Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 576 Who will bear the glory of Jayden in the new era

Chapter 576 Who will bear the glory of Jayden in the new era
"So, you are really the big monster Jayden?" Saori was sitting on a chair in the phoenix nest, surrounded by Emarina, Aihara Ryu and Sadaharu, who were looking at Saori in circles. weaving action.

Of course, Saori in the center is very ordinary, while Zheping on the other side is collecting information quickly, finding out all the information about Jayden that has been recorded so far.

But no matter which one it is, it cannot be in the form of a human being.

"But why? Why did Jayden turn into a human being?" Mu Zhimei was relatively calm, not as talented as Aihara Ryu and the others. Although she was sitting by the side holding the little King Airi, she was also looking at Saori, but most of the time Her gaze was still attracted by Aihara Ryu and the other three.

"Because I am a human being who inherited the Zedon factor, I am indeed a human from Earth, but I am also a Zedon, that's all." Saying this, Saori raised her hand and scratched her head. Her movement was very normal, But Aihara Ryu was so frightened that he jumped up and hid behind Mu Zhimei.

"Let me tell you, you don't want to control me like that again!" Aihara Ryu poked his head out from behind Mu Zhimei and said viciously, "This is the phoenix's nest. If you are really Jayden, We will never let you go."

"Is this guy's mouth as hard as ever? Or is it just like this now?" Saori raised her head and asked Marina.

In her eyes, Marinna is barely a normal person.

In the three circles around her, there are more or less some of that.
"How should I put it, just get used to it." Marinna also had a headache, although she was happy to see this passionate idiot suffer, but Aihara Ryu's performance still made her feel helpless.

"Then can I make her shut up?" Saori raised her hand and made a gesture of merging scissors with two fingers in front of her.

Aihara Ryu's chattering mouth was immediately sealed, no matter how he pulled his mouth, he couldn't speak.

"This is Jayden's telekinetic power, but it may also be a super power." After searching for a long time, he couldn't find Jaydon's anthropomorphic pattern, Zhe Ping could only open his mouth to question.

Saori didn't speak, but snapped her fingers, and the incandescent fireball floating around her suddenly appeared, and she caught it with one finger.

Although it is not a burning flame, the incandescent fire is even more frightening.

"A fireball of one trillion degrees? Strange, why is it this color?"

The mega-degree fireball dissipated, Saori raised her hand from the bottom up, and a transparent multi-faceted barrier rose from Saori's feet, wrapping her in the shield.

"Jedon's protective shield." Zhe Ping sucked in a breath of cold air in the Phoenix Nest, and said loudly: "It can't be wrong, these are indeed Jayden's abilities, she really is Jaydon!"

"Transfer the monster factor to humans, so that humans can gain the same power as monsters." Captain Sui Shui never said a word from the beginning, and even this sentence was whispered to himself.

He is not only the captain of the GUYS team, but also the director of the Phoenix Nest. He deeply understands how important Saori's existence is to some people.

The weakness of human beings has now restricted the development of science and technology, just like meteor technology. This technology is limited by the physical fitness of the pilot who drives the fighter plane, and it cannot exert its true strength at all.

In some ways, putting meteor technology in the hands of aliens is even better than humans themselves.

The meteor technology can only be activated for 1 minute, which is naturally also to protect human beings.

That's not counting everyone in the current GUYS.

Among the current GUYS team members, Ryu Aihara is a veteran pilot with rich experience.

Marinai has a second-to-none hearing ability, and she can almost use a data panel like A+ to express her talent.

And Sadaharu's dynamic vision and reaction speed are comparable to intuition.

Coupled with the mimicry Ultra warrior in the future, the current GUYS team members are all a bunch of monsters.

But even so, the other three people except Mirai could only last for 1 minute when they piloted the fighter plane and activated the Meteor technology.

It can be seen how huge a load this technology will cause to human beings.

When some people learn that humans can obtain the power of monsters, and even control superpower-like power so easily, it is really difficult to guarantee that those people will not be moved by it, or even go crazy.

Human beings have always chosen both the strength of external objects and their own strength, and there is no choice.

If it is really not available, then humans would rather destroy it.

The forced silence made the atmosphere in the base more and more strange. Although it was confirmed that Saori was indeed Jayton, and Aihara Ryu had been unsealed, but even so, Aihara Ryu was still quite dissatisfied. I want to ask Saori why she came to Earth.

It's a pity that Manina and Sadaharu's speed was too fast, they locked Aihara Ryu's body at the same speed, and covered his mouth with their backhands.

"Although it's a bit special, it doesn't cover up the fact that you are a human on Earth. I think you must have been captured by some evil cosmic beings for experiments." Mu Zhimei ignored the funny trio over there. Group, but looked at Saori and asked.

"It's very painful. It must be very uncomfortable to be instilled into my body by something like the monster factor, and then squeeze the genes of being a human being."

"...I have been taking medicine for a long time, because I want to suppress the Jayden factor. If I hadn't met Nexus, I would have turned into Jayden one day sooner or later." Although hesitant, Saori still He decided to briefly state his past experience: "Human genes are too fragile for the Zedon factor. If it is not weakened as much as possible, you should be flying fighters to destroy me now."

"Once I become Zedon, there is no possibility for me to change back. That means that as a human being, I will be swallowed by the Zedon factor, and I will naturally disappear." Saori was still calm, but the more plain her words , the more it makes everyone in the GUYS team feel sad.

You only need to diverge your mind to think about it and you can figure it out. When Saori was kidnapped from the earth, tied to the test bench by the cosmic people for experiments, and injected with monster factors, they shuddered.

Especially in a pure white room, Saori was treated like a guinea pig.

Outside the room, there are countless cosmic beings recording Saori's physical changes and clinical reactions.

As long as they think about these things, they suddenly become angry.

"These cosmic beings, do they think the earth is their back garden!" Aihara Long didn't continue to talk back, but hammered the table angrily: "Don't let me touch them, or they won't have good fruit to eat!"

"Count me in, I can't bear the fact that I will become a guinea pig one day." Zhen Linai crossed her arms, both angry and sad: "But we humans, to the guinea pigs, are we not another kind of cosmic beings?"

There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. The blow across dimensions, or the crushing at the level of life, no matter what, it can't change the fact that it is strong and weak.

"Let's not talk about those unhappy things, isn't it worth celebrating now?" Shui Shui supported the console with both hands, stood up and made a sound while attracting everyone's attention.

"Welcome home, Saori!"

(End of this chapter)

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