Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 573 Blue Youth - Almighty Sublimation Form

Chapter 573 Blue Youth - Almighty Sublimation Form

"You can let go of your hands and feet here." Far away from the earth, and will not cause large-scale damage to the ground and humans, Nexus raised his hand, and a golden dotted line began to draw from the core of the flying bird on his chest, inlaid with a fringe.

Although the blue base and white stripes outline the whole, the golden dotted line runs down the chest to form a "V" symbol that stays in the lower abdomen, outlining the mysterious characters that only the bosses have.

At the same time, Nexus' power climbed again, roaring and vibrating, and the light energy burst, and the powerful light energy washed over the space, making Zaki's devoured sanity almost seem to be pulled back.

The second stage of the blue youth is a form in which Nexus imbues himself with the power of the legendary stone and strengthens the form of the blue youth.

Although it is still a blue youth, it is already the second stage with some changed forms.

Nexus rarely uses this, because in his vision, this form is only a theoretical form, and he has not actually operated it.

Of course, the main reason is that he hasn't encountered a strong person who needs him to do his best, or even surpass him, for a long time.

And Zaki's appearance put great pressure on Nexus, forcing his cooled heart to rekindle and his fighting spirit boiled.

Zaki disappeared from the spot in an instant, and appeared in front of Nexus in the next instant. He punched directly, and the fist wrapped in dark energy tore open the space, faintly causing the distortion of the cosmic space.

Nexus didn't dodge or dodge, and punched out straightforwardly. He didn't use any tricks, but used the light energy in his body to directly give the attack state.

From the moment the legend stone was inlaid on the spark sword, the power of the legendary Reggado, which belonged to the great universe, had been mixed in Nexus.

Although Nexus itself has not reached the level of reproducing Noah, but Regedo is also an existence of the same level as Noah.

Noah killed Zaki three times, five times and two times, really think that Reggie couldn't do it?
The power of legend engulfs the light of Nexus, surpassing Zaki in quantity, quality, and rank.

The moment the two punched each other, there was a brief stalemate. Then, the power of Nexus crushed Zaki. The mighty power of the legend broke Zaki's darkness, and he directly punched Zaki. Zaki's face.

This mighty light energy directly hit Zaki's face, which made Zaki unable to bear the force and was sent flying out, spinning in mid-air, falling on the moon and rolling the earth.

If he hadn't grabbed the moon's ground and forced himself to stop, Zaki would have been rolled to the other side of the moon by this punch.

Raising his hands to the sky, lightning gathered between his hands, absorbing the plasma energy floating in the universe everywhere, Nexus gathered it into his hands, and then shot out with a bang.

Zaki half-kneeled on the ground, with his hands spread out in front of him, absorbing the lightning and thunderous attack, and after turning slightly in his body, he digested it into pure dark energy and reflected it out.

It's just that what he shot out was black lightning.

Nexus did not dodge or dodge. When the dark lightning approached, it was as silent as a mud cow entering the sea. These criss-crossing lightnings were all inhaled by Nexus, and they were extracted and transformed again, and gathered in the hands above the head again. middle.

And this time, it was even more powerful than the previous one.

As Nexus attacked, Zaki absorbed the reflection, and then was absorbed by Nexus to strengthen his power and hit him out. After repeating this cycle several times, finally, Zaki's absorption ability reached the upper limit.

His Zaki-Reflex was shattered, like a mirror, and after several rounds of lightning struck Zaki, knocking him flying.

Nexus lowered his arm.

Zaki, like him, has the ability to open the shield to block energy attacks and absorb transformation reflections. After all, it is in the same strain, and there is no difference at all.

But... the person who is really proficient in this trick among Ultra fighters is not Zaki, nor Noah, nor Nexus.

But Reggado.

Whether it is the power of aurora or the legend of sparks, no one knows better than Lei Jie in terms of absorption, rotation, strengthening, and release.

Reggado doesn't have many skills, but just these two moves can also show how powerful it is.

Zaki, like him, absorbs and reflects, and calculates energy consumption in the middle.

But what Nexus used was not the energy absorption of the ripple shield, but the power of Aurora...

It can be said that Zaki was not defeated by Nexus, but by Reggado's Aurora power...

After all, in this multiverse, no one can understand this better than Reggie.

But Zaki didn't pay attention to these, he was beaten up twice in a row, and even suppressed himself was not the figure he had been longing to see all along, Zaki couldn't accept it.

Even if he fails, he can only accept that he lost to Noah, not other cats and dogs.

Losing to Nexus is even worse.

Because doesn't that mean that he can't even compare to Noah's part of the light?

Zaki struggled to get up, activated the teleportation ability to cross many distances, and instantly came to Nexus, his legs falling like a battle ax drew a sharp mark, but was caught by Nexus' raised arms block.

Failing to see how Nexus was forced to kneel in front of him, Zaki flew back and fired a series of light bullets, forcing Nexus to be unable to pursue.

But Nexus, who had turned on the blue youth-almighty sublimation, would not pay attention to these things. He moved forward rapidly with both hands together, and every time he swung all the light bullets, he was still approaching at a high speed.

Eventually, Nexus caught up to Zaki's body and punched down, only to be blocked by Zaki's crossed hands.

Grabbing Nexus' fist, Zaki took the opportunity to lock his elbow, and at the same time approached close to him, taking the opportunity of Nexus's inability to turn his body, to start a close bunt.

But Nexus already knew what he wanted to do, and he stuck Zaki's lower body with his right foot first, forcing Zaki to be unable to turn his body, and the free hand fell down without hesitation, Nexus wiped Zaki's neck with his arms.

Nexus' elbow was blocked by Zaki's hand that was raised in front of him, and he couldn't fall for a while.

The two are entangled together, wrestling again, and stalemate again.

But this stalemate will not last for too long, because Nexus's body is once again ignited with flames, and he is already preparing to launch the Ultra bomb.

Not to be outdone, Zaki ignited dark vigor all over his body, devouring all the energy of Nexus' flames, absorbing nothing left.

Another energy skill that is different from zaki-reflection: energy absorption.

After absorbing all the flames, Zaki snorted triumphantly, locked himself so close to him, how could he be able to separate if he wanted to.

Nexus was not surprised, but the timer on his chest started blinking again.

...No way, he was attacked in the monster cemetery before, and his body was injured. Although the legendary stone filled his energy level, it was only for a short moment.

The sound of the timer proved that his injury was far more serious than he had imagined.

Besides, can Zaki's punch and kick be so easy to catch?

Even if it was just punches, feet, and body-to-body collisions, Nexus's uniqueness caused his injuries to continue to accumulate.

Milky white eyes and blood red eyes looked at each other for an instant, and the two launched the attack that had been prepared at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

The chests of the two people who were imprisoned close to each other lit up at the same time, and the scarlet core pulse and the blue-white core pulse shot at zero distance. , and finally stopped at the same time, stabilizing the body.

The intense impact of light and darkness continued to wash away, but the two of them seemed to feel that this was not enough, and at the same time they began to accumulate and shake their hands forward, preparing for the follow-up attack.

This battle, regardless of life or death, will never stop.

(End of this chapter)

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