Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 577 The Burial Ground belonging to Nexus

Chapter 577 The Burial Ground belonging to Nexus

"It's such a terrifying power, that kind of posture, that kind of collision, are there all monsters like this in other universes?" The battle between Nexus and Zaki exposed quite a lot of cards, but the same, he It also let everyone in the universe who paid attention to this battle know his strength.

Zaki's darkness is of a level sufficient to frighten the universe. They have only seen such terrifying dark energy in the emperor.

Therefore, in their eyes, the object of comparison with Zaki is the Dark Emperor Ampera.

They feel that Zaki and Ampera are similar, they are the top powerhouses in the universe, even the Four Heavenly Kings think so.

But the emperor himself didn't think so.

Zaki is a powerhouse beyond him, and Ampera knew it from the moment he sensed Zaki's darkness and broke out with Nexus.

Zaki's dark energy was over him, literally over him.

After traveling across the universe for so long, it was the first time for Ampera to encounter an existence that surpassed him on the dark level.

However, Zaki is from another universe and looks very similar to Nexus, which makes people wonder what the relationship between the two is.

"That dark giant is above me, and Nexus' hole card is that posture?" Reminiscent of what he observed, Nexus' blue posture, Ampera was full of joy in his heart.

Although he knows that the blue warriors in the Kingdom of Light represent weakness, Nexus is not an Ultra warrior of the Kingdom of Light. If anyone wants to use the data of the Kingdom of Light to apply to him, it may be Suffer a big loss.

In your eyes, blue is the most incompetent, but it is the strongest power controlled by Nexus.

Once you relax your vigilance, you may even be instantly killed by Nexus in one round.

Zaki was above him, and Nexus was able to suppress Zaki in the battle and win. In other words, Nexus used his full strength to subdue himself.

That is a [-]% winning rate, there will be no mistakes.

Compared with the time when the Ottoman war was launched tens of thousands of years ago, he was even a little weakened.

How can such a self be the opponent of Nexus?
The manufacture of the dark armor requires more manpower to start forging, and the materials used at the beginning are not enough, and more despair and resentment must be created, and more planets with life must be destroyed and their resentment before death must be collected to create Dark armor, so that he can fight Nexus.

But. Is what I saw really just Nexus' trump card?
Is there anything else he's hiding?
Although Ampera told himself intellectually that hiding moves is a very mentally retarded behavior when encountering such enemies, but he didn't know why, and always felt that Nexus didn't use all his strength.

Even though he seemed to be seriously injured, Ampera still felt that this guy still had some hidden cards.

This is an honest person's subconscious vigilance against old coins. In Ampera's eyes, Nexus is like a box with layers of layers.

I knew before that he had a spark weapon, but now I know that he has a blue youth, and then what?What else does he have?
Ampera couldn't figure out what Nexus was doing for a while, and she didn't even know whether Nexus was really injured.

And on the back of the moon, where the great battle broke out, Stone Wings floated quietly in the pit.

Inside, Yuanquan's body lay in it receiving healing.

As early as when the first birth of the planet was started, the Stone Wing had been integrated into Nexus' body and became a portable tool that could be called out at any time.

It may be that the chasing road of nearly 100 million words almost made Stone Wing vomit. The moment he caught up with Nexus, Stone Wing entered his body and merged with him, saving him I have to chase another 100 million words.

That's really not a good life.

The body is receiving treatment, but Yuanquan's will is walking in the stone wings. Under a brilliant starry sky, Yuanquan once again embarks on a familiar path.

In the long aisle, in front of the endless temple, he stood here again.

"Zaki has just been resurrected, and his strength has not fully recovered. Even though he has absorbed some energy, it is still not enough for him." Walking in the temple, walking towards the unknown darkness in the distance, Yuanquan clearly remembered that the last time he came When I got here, I was still in Tiga Universe.

It was also here that he met another Nexus, who gave him a bird pendant.

And that pendant finally became his key to unlock the blue youth.

Now here again, the source is not what it used to be.

This temple, on the contrary, is even more dilapidated than last time.

"What is Zaki's true strength, or in other words, how many Zakis are there in this infinite universe?" As far as Yuanyuan himself knows, there are five versions of Zaki, and those who don't know Who knows how many more?

But no matter how many there are, as long as it doesn't meet Zaki from Dream War.

If it really happened to meet that Zaki, it would all be over.

That is the real top Zaki who can suppress Austrian King and even compete with Noah.

Yuanquan didn't think he could win if he met him.

If you lie flat and wait to die, you may die a little easier, without any pain.

The more he walked, the more empty the left and right sides of the aisle of the suspended temple became. In Yuanquan's eyes, the familiar fog once again obscured his vision, exactly the same as last time.

But the only difference is that these fogs did not cover the source itself, but gathered within 100 meters around him.

This is different from last time.

"Because I used to be confused about the way forward and why I was fighting, so I fell into the fog, which means that I haven't found the real goal. But this time, I found the goal, but I couldn't find it." Is your own way forward?" Yuanquan quickly understood this, because after he returned to the Kingdom of Light, he did come back with an aimless mentality.

At the beginning, he didn't know what he was going to do. If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many things piled up on him, keeping him busy, he might have thought about what he was going to do again.

This confusion is reflected in the temple, the fog is still there, and he still can't see the way ahead, and he still can't see the whole picture of the temple.

On a whim, Yuanquan stopped and walked to the edge of the aisle, looking down.

And it was this curiosity that made him see some very scary things.

Under the suspended corridor, although it was still shrouded in mist, Yuanquan could clearly see a stone with patterned outlines, which was not naturally formed at all.

And he recognized what the stones in this part looked like.

"That's Nexus' head" Yes, Yuanquan could not mistake that sharp head that looked like it was wearing a hat, even though it was only part of the back of the head, it was still recognized by Yuanquan.

"Could it be...there's all there below?" The moment he saw this stone, Nexus had a very terrifying guess in his heart.

If there are all stone statues of Nexus below, then what exactly is this place?
No, there are more terrifying ones.

If the stone statues of Nexus below are all broken, wouldn't that mean
This is the burial place of Nexus?
In the multiverse, who can count how many Nexus exist?And if the fragments of the Nexus stone statue were piled up so high here, wouldn't it mean that countless copies of the Nexus light had been extinguished?

This idea can't appear, once it appears, it will linger in my mind like a tarsal maggot, the picture is so terrible that Yuanquan dare not think about it.

Yuanquan, who fell down on the hanging avenue, raised his head and looked at the dim light covered by the mist. It was the first time here that he wanted to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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