Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 548 The strange yin and yang that I haven't seen in 8 years is still so familiar

Chapter 548 The yin and yang strangeness that has not been seen for eight years is still so familiar

Asuka ran towards his teammates very excitedly.

He finally won this battle, and he has too many emotions to express and share his joy with his teammates.

Although I can't say that I am Ultraman Dyna, but this does not prevent everyone from being together...

And those two seniors, it was because of their help that I was able to stand up again in this cowardice and rejoin the battle.

From a distance, he even saw the faces of Koda and Nakajima, they both strode forward with excited smiles, regardless of the possibility of falling down, they couldn't stop at all.

Asuka smiled low-key, opened his arms and was ready for a big hug.

After all, we are...

A sudden thrust was applied to Asuka's body, knocking him out of his dream, and he was pushed aside in embarrassment and almost fell.

Asuka's mind was full of question marks, and he was so confused that he still hadn't figured out what happened.

What?Didn't you come to hug me?Didn't you come to welcome me?

Pushing away Asuka, who seemed to be in the way at this moment, Nakajima took three steps in parallel, shouting loudly while running.

"Vice-captain! Vice-captain!"

"Go, after all, it's been a long time." Dagu pushed Yuanquan's shoulder and motioned him to hurry up.

He doesn't need to participate at this time, after all, the joy of reuniting old teammates has nothing to do with him.

The sixth team is only the sixth team where Yuan is.

And he also has his own teammates.Feiyan No. [-] hovering above his head made Dagu wave his arms in greeting.

Yuanquan took a few steps forward and walked towards the opposite side. With a smile on his lips, he somewhat recalled the past.

Especially the way Nakajima was lying on a park chair and snoring after he drank with him and was put down by him, it was really unforgettable.

Nakajima ran halfway, and his speed dropped greatly. After all, his body was fatter than eight years ago, and it took him all to run this distance.

Koda came from behind, overtook Nakajima and stood in front of Yuanquan, quite emotional.

"Vice-Captain, you are finally back, great, really... great!" Xingtian even had some tears in the corners of his eyes, and under the agitation of emotions, the mature old man's personality that he had maintained in the past didn't need it. Bothered to maintain it.

Because in front of the vice-captain, he was still the young team member eight years ago, and he was still the ignorant combatant.

"You have matured a lot, Xingtian, you have finally become the person you want to be." Smiling and hammering on Xingtian's chest, Yuanquan was also very happy: "I haven't seen you for eight years. I lived on the earth. Are you ok?"

"After you left, the vice-captain, the team lost its former excitement. Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere in the team became more dignified. And I can always see the captain sitting on a chair in a daze." Reached out to wipe After wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Koda sniffled and continued, "The captain said that he used to be happy in the team, and even worked a lot harder at work."

"But he seldom smiles now. In the team, the captain is often in a daze because he doesn't know what he is going to do."

"Vice-captain! You won't leave after you come back this time?" Koda looked at Yuanquan expectantly, hoping to get a definite answer from his mouth.

"Deputy...deputy captain...huh...drink..." Squeezing his lungs to extract the last trace of oxygen, Nakajima finally ran in front of Yuan, panting heavily, unable to utter a complete sentence, He could only sit on the ground and pant heavily.

"You guy, why are you fatter than before! As a scientist, do you just stay in the base every day?" Although Nakajima's weight is very high, it is still not enough to look good under the inhuman strength of the source.

Supporting Nakajima up with one hand, Yuanquan patted the dust on Nakajima's body: "I remember you had a girlfriend back then, right?"

"He's already married, vice-captain." Koda joked with a smile: "He originally wanted to wait for you to come back, but after procrastination, Liang and I and the captain couldn't stand it anymore, so we forced you to come back. he has married."

"I knew that the vice-captain would come back, I should have waited for a few years." Nakajima scratched his head in embarrassment, regretting it.

"What are you waiting for me to do? Instead of waiting for me to attend your wedding, it's better to get married as soon as possible, and let me hold the child." Yuanquan had no airs, and of course talked freely with his team members.

"Vice-captain?" Asuka also ran over at this time, just listening to what Koda and Nakajima said, as a member of the newly joined Super Victory Team, Asuka couldn't help being surprised by this.

Looking at the three of them, Asuka couldn't figure out why Nexus, who was his senior on the Giant of Light, was also his senior in the Super Victory Team...

"Vice-captain, this is a new team member this year. His name is Asuka Shin. He is a young man who is brave enough to take risks and full of passion." Xing Tian pulled Asuka past him and introduced him enthusiastically: "Asuka, do you still remember the legends in our team? Is it? The position of the deputy captain who has been vacant."

"I know this, but didn't you say that the vice-captain has already been selected? And he went to the universe? Could it be..." Asuka shouted in disbelief: "Could it be that the senior is the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team?!"

"He is not the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team. He was my vice-captain before the establishment of the Super Victory Team." The words of explanation came from behind Asuka. Liang, who was following behind, tried his best to suppress her excitement so that she would not cheer.

"Captain? You said before the establishment of the Super Victory Team?" Asuka was still surprised.

"That's right, in fact, in the Super Victory Team, except for Mai and you, they were basically selected from the same team, that is, the sixth team of the ground force, the captain Kihigosuke, the vice-captain Yuanquan, and the team members It’s me, Nakajima, and Koda.” Ryo clasped his arms and explained, “Although the vice-captain went to space, we have never forgotten him!”

"Sixth team... I heard this legend when I was in the youth training team. It is said that the sixth team of the ground force has a man chasing monsters. His strength is even enough to fight monsters and aliens. There are several records of battles with life-sized aliens." Asuka said, he looked at Yuanquan with disbelief: "It turns out that the legend is true, and the person in this legend is..."

The person in this legend is the human body of Ultraman Nexus!
No wonder you can do such a thing, it's the human body of Nexus Ultraman... That's fine...

Wait, that's not right!

Then everyone is Ultraman's human body, why can't I do such a thing at all?

Am I too picky?
Falling into self-doubt, Asuka was depressed for a while, and his fighting spirit was gone.

"Stinky boy, you didn't come to see us earlier when you came back, and you actually watched us get embarrassed." Xibigang gave Yuanquan a smile, and the smile on his face was as bright as before.

"Then after all, I can see the embarrassment of the captain. I will definitely not miss this opportunity." The acquaintances met, and the long-lost interaction between Yuanquan and Xibi Gangsuke was about to take place.

"Look, as expected, I can't do without me~ It's a mess." Raising a finger and shaking it in front of him, Yuanquan's face was quite embarrassing.

"Hey, I specially chose to come back at this time. It shouldn't be when I usually show off my power, you dare not make a sound~" Xi Bigang helped to find the familiar feeling back then, and immediately fought back: " It’s really hard for you, let you see how great we are without you.”

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Yuanquan clapped his hands pretendingly: "Does it mean that the fighter plane can't fly at all?"

"I still need fighter jets for this kind of thing, so I must be..."

Seeing Yuanquan and Xibi Gangsuke arguing like this, the yin and yang strangeness in the silence really made Asuka stunned.

These two... are they incompatible?
"Don't worry, this is how the vice-captain and captain get along. If they don't quarrel for a day, they will feel uncomfortable." The familiar scene in front of them immediately made Xingtian and others find the feeling they had back then, and automatically brought them into eating melons. The three people in the seat where the crowd happily watched the play pulled Asuka and ate melons at the same time.

"Don't think they have a bad relationship, do you think the captain is so talkative and cheerful when the vice captain is not around?"

Asuka: ...

(End of this chapter)

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