!"

Yuanquan clutched his stomach, and laughed exaggeratedly, "No, no, I have to laugh at him after I met him. It's been eight years and I haven't found a girlfriend!"


Although Dagu really wanted to say, what a joke, aren’t you also single?In this case, but at the same time, he also knew that once he said this, Yuanquan might break his defense directly.

And how could Dagu do the thing of attacking his brother?

"Then do you have a girlfriend?"

"Hahahaha, who am I? Of course I also have a girlfriend hahaha, of course I have, I have... I..." As he spoke, Yuanquan's voice became lower and lower until finally it became Low and inaudible.

"I have a fart!" Yuanquan, whose defense was broken all of a sudden, covered his face and cried bitterly, leaning on Dagu's shoulder.

"I'm not single, and I can't find a girlfriend. I'm not as good as Xincheng, woo woo woo..."

Feeling that his best friend was crying more and more sad, Dagu patted Yuan's shoulder very intimately, and comforted him like coaxing a child: "Hey, don't cry, I will introduce you to some girls in a few days, You seize the opportunity and follow suit if you see it right."

There is one thing to say, my ancient superman is Yuan's best friend, so I definitely can't insert a knife.

Even if it was forced to intervene, it must be for his own good.

Look, give a candy immediately after plugging in, what do you say about this wave?
My ancient superman is still very loyal!
After the mood stabilized slightly, Yuanquan returned to normal.

Although still very sad, he still rejected Da Gu's offer of a blind date.

To paraphrase him, what are you kidding, someone from me looks like someone who can't find a wife?

I still need a blind date?
That's impossible!
Hearing these bold words, Da Gu could only express his helplessness.

Let Yuanquan do it by himself, what else can we do?

When they came to the gate of the refuge, they walked down a long series of stairs to the ground. In the light and shadow of the dim light, the shadows of the two were drawn very long, accompanied by the sound of kicking footsteps, and then nothing else.

In the quiet environment, it seemed as if there were only the two of them, and it seemed as if there were only the two of them alone.

"It's too childish to use such a method to meet us." Looking at his swaying shadow, Yuanquan said abruptly: "Or do you think that if we meet now, we can go back to the way we used to be?"

Dagu didn't speak, because he also recognized that the space he was in now was not on the earth.

When he and Yuanquan went underground, the two of them had already been isolated in another space.

Dagu has experienced such a situation before, and he also knows who came to find the source.

The sound of the source reverberated for a while, until finally dissipated, the shadow of betting gradually dissipated, the changes in the environment faded, and the dim lights flickered for a moment, then became brighter for a few minutes.

The reflections of the two are no longer like swaying demons, but under the betting of the light, they are as still as the owner of the shadow.

"She's gone?" Dagu stepped forward and asked.

"I didn't expect that she would still want to see me." Yuanquan shook his head and said with a sigh: "But once you make a wrong decision on some things, you will never have the chance to choose again."

"Tsk, why are you always so persistent in places where you don't need to be persistent at all?" Dagu straightened his hair, he really couldn't understand the character of people like Yuanquan.

People came up and gave it for nothing, but you scolded them away with one sentence.

Even if they managed to muster up the courage, if they encounter you doing something like this, they will order a rest.

Really, I don't understand you.

(End of this chapter)

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