Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 555 You Haven't Become Dina Because You Haven't Met the Person Who Gave You 3 Mole

Chapter 555 You haven't become Dyna because you haven't met the person who gave you three moles (no)

Nexus was extraordinarily relaxed and freehand, and didn't regard this exchange as a big deal.

But to Dyna, his ease was indescribably tense.

The opponent is Nexus, who fought side by side with Ultraman Tiga, and even a stronger fighter than Tiga. The legends about him are beyond words, and there can be no more.

Whenever he recalled, Dyna could always think of those brilliant things he had done.

The all-round strengthened warrior in the red form is different from him and Di Jia, but has greatly strengthened the comprehensive form in terms of five-dimensional attributes, basic panels, energy levels, etc., and is a more comprehensive warrior than himself.

Dyna was cautious, not daring to be impatient at all, carefully keeping a distance around Nexus' body, not daring to take the lead, and not daring to relax his vigilance.

"I've taught you once before, it's called the courage to face death, but what I want to tell you today is strong strength and a matching heart." Rubbing his wrists, Nexus has been teaching and educating people for a long time He said he was already familiar with this process.

He has taught and expounded his ideas on Ultra fighters such as Taylor, Galaxy, and Victory.

Now the subject has changed to Dyna, but the things I want to explain will not change.

Although still growing, Dyna is by no means a weakling.

"A heart that matches strength and...?" Dyna asked with some doubts.

"Wave your fists to protect others; shake your fists to hate and anger; shake your fists to survive yourself. These different emotions will make your fists carry different powers." Said lowered his body, Nai Kersus hooked Dyna, and faced Dyna with the same provocative posture as Aguru.

"Shake your fist at me and show me what you're fighting for."

"What kind of mood is contained in your fist."

"Firmness, hesitation, confusion, hatred, unswerving determination, guilt... all of them, in that punch that was directly facing me, tell me."

Dyna looked at his fist. Could this simple straight fist attack really contain such complicated emotions?

The reason and reason why I have been fighting... Isn't it to protect this world?
"I...I just want to protect...this world! Destroy those invaders! Protect everyone!" Dyna looked at his fist for a long time, and finally couldn't help but say it.

"That's not the answer in your heart. You're just following the script, imitating what Dijia and I did, and asking yourself to do the same." Nexus' tone was very calm, and he certainly understood Dyna's intentions. This kind of mood, because he first awakened the light of Nexus and possessed the ability to transform, is Dyna's current state.

He didn't have his own inner decision, but subconsciously imitated the actions of his predecessors and asked himself to do that.Even the motivation that has been urging him to move forward is just borrowed.

It wasn't until the battle on Mechanical Island that Nexus found the answer to his battle, and only then did he affirm what the meaning of his battle was.

And Dyna has not yet experienced a battle similar to the battle of Mechanical Island, and he is still imitating his predecessors.

"The true thoughts in my heart..." Dyna murmured, after being told by Nexus, he did discover his own weakness.

Although he has the will to fight, it is more because of his unyielding spirit.But when this energy is vented, he will become like an ordinary person, afraid, terrified, and even run away because of it.

When facing the Neomax cannon, it is the best proof.

"Senior, thank you for your enlightenment." Dyna nodded heavily. If Nexus hadn't pointed it out, he might not realize this until a long time later.

If you keep fighting with this feeling, you will get nothing.

"Thank you, it's too early, we're just getting started." The Nexus weapon swiped in front of him, and the Storm Sword popped out of the groove with a "click".A little bit of streamer radiated from the golden sword, causing Dyna's pressure to increase sharply for a while.

"Although I haven't found out what my real reason for fighting is, I will never back down in the face of the teachings of my predecessors!" As he spoke, Dyna made a fighting gesture, and his fighting posture was closer to the original Ultraman , That is to bend over, put your hands in front of you and spread your hands out, so as to face the enemy.

"It's this momentum, maybe you can get inspired in our battle." Nexus nodded in satisfaction, and slowly raised his right hand, aiming at the sky.

Dyna was startled immediately.

This posture, senior, don't you want to...

Under Dyna's horrified gaze, the sword of the storm pierced through the darkness, and rushed directly from the surface of the moon, extending to a height of a thousand meters.

The slender blade looked fragile, but the boiling light particles made Dyna very nervous.

He thought it was the Crescent Shockwave that Nexus had used before, but he never expected that it would kill him.

He had seen this move in the archives of Nexus. It was a move that wiped out the space fleet of the Naga people, and even killed a space battleship with a single sword.

"Senior... isn't this... too much?" Dyna didn't think his body was stronger than a space battleship. If he had a choice, he would definitely not want to take this move.

"No, it's just an ordinary sword. It's nothing." What Nexus said was true. It actually started from the Gaia universe. No, it's better to say it started from the Gauss universe. The tactic of cutting off the thousand meters has no meaning in itself.

It is nothing more than that the attack distance is longer and the attack range is larger. The energy level contained in this move itself can no longer pose a threat to those powerful.

Galatron ignored it.

Rebrando interrupted with one blow.

The Imperial Stars didn't take it seriously.

Needless to say, King Gurante.

In Yuanquan's eyes, this trick is really useless.

It's just that Dyna doesn't think so, and even thinks it's exaggerated.

"Get ready, Asuka, the battle between you and me is about to begin!" As soon as the words fell, the sword of the thousand-meter storm slashed down, scaring Asuka directly to open the flash shield on his head, and continued to instill Light energy is in it.

The sword of the storm slashed down, and when it encountered the flashing shield, it was stuck. Although it was still cutting the shield slightly, that little bit of entry was really too slow.

Seeing this scene, Nexus let out a long sigh, this trick is really useless.

As soon as he thought of this, he thought of the battle between the six Ultra brothers and the Zhou Da brothers in Galaxy Fight 2.

Although the six brothers cooperated tacitly and their offense and defense were perfect, the increase in personal experience and energy levels could not change the disadvantages in moves. Brother Da couldn't break through the defense.

In the end, I had to be forced to combine and use Super Taro's cosmic miracle light.

In the situation at that time, although the six brothers could suppress it, they couldn't deal effective damage.

And Ultraman is an existence that will become weaker and weaker as he fights, and the energy consumption is very terrifying. If it continues, it is even more impossible for the six brothers to be the opponents of the Zhou Da brothers.

The skill tables of Kingdom of Light are all frankly more than 1 years ago, and they are not updated at all.

And the reason for those small skills that I gave up is also here, because they are simply useless.

But right now, this trick seems to be abandoned.

With this in mind, Nexus erupted with light energy, recovered the thousand-meter storm sword, and transferred the energy of the storm sword to the Nexus arm in an instant, allowing the Nexus arm to extend an extra length. arm blade.

Flying forward, Nexus chose to fight in close quarters, punching to the flesh.

And this is also in line with Dyna's meaning. After revoking the shield, Dyna immediately turned back to the strong type, and his body became stronger, striding straight towards Nexus, and hedging head-on.

Really close combat, will my red reckless man be afraid?
 Of course, this is just my opinion, in fact, it may be the ghost of Wisdom Sakamoto.

  The six brothers' skills are all scraping!
  If you want to say that Showa Oku's skills are behind, Eddie's buckle belt ray directly crushed Cailong's Creation Requiem, and you say that he is not behind, but the six brothers are really scraping.

  Sakamoto, the god who twitches from time to time!!!
(End of this chapter)

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