Chapter 561
After meeting Mebius and even exhorting him, the fourth elder was able to use his spare energy and could do nothing else.

Although they have regained some strength in the past few decades, it is only a little bit, and it has no effect.

In the theatrical version, the four elders barely transformed, and were even killed randomly by the Gazi stars. Before they were punched twice, the red light flashed rapidly, which shows their poor condition.

And the resourcefulness of the Kazi star is not low, thinking of the method of pretending to be Mebius to wreak havoc in the city, successfully persecuting Mebius was angry, and he lost his standard in the battle.

But it didn't come without a cost.

Unlike the Mebius in the original book, the current Mebius is a warrior who has come out of hell and is physically and mentally united.

His first master, Tai Luo, laid all the foundations for him, making his foundation very solid.

And Nexus taught him his responsibilities as Ultraman and some powerful tricks, and gave him a powerful bonus in the realm of heart.

In the end, what Leo taught was the indomitable and brave attitude under the arduous temper.

Both physically and mentally have been greatly strengthened. Compared with Mengbius in the original book, there is no doubt that Xiaomeng is now stronger.

At least in the first battle on Earth, he didn't use buildings to resist attacks from monsters. Instead, he chose to take the monsters away from the scene and choose an open area to fight.

Then I met Bogaru, who was in contact with Xiaomeng who was almost eaten in the original book, but this time it almost made Bogaru unable to go back.

I heard that Bogaru has a lot of experience in how to fight injuries?Xiao Meng expressed different opinions on this.

It was also at this moment that he used the stunt inherited from Nexus and the greatly enhanced moves under Leo's training.

Leo Fly Kick and Atomic Kick.

Xiaomeng combined it into the Yan-style flying kick taught to him by Tai Luo, and successfully created his own nirvana.

Mengbeam atom burst.

Under Leo's guidance and education, Xiaomeng created it himself, and it belongs to his own tricks.

And this also means that Xiaomeng has broken away from everything that the three masters entrusted to him, and has successfully walked out of his own path of being a strong man.

The three masters are all powerful Ultra fighters, but their teachings are also based on their own experience, which belong to them, not Mebius.

Walking on the path of predecessors is just imitating others.Only by walking out of one's own way can one truly embark on the road of the strong.

He gave Bogaru a hard kick, Xiaomeng almost kicked Bogaru to death, and Bogaru was so scared that he didn't dare to come out for several episodes.

After hiding for an unknown amount of time, she was found by the vengeful knight Jian who was frantically chasing her, and had no choice but to set foot on the battlefield again.

However, Bogaru has also learned to be good. After he was almost kicked to death because he looked down on the recruits sent by the Kingdom of Light, Bogaru never dared to underestimate Mengbius, let alone contact Mengbius. Adams' kick.

At that moment, when she saw Xiaomeng jumping up and kicking, her whole body was shaking.

Because of this, the imperial star died faster than in the original book, and the Zarabu star who pretended to be Mebius and started to destroy the city was kicked to death in front of the angry Mebius
The original intention of the Gazi Stars was to make Mebius lose his composure, so that the rhythm of the battle would be disrupted and then capture him, but he never expected that Mebius would be stronger than he expected.

He had no choice but to go out himself in the end, possessed the marine biologist Jinguji Cai and lurked beside the future, successfully found an opportunity to feed the poison to the future, and seized the future to kill him. Captivity in the ship tormented him.

Then, after the tormented future was exhausted, the Kazi star pretended that there was a flaw in his security system, and deliberately let the exhausted and injured Mebius find a chance to escape, and he started to grow into a giant. destruction of the city.

The wounded future gritted his teeth and turned into a battle, but in the end he failed to be captured because of his heavy injuries and lost to the Gazi stars. He was made into a cross of the same style as Seven and hung in the sky.

By the way, does Kartze have any special hobbies for cross shapes?

I got used to this more than 40 years ago, and even the Gazi stars more than 40 years ago were dead. Now I have changed to a Gazi star, why do I still like to play this trick?
What, you also believe in Jesus?
The subsequent development is basically the same as the original book. The four elders of Otto forced to transform and rescued Mebius, but they themselves were defeated by the Naker and Gazi stars, and they were also made into crosses and hung in the sky. .

Sai Wen can be regarded as a veteran in this regard. This wave is a return to his old business. He is extremely calm, and he even has the thoughts to comfort the self-blaming Mebius.

It appears to be lying flat.

Then, the future yelled out that classic line, which is also his most brilliant line: Don't give up until the last moment, turn the impossible into possible, this is Ultraman!
After yelling this sentence, Mirai re-transformed into Mebius on the spot, and his combat power was greatly improved under the confused expression of the Gazi star, and he beat the Gazi star to the head with three blows.

In the question of "Nima's, why are you cheating?" asked by the Gaci star, Xiaomeng kicked up, Meng Bim's atom exploded and sent Gaci directly to the monster cemetery to discuss the composition of the cross with the seniors .

But the unblocking of Saurus was inevitable, and the Naker star finally achieved his goal.

It's just that there is no need to say what the result will be for this kind of mob that unblocks the big monster in the Austrian series.

The Nakel star was crushed by Saurus, and there was not a single hair left.

The Yabo people originally used these four guys as cannon fodder, but now that the task is completed, it is useless to keep these guys.

Saurus looked up to the sky and screamed. As the ultimate super beast-Otto killer, it itself was made by Yabo people with high-end technology in a different dimension world. Resentment drives Saurus to take revenge on Ultraman.

It is a vengeful ghost, the legacy left by the Yabo people after their last death.

Especially during the decades of being enriched, this resentment has not weakened in the slightest. After years of accumulation, this resentment has prompted Saurus to evolve again. Now it is a stronger existence.


Although the Yabo people who had taken refuge under Emperor Ampera's command were resurrected from the dead, they would never give up on a super beast of Saurus' level.

And those four weak guys are still on the earth, this is my best chance to take revenge on them!

From the 20-meter-high Saurus 79 years ago to the current 303-meter behemoth, this resentment is so strong that it is rare in the world.

The Yabo people who have regained control of this power now have to face the four Otto brothers who are severely lacking in energy, plus a Mebius who is not so flashy, and the support of the Kingdom of Light is simply impossible arrive.

Those three guys will stop any Ultra fighters who dare to come.

Conscious that it is impossible for him to lose by flying a dragon and riding a face, the Yabo people let out a hearty laugh as if Boss Cao had lost Huarong Road.

Ace!You and your little friends must die here today!
(End of this chapter)

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