Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 549 This chapter explains what it means to be happy and sad

Chapter 549 This chapter explains what it means to be happy while others are sad (dog head)
After the Great War, not only Tokyo needs to be rebuilt, but even TPC needs a period of time to adjust the internal equipment that was paralyzed by the Monera Stars.

Of course, what is more important before that is the struggle for power.

It would be better to say that repairing the equipment is just incidental, and the top priority is to investigate the behavior of the hawks that caused the earth to have such a crisis of near extinction.

It is a pity that you only know you have lost it once you have owned it. Once held a considerable amount of power, and then the suppressed one is about to lose the right to speak. Now if you seize the opportunity, the doves will never let go.

It's like an old wolf that has been driven to a desperate situation, but after the tiger and leopard that hunted him exposed its belly, it will try its best to pounce on it and bite it, earning itself a chance to survive.

But this matter is indeed the mistake of the hawks. Even if they try to get rid of it, the unexplainable muttering in the accountability is already the default.

This dumb hawk can only eat it, and can only wrong himself.

But it is absolutely impossible for the hawks to give up their rights.

Even if you make a mistake, you can admit your mistake, but it is impossible to make mistakes in the general direction of the implementation plan.

Could love make the invaders in the universe lay down their arms and talk to you about love?

impossible things.Only strength is the criterion for survival in the universe!
They feel that dovish people are unreasonable, they are a group of young children who dream of world harmony and unrealistic fantasies.

They can't stand the actions of the hawks, and think that such actions are declaring war on the entire universe, and will eventually lead mankind to the path of destruction.

If neither side agrees with the other, then they can only compete to see who has more power in their hands.

So the first thing they thought of, and the person they most needed to win over, was the super victorious team fighting on the front line.

As long as this elite team is in their own hands, it will be a huge blow to their opponents.

Both sides sent people out to win over the Super Victory Team, and wanted to ask Xibigang to help the captain, but none of the people they sent out found Xibigang to help.

And when Ju Jianhui handed in a document, they suddenly discovered that everyone in the elite team of the entire Super Victory Team had asked for leave, and it was a three-day long leave.

Jun Jianhui was asked by the director why the entire Super Victory Team had to ask for leave, and Jun Jianhui's answer was that the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team had returned.

Just this sentence is worth a thousand words, because who is the vice-captain of the super victorious team is not a secret at all among the top tpc.

That man is an excellent warrior, and one of the Giants of Light who once saved the world.

The predecessor of the Super Victory Team, the vice-captain of the Sixth Team of the Ground Force, is also the source of Ultraman Nexus.

Did that guy come back from space?

That's right, after all, Nexus appeared majestically.

No... It's better to say that in the past eight years, has he really left the universe?

Maybe the Plasma Baishi just started, he turned into Nexus Ultraman, returned to the earth at a speed that no one could notice, and then hid, and lived there for eight years without anyone knowing , until the crisis of the earth forced him out.

Who can prove that he really went to the universe?
Looking at the back of Jujianhui's departure, the director's face became gloomy, and the plans in his heart had to be canceled after learning that Yuanquan had returned.

That's the giant of light...it's even more powerful than monsters.

It's fine if you can control it in your hands, but if you push him into a hurry...

The director didn't dare to take this risk, and he also believed that no one on this earth would dare to take this risk.

The former TPC also tried to control the power of the Giant of Light, but the result was...

In any case, it is really unreconciled that such a powerful force cannot be controlled by oneself.



In the familiar barbecue restaurant, Kibi Gosuke, Yuanquan, Koda, Nakajima, Ryo, plus Mai Midorikawa, who was recruited later, and Asuka Shinobu, who was selected from the youth training team, the former Sixth Team reunited. In addition to the current Super Victory Team, all members are here, and a long-lost celebration is held in this familiar barbecue restaurant.

"Is it really okay to ask for such a long time? Will the wages be deducted?" Although Midorikawa Mai was injured in the previous battle, but fortunately her injury was not too serious.

It's just that in order to take care of her, everyone filled her with a glass of juice, drinking and so on, so she wasn't allowed to participate.

Although she was thinking about it secretly, Mai Midorikawa was actually looking at the source carefully.After all, among the old acquaintances present, only this deputy captain, who had never met before, was considered a stranger she didn't know.

Especially among the big bosses, Yuanquan's appearance is quite impressive.

I just don't know why, but his hair seems to be much grayer, which makes people look a little strange.

"What are you muttering all by yourself here?" Asuka moved to the side of the sackcloth and muttered.

"That's from the legend, Vice Captain Yuan, he's really handsome!" Mai's eyes sparkled, and then she sensed a sour smell around her, and immediately reacted.

"Of course, you're not bad, you're just a little short of the vice-captain." Said, Mai made a distance between her fingertips, and shook it in front of Asuka's eyes.

"I just didn't expect that the captain has such a free and easy side." Seeing what he thought was a stable captain holding a wine glass in one hand and howling like an orangutan in the other, Asuka felt that his three views were broken.

Is this still the captain I know?

Or did I really realize the essence of my captain until today?

Not to mention being the captain, even Nakajima, who used to give people a stable image, now opened his throat and took a sip of a glass, drinking heavily, while still shouting: I will not be put down as easily as before up.In this case.

Asuka who listened was at a loss.

"I also heard from Liang that this used to be the place where the sixth team often met. This time I came here to look for it. I didn't expect this barbecue restaurant to be open." Mai blew bubbles with a straw in boredom , She really can't blend into this atmosphere.

"Don't worry so much, anyway, it's not your pocket today, just let go and eat!" Asuka waved his big hand, and put a large plate of barbecue in front of Mai as if by magic: "Although our salary is high, we really want to come here It’s your own money to eat.”

"You can whoring for nothing, why don't you have a good time?" Asuka said, picked up a piece of barbecue with a fork, and swallowed it whole into his mouth, stuffing it full.

When Mai thought about it, it was also true, but she didn't exaggerate like Asuka, but cut off half of it, and then opened her mouth to catch the half.

"Hmm... Mmm! The taste is really good." The result of the half loss is that Mai can still talk, but Asuka puffed out her cheeks and just focused on chewing.

"Come on! The insult you gave me eight years ago, I must earn it back today!" After smashing the wine glass with bang bang, Xibigang yelled angrily, "Today you must be the first to get down!"

"Heh, do you think you can do it again?" Filling himself a glass of wine, Yuanquan stood up abruptly.


"It's a pity that Kariya couldn't come here." Looking at this scene, Koda said with emotion.

"Who made that guy rush so fast, he was hit on the head by a stone and went to the hospital." Nakajima was also happy when he talked about this: "You didn't see the bandages wrapped around his head, really so funny."

"Senior Kariya is really okay?" Mai also leaned over at this time and asked in a low voice: "When I came, I heard him yelling that I wanted to meet the vice-captain."

"Hey, the deputy captain will definitely not leave when he comes back this time. Why is that guy Kariya in a hurry? There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Koda waved his hand with pride.

"Come on, keep eating, keep drinking!"

(End of this chapter)

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