Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 556 Who doesn't know how to hide a flat these days?

Chapter 556 Who doesn't know how to hide a flat these days?
The fighting rhythm of the two sides is not fast, and the emphasis is on a stable one. The strength of Dyna is indeed very strong, but Nexus is not the Nexus in the Diga world. He has grown up through many trials and has even evolved several times. Si can no longer be underestimated.

All the fists and attacks that Dyna swung were blocked by Nexus, or were cut off before the move was made.

Kong has a powerful body but can't use it. It feels very uncomfortable, and Dyna feels aggrieved.

This battle was more uncomfortable than being suppressed by Di Jia, because it was suppressed by Di Jia's shining strength, and he had no power to fight back.

On Nexus' side, it seemed that he was the one who launched the attack, but the rhythm of the battle was always controlled by Nexus, and all his actions were useless.

The pressure brought by the fist could not inflict any damage on Nexus, and even during the clever changes, Dyna found that his footsteps became chaotic, becoming disorganized and very chaotic.

Just when he was about to adjust back, Nexus put his hand on Dyna's shoulders, and the moment he passed by, Dyna lost his balance, and his whole body was lying in the air.

This is a good opportunity to launch an attack, and it just so happens that no matter whether it is a power-storage punch or an atomic kick, as long as you use a powerful move at this time, Dyna can't defend at all, and will definitely suffer huge damage.

But Nexus didn't do that, but turned his fist into a palm and slapped Dyna's chest, sending him out gently.

The strong body slid a certain distance on the surface of the moon, and Dyna immediately stood up and regained his fighting posture.

Nexus still did not move extra, but stretched out his finger and pointed at Dyna's chest.

Dyna noticed something was wrong, and the moment he looked down, he suddenly saw a palm imprint on his chest, and the remaining light energy was accumulated and restrained, but the more it was accumulated, the stronger the attack would be.

"What..." There was only a moment of surprise, and Dyna didn't even have time to make countermeasures. The palm print exploded, and a series of sparks exploded on Dyna's chest, causing him a second injury, and even knocking him out of his chest. The strong type was forced back to the shiny type.

Falling to the ground in embarrassment, Dai Na clutched his chest, wanting to be in pain, but couldn't howl at all.

"This is the crisis hidden under the meaningless attack. Do you only know how to charge blindly, but don't care whether your battle is effective?" Under such a rapid attack, it didn't take much effort at all.

"What kind of trick is that?" Di Jia, who was watching the battle, also spoke out. He knew that it was impossible for him to become stronger in the past eight years. The stage of Nexus was in the universe, facing those vicious cosmic people With monsters, Nexus has grown far better than himself in fierce battles.

In fact, Di Jia was right. Compared with eight years ago, Nexus is really much stronger.

"Gather a large amount of light energy in the palm of your hand, and then wrap it with hysteresis cold light. After hitting it, it will be imprinted on the opponent's body, and then when the cold light dissipates, the light energy remaining on the enemy will explode. It's very simple. Move." This move is actually not difficult, it was evolved from the palm beam when Nexus evolved into a dark blue youth.

He hardly ever uses this.

Because this skill is very tasteless, enemies who can be killed with fists, why use this in a flashy manner?
And if you want to use this move to kill your opponent, unless the opponent's body is full of this kind of imprint.

But the glistening mark remains on the body, who can not see it and peel it off by hand?
Of course, it can't be said that it is completely useless, it just needs to explode at an extreme speed to complete this kind of thing in an instant.

"Speaking of which, if the atomic kick with full special effects is compressed into this move, and then kicked out..." Seeing Dyna struggling to get up, Nexus suddenly thought of this idea.

In this way, it seems that the special effect is gone, but it is not like that at all. When the opponent relaxes his vigilance and dismisses the flying kick without special effect, wouldn't it be...

wait!There is no special effect, after kicking the enemy, footprints will be left on the opponent, and then the footprints will explode...

Am I really going to empty me? !

It changed back to the flashing type again, and Dyna's timer also began to flicker. It was a big blow to Dyna who had been suppressed twice in a row, but after defeating Desfasa and successfully having the ability to face fear In the future, even if Dyna is knocked down, he will never run away again.

The shiny Dyna seized the moment when Nexus was in a trance, and immediately blasted out the Soljet light that could maximize its power without charging.

Simple and convenient, no need to store energy, the Soljet light is a rare kind of powerful, easy to use, and no forward-swinging light technology.

Although Nexus was distracted, Soljet's light effects were too strong, which made Nexus react and instantly opened the ripple shield. At the same time, Nexus in the other hand was armed to resist After the ripple shield.

Seeing this situation happen, Di Jia shook his head, turned around and was about to fly away.

Seeing this, Camila hurriedly chased up and asked, "The winner has not been decided yet, don't you want to continue watching?"

"No need, Yuan has won." Di Jia shook his head: "Asuka...Knowing that Nexus has the ability to absorb energy, he still uses light technology to attack directly...Didn't he check the TPC file?"

The energy absorption of the ripple shield is the most commonly used and most frequently used combo by Nexus. It is recorded in the tpc file that there are scenes that appear many times in the battle screen of Nexus.

Da Gu thought that Asuka would understand this.

Now it seems that he thought too much, maybe Asuka didn't watch it at all!

Solget's light didn't break the shield, Dyna was startled and increased his energy output.But the more he increases his energy, the more he will consume.

In the end, the Nexus armed forces arrived on the shield, and the Soljet light was absorbed and transformed by the Nexus armed forces, turning into a pure white light stream that recoiled against the Soljeet light rays, and gradually overwhelmed Dai Take the kill, and hit Dyna directly.

The more the energy output is increased, the more it will be absorbed and transformed. The real solution is not to increase the energy output, but to disconnect the link and cancel the light technology.

It's a pity Dyna didn't know this.

Hit by his own light, Dyna's flickering timer stopped abruptly, and the flying body began to collapse, turning into light particles and dissipating, unable to maintain Ultraman's posture.

Nexus had been prepared for a long time, and immediately raised his hand to create a light shield to envelop the bird and lead it into his palm.

Asuka, who was sweating profusely and physically exhausted, lay in the palm of Nexus with difficulty. He looked up at Nexus' milky white eyes, and there were thousands of words in his heart that he couldn't say.

Nexus stimulated the light energy, and warmed Asuka's body bit by bit with gentle light particles, relieving his fatigue and spirit.

After all, he is a junior, although he was given a hard hammer, but one matter is another matter, after the father's debt is paid, Nexus's resentment towards Asuka is gone.

I believe that Di Jia simply let go of Asuka because of this.

Seeing Asuka falling asleep, Nexus didn't plan to stay here for long, so he flew away and headed for Earth.

He has a hunch that the time he can stay may not be long.

(End of this chapter)

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