Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 559 Grozam: Lord is immortal, who can kill me? ! Who can kill me?

Chapter 559 Grozam: Lord is immortal, who can kill me? ! Who can kill me?
"Don't you want to see how powerful he is? I really want to know how powerful he is as an opponent who can fight His Majesty." Grozam's metal body shone coldly. As a frozen monster, it not only It only possesses a rather threatening coldness, and even if its own body is shattered, it can reorganize and regenerate. It is an immortal monster.

Powerful and difficult to handle, so among the Four Heavenly Kings, he often regards himself as the strongest one.

Even if it is the Emperor Ampera, it will think alone when there is no one around, how powerful the so-called emperor is.

And how big is the gap between himself and the emperor.

"Are you challenging the majesty of His Majesty the Emperor?" Disrem was loyal to the Emperor Ampera, and immediately couldn't understand Grozam's actions.

"That's not true. I just doubt the authenticity of the legend. Are the so-called Ultra warriors really capable of fighting His Majesty the Emperor? Or is this just a claim from the Kingdom of Light?" Grozam said lightly. replied.

"The opponent that His Majesty personally named is not someone you have the ability to question. If you really feel dissatisfied with this, you might as well face him yourself." Disrem snorted coldly and replied disdainfully Said: "Before then, give me an honest look."

"Let's try it with the Impleza, anyway... it's a mass-produced machine." The Mephilas star never participated in the quarrel between these two guys, but always controlled the situation and manipulated the Impleza. Zha fights Nexus.

"I can't even beat these things, and I'm trying to figure out his strength?" Grozam said disdainfully.

"I didn't intend to measure his strength, but do you think he will let these Imperas leave?" The Mephilas star looked back calmly, and his eyes were clearly looking at a fool: "The final performance It’s all about Sunset, after all, it only has such a little effect, it’s better than doing nothing.”

Following the words of the Mephilas star, the next moment, the sword of sparks flew out from Nexus' wrist and hovered above his head.

Nexus, holding his sword fingers and manipulating the spark sword with Ultra mind power, stimulated his real strength. The spark arm covered his right arm, forming a arm armor to strengthen his arm strength. The high-speed rotating sword body of the spark sword was like a tornado storm, destroying everything. Destroy all Imprezas.

The mass-produced machine is not as strong as the unparalleled Iron God-Impereza, but it is a terrifying guy that can automatically regenerate and stand up to become stronger no matter how defeated it is.

Seeing the screen turn blank, the Mephilas star and others fell into silence, and no one spoke for a while.

Although Grozam said that these mass-produced machines will not be its opponents, but it is not something it can do to destroy everything in an instant.

From this aspect, it is not as good as Nexus.

"It's really terrifying power. Is that sword the same type of weapon as His Majesty's Dark Pattern Sword?" After the sword was released, it wiped out all the mass-produced machines in an instant. Srem has a considerable sense of déjà vu.

Back then, His Majesty the Emperor swung a sword of light with the Dark Pattern Sword in his hand, tearing apart the crystal-like streets of the Kingdom of Light in an instant, beheading all the Ultra warriors along the way.

Just a wave is invincible and terrifying.

Now such a scene appeared again, but the person who performed this move was an Ultra warrior.

"It seems that it is necessary to report to His Majesty the Emperor." Nexus, who showed such strength, was not the one the Mephilasians wanted to face.

Whoever wants to go will go, anyway, it won't go.

"That's right, I think so too." Grozam nodded, affirming what Mephilas said: "Only such a strong man is qualified to be His Majesty's opponent!"

Disrem glanced at Grozam with his thin pale yellow pupils, expressing his disdain for this guy's sincere words and cowardly attitude.

You were so arrogant before, you thought you really had the guts to rush out, but that's all it turned out to be?
"I'm going to report to His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty the Emperor should be very interested in the appearance of this soldier." The Mephilas star didn't intend to stay any longer. The mass production machine was wiped out as well. Nexus was hand-picked by the emperor, it would be better to say that it is not surprising because it is so powerful.

"Drive the battleship far away first, don't be discovered by him, otherwise we can't bear it if he really shoots at this side." Before leaving, Mephilas still remembered this, and urged With Grozam and Disrem.

"I know, I know, why panic, besides, if His Majesty the Emperor wants to go out in person, we are running away now, not to lose the face of His Majesty the Emperor?" Grozam is known as a hero. In fact, this is not a compliment, but Because this guy doesn't use his brain to think too much.

Such a character has always only known to fight.

Of course, his strength is indeed strong, relying on his immortality, he can be regarded as the number one in the universe.

"Are you sure? I heard His Majesty the Emperor say that his light can completely wipe out the hit objects from the molecular level." Disrem looked at Grozam pretending to be curious, and then With no expression on the metal face of the latter, Desrem said, "Can your immortal body glue yourself back from the molecular state?"

"Heh, are you underestimating me?" Grozam said with a disdainful smile, "It's impossible for his light to hit me!"

After figuring out the strength of these Imprezas, Yuanquan directly took out the spark sword, and used the cremation weapon to strengthen the strength of his own arm, raising the data to extremely high in an instant.

Surpassing the data collected by the Impreza, while the latter's processor was still calculating the data, it directly launched an attack with lightning speed, and wiped out all the Inpreza in an instant.

After all, it's not Wushuang Iron God, it's not that difficult.

Raising his hand to catch the spark sword, Nexus also ignored the surrounding environment where the blue light particles were scattered, but turned around and ran towards the Kingdom of Light.

He can get all the answers there.

After Impreza was wiped out, Nexus' return road was not hindered in any way, and he landed on the streets of the Kingdom of Light smoothly.

And here, Aofu, who witnessed the outbreak of war in the universe, led the members of the Ultra Combat Guard, and was already here to welcome the return of Nexus.

"Brother!" As soon as he landed, before Nexus asked his own questions, Taro rushed out and asked anxiously: "Where have you been during this time? You left in a hurry back then, scared me Let's jump!"

"Back then? How long have I been away?" Hearing Taylor's words, Nexus immediately asked curiously.

"You have been gone for decades since you left." Father Ao explained to Nexus: "In your impression, isn't it too long?"

"That's right, I only feel that more than ten days have passed, and it's not as long as several years." Nexus was a little puzzled. Could it be that the flow of time in the Tiga universe and the Showa universe is not the same?

"The time flow between the two universes is not consistent. It should be this possibility." Sophie replied: "However, we have no experience of traveling to other universes, so we can only make some guesses about it."

"It should be like this." Nexus nodded, and then said: "Then you still have Impreza outside?"

"Nexus, I'm sorry that I have to give you a mission just after you came back." Father Ao said apologetically, "Please go to Earth to support Mebius and Seven."

"The Yabo people want to revive the strongest super beast that was sealed on the earth - Saurus. The road to the earth has been laid with many traps. I can't think of anyone else who can get there in the fastest time except you. .”

Nexus understood.

I'm afraid it's not all Impreza along the way.
If this is the case, even if these mass-produced machines alone would not be the opponents of Sophie and Taylor, dozens of them would still be able to slow them down by swarming up.

In the original plot, there is no mention of Sophie and Taro being intercepted when they went to Earth.

It was when the first generation and others and Mebius ran out of energy, and when the oil was exhausted and the lamp was about to die, Sophie and Taro suddenly appeared, replenished their energy, and then fought against Saurus.

That's what Tetsu didn't show.

And what I have to face is the real world.

(End of this chapter)

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