Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 572 Ao Wang: Watching a movie live is an indispensable part of my boring old man's life

Chapter 572 Ao Wang: Watching theater live is an indispensable part of my boring old man's life
Waiting is the most painful thing, especially waiting for a guy who will lose his mind sooner or later to see when he loses his mind, it is even more painful.

From the first fight, Nexus understood that the Zaki who was killed by Gumen was completely different from the Zaki he had met.Possessing wisdom means that he is an intelligent life, while only having instinct is an undoubted beast.

After recharging for a short time, Nexus waved out the eight-point light wheel, and he didn't expect the eight-point light wheel to have any effect. After all, the ultimate light arrow storm is just to blow the fried chicken out, so how can we expect so much.

Turning around, Zaki let out a roar, and the tyrannical emotion in his bright red pupils was boiling.Reason is gradually fading, and violent instinct begins to gain the upper hand.

Especially feeling the light from Noah, it made him go crazy with excitement.

He became more and more insane and lost his sanity, but Zaki's energy rose again and again, as if he had exchanged his IQ for unparalleled strength.This explosive increase in energy completely surpassed the blue youth's Nexus.

Even if it is armed with sparks, it is estimated that it will be surpassed sooner or later.

But defeating the strong with the weak, Nexus is quite experienced in this.

Seeing that the eight-point light wheel was torn apart, Nexus raised his hand to block Zaki's fist, and the powerful force even made Nexus take a few steps back, and his posture was almost defeated.

One blow failed, Zaki twisted his neck and stepped forward again, his hands crossed in front of him in the shape of claws, tearing towards both sides.The red claw marks tore through the air, and although they fell through the air, they left deep claw marks on the ground.

It was an attack powerful enough to break through Ultraman's skin. Once hit, Zaki would gain the upper hand indefinitely, and there was no possibility of a comeback.

Turning the body, Zaki raised one hand, Zaki-Shoot came out, and the red energy light bullets were released one after another, scattered and aimless, scattered around, destroying the ground and buildings.

Nexus extracted the light energy from the Nexus armament and waved out the crescent light blade, but the single crescent light blade is not Zaki-heavy opponent, it can only hinder but not destroy.

The difference in energy levels between the two sides was too great, and Nexus had no choice but to pop out the Storm Sword to strengthen the power of the Crescent Light Blade, which barely managed to destroy it together with Zaki-Severe Strike.

The hand that kept releasing the attack was caught by another monster's hand. At the critical moment, Mikulas used Nelonga's invisibility ability to get close to Zaki's side, not only grabbed Zaki's hand, but even He also tried his best to release the current.

That is King Airi's ability.

Zaki was affected by some effects, and the continuous attack had to stop. Zaki, who was roaring in the electric current, still had the ability to move, and he ignited high-intensity blood-colored dark energy all over his body, and through these dark energies, the current wrapped around his whole body was transformed into Pure dark energy and absorbed into the body.

Soon, Zaki was out of control.

Absorbing the transformed energy made Zaki's strength even higher. Spreading his palms, his spiked fingers slid across Mikulas' body, completely destroying Mikulas with just one blow, and breaking up its shape Become a particle and return to the virtual.

Zaki raised his head to the sky and screamed, expressing his own pleasure.

However, a stream of blue-gold light struck from the side, instantly hitting Zaki's side, knocking him back a few steps, and almost falling over him.

Zaki, who stabilized his body, moved his hands, drawing a dark round shield from the core of his chest, which was very similar to the corrugated shield, and gulped down the power of the ultimate light-torrent.

Nexus canceled the light technique, raised his finger, and the spark sword flew high into the sky.

At the same time, Nexus stimulated the light energy, activated his own light, and the full power of the blue youth was about to unfold.

Zaki was finally devoured by his sanity, and the opportunity that Nexus had been waiting for for a long time finally came!

Zaki's shield (Zaki-reflection) dissipated, his hands curled up in front of him and then pushed forward, the absorbed power turned into a dark torrent and went straight forward, rushing towards Nexus mightily.

Unfolding with one hand, the spark sword descended from the sky. Nexus urged the spark sword to rotate at a high speed to face the dark torrent, like a sailboat going against the current, tearing through the wave of the dark torrent like a bamboo, and approaching Zaki's face .

Zaki's reaction was not slow, he immediately canceled the attack and was about to grab the spark sword, but was shown off by the spark sword that suddenly flew upwards.

The moment his attention was diverted by the spark sword, Nexus jumped up on the spot, and hit Zaki's back with an ordinary flying kick, kicking him forward and staggering a bit.

Using Zaki's body as a fulcrum, Nexus rolled over and stepped back to create a distance.

Zaki quickly turned around and swept to counterattack, abruptly drawing a bloody red trace in the air, as sharp as a crescent moon.

The turbulent explosion exploded from Zaki's back, and the footprints left on Zaki's back and Ping's excellent habit of hiding the ultimate move showed that Nexus had begun to become the big brother who liked it.

Zaki thought he was under attack, and turned and swept again, but it was lonely.

He only has the instinct of a beast, so he doesn't need to care about what kind of behavior he does in battle now.

The spark sword flew back to his side, and Nexus raised his hand to catch the long sword, removed the bracelet core loaded with the legendary stone and brilliant stone from the spark weapon on his arm, and placed it on the spark sword.

Turning this device, the two gradually fit together without distinction, the legend stone occupies the dominant position, and the light of legend shines on the grid of the spark sword.

The blue gems shone brightly, and the spark sword was also given new power.

Zaki pushed out with both hands, and dark red mixed with lightning dark energy rushed in. The power of this move was completely different from all the previous moves. It was obvious that Zaki had started to use his real skills.

"Zaki-gravity?" This is Zaki's move second only to his ultimate skill, and its power is very impressive, but Nexus did not dodge it, but seized the opportunity to raise his hand and swing his sword. The moment that passed, the spark sword inserted into Zaki-Gravity's wave, splitting the attack forcefully with the blade.

Are you Zaki a replica of the legendary Ultraman Noah?

Don't be kidding, you are the ultimate weapon made by the visitor. Even if you position yourself as Noah's shadow, the performance of being hanged and beaten by Noah in the original book is completely unworthy of your setting!
Then if you are based on Binoa, then how can this sword that contains the power of Reggado, the legend sung by the universe, lose to you?

The spark sword rotated, and the sword light spread in an instant, tearing Zaki-Gravity completely apart, and the mighty sword light soared into the sky, cutting out a bright boundary in the sky covered by dark clouds.

The trace showing sunlight is the sword mark.

Zaki couldn't understand what happened, it was something completely different from his previous battle memories.

The previous self used this trick to beat Nexus into Noah, and even almost broke the record of the Unbreakable Shield.

But why is this Nexus split with a sword?
Zaki roared, even with the bestial instinct left, he still wanted an answer.

The spark sword came out, and Nexus rolled over his body in mid-air, and dropped a fist from a height to hug Zaki, and the two turned into rolling gourds, rolling on the ground.

But this time, it was Nexus who dominated.

Pressing on Zaki's body, Nexus pressed Zaki's hands with both hands, trying to lock Zaki.

Zaki couldn't break free, and suddenly found that Nexus' strength was stronger than before.

The two were fighting on the ground, looking like two punks fighting, and the bodies pressed against each other made Xiang Yuanlong, who had been aiming for a long time, give up the attack.

"Damn it, you can't aim at all!" Putting down the gun resentfully, Aihara Ryu looked unwilling.

"If you hit Nexus, it will be..." Shinna also put down the gun, feeling very troublesome.

"At this time, I have to be allowed to play!" Zhenzhi smiled complacently. With the exaggerated dynamic vision and reaction nerves comparable to a certain game archer, he is definitely a good player to launch the main attack at this time.

"Meteor technology, lift the ban!" After squinting for a long time, Sadaharu saw the opportunity and pulled the trigger.

"Arrow of keenness, launch!"

A series of four red rays of light were shot out, not the kind that went straight, but the kind that could make several bends in mid-air.

The sharp arrows all hit Zaki, and exploded on his left shoulder, calf, and tailbone at the same time.

The sudden attack turned the stalemate between Zaki and Nexus into a turning point. Zaki's strength weakened for a moment, and at this moment, Nexus seized the opportunity.

Nexus hugged Zaki from behind, even though Zaki twisted wildly, it was useless.

Following the opportunity, Nexus burst into flames all over his body, hugged Zaki without letting go, and flew away from the earth with Zaki, heading towards the universe.

He doesn't want to fight on Earth.

That group of bright flames flew to the sky, to the universe.

Everyone in the GUYS team, whose Phoenix has not yet been repaired, can only look at it with admiration.

no fighter...

But, that's what they thought.

"What are you still doing in a daze, come back quickly, we are going to support Ultraman!" The voice of forcing water rang through the earphones built into their helmets: "Although the Phoenix Assault is under repair, the Phoenix Nest is not broken yet."

"Return to the team immediately! Phoenix Nest, we must also run to the universe!"



Flying at extreme speed all the way, the two finally landed on the moon. This was Nexus' helpless choice. Zaki's struggle was so intense that he was about to lose control, so he could only find a suitable one nearby. place to land.

The Ott bomb exploded, and Zaki flew out smoking and landed on the edge of the pothole.

Inside the pit, Nexus raised his head and looked at Zaki. The two looked at each other for a moment, and immediately rushed towards each other.

The blue and red streams of light hovered and rose from the moon. The two fought fast, the frequency and speed of the fight were as fast as a millimetre, and only one stream of light remained in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the King of Ultra, who is far away from the Star of Kings, started a live broadcast, watching the continuation of this great battle.

 I wanted to say something when I was typesetting, but I forgot after the typesetting...

(End of this chapter)

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