Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 562 Even if it is an infinite dream, this is part of the adult plan!

Chapter 562 Even if it's an infinite dream, it's part of the adults' plan!
The blue stream of light was overwhelming, and nothing could stop him along the way. Even Zhe Ping, a monster expert in the Phoenix Nest, had detected the arrival of this stream of light, but it was too late to stop it.

The stream of blue light tore away the darkness covering the sky of Yokohama, casting a new light and bringing new hope.

The blue light flow disappeared without a trace in an instant, replaced by two white light and shadows that differentiated.

In the process of growing bigger, Sophie and Taro appeared in the light.

There was no energy consumption, and the two soldiers who were in very good condition came to the earth. As soon as they landed, they immediately cast their eyes on the open space not far away.

There, Yuanquan, back in human form, stood there with his hands in his pockets, not intending to make a move.

Even if he saw Tai Luo's betting gaze, he just raised his hand and showed his thumb.

Taylor didn't know how much power loss the rushing along the way had caused Nexus. At his own speed, if he wanted to come to Earth from the Kingdom of Light, he would need to spend a lot of energy under the condition of sufficient energy. Ten days and a half months.

If you don't care about the energy consumption, it should arrive within a few days.

But Nexus arrived on Earth in only half an hour, and this energy reserve is already quite terrifying.

Taylor thought that Nexus must have consumed a lot, so he didn't intend to let his brother make a move.

The most urgent task now is to eliminate the ultimate super beast in front of him first.

Taro's trance was only for a moment, and Sophie over there had already turned on the energy replenishment device he brought, and transmitted the light energy to the four brothers and Mebius.

After receiving this light energy supplement, their severely consumed energy immediately returned to its peak, and their combat effectiveness also recovered in an instant.

The six Ultra brothers teamed up again after a long absence. The last time they joined forces on Earth was when they fought against the Imperial Stars.

If Yokohama hadn't been blocked so that outsiders and electronic signals could not be received, the scene of the six Otto brothers appearing at the same time would be enough to drive the people on earth crazy.

Coupled with Mebius, this lineup is also complete.

It's the same with or without Nexus, anyway, Infinity Dream Bius should still appear.

Yuanquan spent all his time watching the theater, without the slightest intention of going up to help.

The six Ultra brothers, Jia Mengbius, is there anything that can't be defeated?

Although Saurus is powerful, he will not make the seven Ultra fighters helpless.

When the infinite dream comes out, and the six Ott brothers enter Mebius' body to merge, how can Saurus survive?
Of course, when it comes to this, Yuanquan is still a little bit dissatisfied. Why does the six brothers and Mebius have a new leather case when they are combined, but Nima Chaotai does not?

It doesn't matter if it's not in the special photo, in the real world I'm in now, the fit Super Taro still hasn't changed the leather case.

It's really too much.

Surrounding Saurus for a meal, the Otto brothers and Mebius played an unknown number of attacks, but judging from the fact that their attacks did not have much effect, the tradition of scraping may not have started from the new generation up.

In the end, Mebius accepted the gift from the six Ultra brothers.

When the light of the six brothers entered his body, Saurus unleashed a powerful attack, firing a round of missiles indiscriminately and exploding a burst of fireworks to express his warm celebration of the factory of Infinity Dream Bius and his imminent death .

Do you still remember the complaints made by Yuanquan when he first came to Showa Universe?The lights of the six Ultra brothers are all different, with their own attributes and characteristics, which is particularly important when they are fused into Mebius to create a new form.

Although a little more black on the new generation of Ottoman is not a big deal, but it has not reached that point yet.

And Mebius is the orthodox Land of Light!

Then the source of the black stripes on Infinity Dream Bius's body is worth investigating.

Reminiscent of the adult among the objects of fusion, we have to suspect that this is actually the same

If you have to say it, Yuanquan of the Yabo people still know each other. Although the Yabo people didn't necessarily want to be embedded in the one's body to meet him, this can't cover up the fact that they have seen it.

Even the source shot through the face of the Yabo people with light, and in the process of fighting the one, they often greeted the Yabo people with energy-stored punches on the face...

Thinking about it, the revived Yabo people should have a deep impression of the source...

The battle over there is nothing to watch anymore, Saurus can't be the opponent of Infinity Dream Bius, there is no need to say anything more for the guy whose dead end is clearly arranged.

"Okay! Come on!" Thinking like this, Yuanquan couldn't help but yawn, but the sudden sound of cheering in his ears still made him turn his head.

The sudden appearance of the voice surprised him, he obviously didn't feel anyone coming, and besides other things, this voice... was somewhat familiar.

Turning his head abruptly, Yuanquan immediately saw a man in a suit and leather shoes dressed as a professional employee, cheering for Mebius like a child.

Apart from him, there were only the two of them standing here in the whole street.

"You! Dagu?!" Seeing this man in a suit and leather shoes, Yuanquan lived in Bengbu at that time.

What the fuck?

Why did Dagu appear here?

And still wearing such a suit?
Aren't you growing vegetables on Mars?
"Wait! Where's the light on your body?" Although the reaction was a little sluggish due to shock, Yuanquan quickly realized something was wrong, that is, there was no Digaot on the person who looked like a big ancient in front of him. Man's breath of light.

"Eh? Do you know me?" The man also named Dagu saw the shocked expression on Yuanquan's face, and pointed at himself in confusion: "We... know each other?"

"Parallel world parallel...Although it is Dagu, it is not the Dagu I know, so..." I always feel that the scene in front of me is inexplicably familiar. Although I haven't remembered the relevant plot for a while, But he figured out the situation right away.

On the back, the Infinity-Mebius with a new leather case (Super Tyro: Are you deliberately finding fault?) dropped from the sky with a big pocket, and directly confronted Saurus with the same posture of the Tathagata Palm Put on.

While destroying Saurus, he also rescued the real Jinguji Cai who was captured by Saurus.

As for Saurus...

There is nothing for you here, you can go to the monster cemetery to register in line (no mercy).

Saurus was wiped out, the powerful resentment was expelled, and the darkness covering the entire Yokohama dissipated, allowing the city to see the light of day again.

The GUYS fighter plane circling in the sky, the Flying Wing, captured the scene where Infinity Dream Bius separated and became the six Ultra brothers. They immediately understood that the crisis had been resolved.

Zhe Ping shouted loudly in the base at that time, and while seeing the six brothers standing side by side excited, he also knew what the blue light flow from the universe was.

That should be the six Ultra brothers.

Beside Yuanquan, seeing Ultraman's victory, Dagu gave a thumbs up and was very excited.

That was the Otto brothers, the figure he had seen and longed for since he was a child.

Time has really passed too long, if he hadn't seen it here, he would have been soothed by life, and he would have completely forgotten about it.

(End of this chapter)

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