Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 558 Impreza: This is the era when I still have B!

Chapter 558 Impreza: This is the era when I still have B!
When leaving the Tiga universe, Nexus still looked back at the Tiga universe for a long time.

How could he forget everything that happened in this world?
Here, he completes the completion, gradually recovers from an incomplete existence, becomes a human being, assumes the responsibility of the savior, and assumes the duty of salvation.

For him, this place is the second most important place in his heart.

For him, this is where his second bond remains.

"Everyone, and Dagu, take care, we will see you again." After saying that, Nexus did not stop, but flew towards the far away, preparing to go to the world view of the Showa universe.

Dagu called him over just to see him. Although the reason was funny, Yuanyuan himself was very happy.

Because speaking of it, he hadn't seen Dagu and the others for a long time.

This reunion was a long-lost relaxation, but I didn't know why Dagu hurriedly urged me to come here. If I had known that there was no rush, he would have slowed down and brought Saori along.

It is also a good thing to bring these friends of my own to let Saori get to know each other.

Thinking there was nothing in his heart, Nexus flew at the same speed, still fast, went straight to Showa, and got into the cosmic barrier.

And the moment he passed through the cosmic barrier, he immediately felt a completely different aura in the Showa universe. It was no longer the pervasive and rich plasma aura, but the extremely thick darkness.

This extremely thick darkness made Nexus feel very familiar, as if he had felt this darkness before.

"This feeling... the Ampera star? How is it possible? I haven't been away for a long time." This faint dark atmosphere permeating the universe undoubtedly belongs to the Ampera star, as if he understands the darkness of Ampera, Ampera Also understand his light as well.

The extremely similar experiences and strengths of the two parties made each other very familiar with each other.

I've been away for only half a month, why does Showa Universe look like it's been a long time?
Nexus couldn't figure this out, the king's cloak was buzzing, and after locking the coordinates of the Kingdom of Light, the King's cloak took Nexus directly through the wormhole, opened a shortcut to the Kingdom of Light, entered in.

Outside the bright blue planet, Nexus was attacked as soon as he appeared, and it was not that kind of fragile attack, but dozens of lasers in succession.

Under the crisis, Nexus unfolded the king's cloak to form an umbrella in front of him, and bounced off all the attacking lasers, thus preventing himself from being attacked.

"I found Ultraman Nexus, clear it!" A mechanical voice sounded in his ear, Nexus retracted the king's cloak, and only then did he see what was standing in front of him.

The iron-like body is dark and uncommon in the dark universe. The body of the mechanical combination is quite cyberpunk, and the weapons and equipment all over the body are only used. Also frightening.

The red data has no pity or emotion in their eyes. Since their creation and appearance, their behavioral purpose has only one goal, which is to respect the emperor's instructions and achieve them.

The Peerless Iron God - Impreza.

This is a mechanical lifeform that Mebius, who can fight, has no power to fight back, and even Taro cannot win alone.In the current period of time, Impreza is absolutely invincible, and his status and style are equivalent to Galatron who just appeared in the new era.

Of course, that is a special machine, and the mass-produced machine is not that powerful.

Nexus didn't know why there were so many Imprezas outside the Kingdom of Light, there were eleven of them just standing in front of him and surrounding him.

Although it is a mass-produced machine, if seven or eight units are placed outside the Kingdom of Light, it may be a dead end for a single Ultra fighter to come out.

Has Ampera declared war on the Kingdom of Light again?
But in any case, Impleza obviously didn't intend to let Nexus go, but both stepped forward to oppress Nexus.

Nexus might not be afraid even of the famous and famous Peerless Iron God, let alone these mass-produced machines?

The form of the red youth remains the same, even the spark sword has not been taken out, Nexus just clenched his fist and waited intently.

He didn't need it not because he looked down upon it, but because he was going to use his current posture to measure the power of these Imperiazas first, and then see how much power he could use to destroy them all at once.

This kind of Gaia behavior can only be said to be a good behavior to improve the record. Otherwise, the Gauss eclipse is obviously against the Gaia Supreme. Why is the solar eclipse always deflated? Where is Super God?

Musashi, an honest boy, drives a solar eclipse to fight hard. He is deflated, anti-injury, and head-slashing. He fights from beginning to end in this form. Of course, his record is not good.

What about Gaia?In the v2 of deflated and anti-injury, the head-grabbing and assists are the highest, and the record is guaranteed to be kda.

How about fighting against injuries?

The solar eclipse damage resistance data is afraid that I don’t know how many times it has crushed Gaia’s highest...

Impreza was originally placed here to stop the interception force that would leave the Kingdom of Light for support on Earth. As long as the things that are going on on Earth are successful, the four Otto brothers plus Mebius It must be a dead end, and there is absolutely no power to fight back in front of Saurus.

All you need to do is stop the possible support from the Kingdom of Light, and the Earth side will surely win.

Because of this, any Ultra fighters who appear outside the Land of Light will be crushed mercilessly by Impreza.

Unfortunately, they chose the wrong opponent this time.

But the people who placed these Impreza don't think so.

In the dark battleship, the four generals (actually five) under the command of the Emperor Ampera star, they are: wise general - Mephilas star, evil general - Yabo, heroic general - Grozam, and strategist - Disrem.

And the evil Bogaru, one of the previous Four Heavenly Kings who was sealed in a black hole because of his rampage.

Except for the Yabo people, among the remaining three, the strategy of placing Impreza to block and support the Ultra fighters was proposed by the Mephilasians.Not only outside the Kingdom of Light, but even on the way to Earth, the Mephilasians placed a lot of ambushes at intervals.

Want to go to Earth to support?How can it be that simple!
"Hey, this is really a big fish caught." Seeing Nexus floating outside the Light, the Mephilas star moved closer and pointed at Nexus on the screen: "This But the person whom His Majesty personally named, don’t you want to go and meet him?”

"Are you kidding? That's a guy who can fight the emperor. How dare you face him!" Although Grozam was conceited, he also understood the gap in strength.

In the past battle between Nexus and the Emperor, the performance of the two sides' draw has spread throughout the universe.

The emperor's prestige has resounded throughout the universe tens of thousands of years ago, and it is a legend long ago.

And although Nexus is a warrior who has gained fame in recent years, his legend is definitely not low.

The battle with the emperor made Nexus' name even more resounding in the universe.

"There is no need to fight him, just stop him from going to Earth."

"The rest will be left to the Yabo people themselves."

(End of this chapter)

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