Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 554 Low EQ: 161 draws 77 hi plus 1; high EQ: the crumb fox is stable

Chapter 554 Low EQ: 161 draws plus one; High EQ: The crumb fox is stable
PS: rnm, refund the money!

After learning that Dyna can only switch forms once in a battle, Dijia was also a little speechless at the time.

Anyway, he can freely switch between the three forms, and there is no such setting at all.

So Dyna's battle becomes, you have to choose carefully when you switch forms, otherwise, if you make a wrong switch, there is really no turning point.

Changing from the strong type to the shiny type, which is a comprehensive form similar to the Tiga compound type, Dyna has some headaches.

He was suppressed in misery before, but because he watched Di Jia become a red reckless man, he himself became a red reckless man, so he was suppressed miserably.

Dyna even asked in surprise, isn't your form switching, Senior Di Jia, only once in a battle?

Dijia told the truth, and immediately made Dynason irresistible.

It is no longer possible for him to become a miracle type when he becomes a strong type, and Di Jia can have whatever he wants.

Damn, I'm so envious!
Seeing this, Dijia didn't take advantage of Dyna, and switched back to the compound type by himself, in such a form of comprehensive data, he had a duel with Dyna.

Dyna had nothing to do, and also put on a fighting posture. The two confronted each other in the basic form, looking for each other's flaws in the gradual stalemate.

In the end, Dyna was the first to lose his composure, and raised his hand first to use the single-whip light. The streamer swung out with one hand turned into a whip, and hit Di Jia.

Quickly condensing the particle lightsaber, Di Jia wrapped the single whip light around the sword and locked it on the ground, and threw out the breastplate flying knife with the other hand, extracting the light energy from the lines on the chest to attack the light blade.

Dyna dodged left and right, and after dodging these attacks, he went straight to Dijia, accumulating a lot of light energy in his clenched fist.

While running, throw out the sword-shaped light blade, and it is a continuous release.

The basic trick of the flash type-beam cutting.

Di Jia also responded, suppressing Dyna's beam with the beam of energy extracted and released by the palm cursor.

Both eventually exploded simultaneously, kicking up large clouds of dust on the lunar surface.

But in a moment, Dyna rushed out from the smoke, put one hand on his waist, and then shot out loudly.

The emerald ring-shaped shock wave was shot out by Dyna, forcing Di Jia to withdraw and push away from the attack range.

This move is a spiral impact, an attack made of energy extracted from the stripes on Dyna's chest, and it is powerful.

As soon as Dijia left, the emerald spiral blasted a deep pit on the surface of the moon, and the flying dust became more and more high.

Then, the two eight-point light wheels tore through the smoke from the other side of the smoke, circling and criss-crossing towards Dyna.

Dyna was also not to be outdone, he also had the light wheel cutting technique, put his hands on the sides of his head, and he threw out the shining light wheel and collided with the eight-point light wheel, both of which perished.

"The composite Tiga and the shiny Dyna are both fighters who have mastered a lot of light skills. Coupled with the superior balance of comprehensive data, the fight will only continue to procrastinate."

Nexus, who was watching the battle next to him, saw the battle between the two in his eyes. Tiga was originally the King of Dharma, and compound running up to fight hand-to-hand was actually the stupidest way to play. Obviously, Tiga has improved a lot in the past eight years.In the light skill competition, he surpassed him by an unknown number of times.

As for Dyna's Shiny type, the stats already slightly suppress the compound Tiga, and it is clearly written on the data list that the close combat ability is higher than that of Tiga.

Because the Heisei Three Heroes are so classic, Nexus has the most detailed understanding of the Heisei Three Heroes data.

As the Dyna that appeared after Tiga, in terms of setting, Dyna basically surpassed Tiga in all three forms, but why did the fight become a stalemate?

This is certainly due to the fact that there is not much difference between the two, but it is more because Dyna has not had enough time to grow up, and the ability to seize opportunities and distinguish the battle situation is still very young.

The light skills of the two sides can be said to come and go, and there is almost no repetition. If this continues, the final result will become a competition of energy.

Maybe at the end of the fight, there was no winner in terms of moves, but the energy was exhausted, and both sides stopped cooking.

Foreseeing this result, Nexus actually planned to prepare for his end.

But just as he was about to do so, he saw ripples in the space behind Dyna, and then a section of lightsaber pierced the space.

And the dark giantess also jumped out of the shattered space.

The pale yellow eyes had already locked on to the target, and the lightsaber was merciless, about to chop Dyna's head off.

Nexus immediately joined the battlefield, and instantly came behind Dyna and grabbed Camilla's wrist, preventing her lightsaber from falling.

Just as he was about to say something, he was suddenly hit by a ray of light from behind.

Although the power was not great, Nexus, who was attacked inexplicably, turned his gaze to the back.

Dyna seemed a little at a loss. Obviously, the attack just now was released subconsciously after he reacted.

The fastest light that can be thrown easily in a short period of time is of course the single whip light. Although it is not powerful enough, it still hits Nexus.

There was no emotion in the milky white eyes, and Nexus, who turned to face Camilla again, pushed her away, showing a state of confrontation.

"What's wrong?" Di Jia flew over, and immediately felt a headache after seeing Camilla: "Why are you here?"

"I feel the restlessness of your light on Mars, and know that you are fighting a powerful enemy. I can't just sit idly by." Camila rubbed her wrists, looking very docile in front of Tiga. If it was someone else, she would no matter what.

"No, it's just a discussion. You reacted too violently." Di Jia had a headache even more. Camilla was thinking about her own safety. The intention was good, but I couldn't blame her for it...

"If you care about the one you love, of course you will be excited and sensitive. It's okay." Nexus nodded, and then said: "However, we need to change the point of killing people when we come up, because you also see When it comes to Ultraman Dyna, he is also a Giant of Light, right?"

"What giant of light? This guy looks exactly like those super ancient giants 3000 million years ago. Who would recognize him?" Which of the ancient giants didn't look like this?
What is there to say about this face?
Compared with Di Jia's handsome face, this public face is not worthy of her eyes at all.

"3000 million years...well..." When Camilla said this, Nexus remembered it instead.

Although the super-ancient giants look strange, they are generally Dyna-faced, and all giants of light are like that, with only slight differences.

Obviously, Tiga, who looks completely different, stands out from the crowd...

"Okay, let's go first with the person you like." Nexus didn't bother to think about anything, and waved his hand quite tired.

If you want to show it to me, go and show it to me.

"Okay, Dijia's special training for you is over, and I will be your opponent next." Nexus turned around, although it was only a relatively simple red body, but brought Dyna was under a lot of pressure.

After the war, Asuka also went back to look up the records of the two giants in the past.

Although Nexus does not have the ability to transform into three forms, he is that kind of all-round improvement.

Omnidirectional means no dead ends.

(End of this chapter)

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