Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 592 Xiang Keiko and Beidou Seven Seas and Hayata Rina

Chapter 592 Go Keiko, Beidou Qihai and Hayata Lina (Zhuxing:??)
"Huh? The breath of light?" Future, who was still wondering where the source of distress went, suddenly sensed another burst of light energy. It was the light belonging to Nexus, and Future would not admit it wrong.

What came from the source at that moment was the breath of Nexus' light!
"Xiaohui...Xiaohui..." Yuanquan hugged Xiaohui in a dazed look because of the instant oneness.

His mouth didn't move, he didn't speak at all, and he just planned to hug Xiaohui up, how could he have such a tight hug?

He wanted to let go, but his body seemed out of his control at this moment, and he didn't let go of holding Xiaohui at all.

Isn't this my body?Why do I look like an outsider?

"Xiaohui..." Greedyly sucking the scent of this girl who was exactly the same as before, Nexus manipulated Yuanquan's body. Although he planned to force Yuanquan a to go up, is there really no selfishness in it?

A hundred years has passed in a hurry, even the last time they met was the final decision of a complete separation from each other.

If there is a choice, the palm of my hand will definitely not let her pass away.

But when everything has become a foregone conclusion, he has obtained the power enough to change everything.

It's too late.

It's not about sending charcoal in a timely manner, it's not about coming in time, it's about starting over after the fact, redemption after one failure.

But it was only one failure, and the consequences of that failure were so serious.

Leo lost to the twin monsters, causing Kuroshio Island to be submerged, and hundreds of thousands of lives were buried and sank into the sea.

Yuanquan failed to save the world in time, and cut off the life he loved and the entire planet.

All they can do is make amends.

But if you lose it, you lose it, if you don’t make it, you just don’t make it.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiaohui didn't struggle, the two sides hadn't seen each other for almost half a year, but even so, Xiaohui was aware of Yuanquan's attitude change at that moment.

Caressing Yuanquan's back, Xiaohui smiled: "Don't be sad, I'm here, I'm here."

...If it wasn't for Nexus in the bracelet instead of the source, I'm afraid he would have fallen to his knees covering his face and crying bitterly.

Ultra warriors don't have tears, not at all.

Xiaohui is indeed there, but you are not my Xiaohui.

To you, I am the most familiar stranger.

Having regained control of his body, Yuanquan immediately let go of his hands, panting heavily.

He was sweating profusely against the wall, and he didn't even dare to look at Xiaohui's face.

"You bastard, you did a good job, why meddle in your own business! Why do you manipulate my body without authorization!" After calming down, Yuanquan grabbed the spark arm and roared angrily: "I tell you, you don't care about my affairs!" Intervene!"

No one could give him an answer, and Nexus fell into a long silence, and the eyes of the people coming and going in the corridor, who seemed to be looking at fools, put even more pressure on him.

"Yuan?" Dagu couldn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

His intuition told him that something must have happened to his best friend, but he couldn't detect it at all.

"I'm sorry, Xiaohui, I offended you." He walked past Xiaohui with his head down, looking hurriedly, like an old dog who has done something wrong and passed by his master, lowering his eyebrows, not daring to publicity.

Looking at Yuanquan's receding back from a distance, Xiaohui did not catch up with him, but watched him leave.

"Dagu." The crisp voice like an oriole came to mind, and Dagu, who was about to catch up, stopped in his tracks.

"I think Yuan... seems to have changed a bit." Xiaohui was a little distressed, frowning, her feeling told her that although Yuanquan was still Yuanquan, but he just changed to someone else.

"I always feel as if there is another person in his body, like...a split personality?"

"Why is it a split personality, instead of being possessed by something?" Dagu asked rhetorically.

"No, although he has changed, I can feel that he is still the same, and there is nothing wrong with it." Xiaohui walked into the ward with her bag in her hand: "Has anything happened to him recently?"

"No, nothing!" Future stood up from the chair, and bowed deeply to Xiaohui: "Thank you for reminding, Sister Hui, I know what brother Yuan is like now!"

"No, I didn't do anything either..." She took a step back in fear, but after realizing that there was no malice in the future, Xiaohui was relieved, and said with some embarrassment: "Speaking of which, do you know what happened to Yuan?" ?”

"Of course, brother Yuan... woo woo!" Future showed a smile, and just as he was about to tell his guess, Dagu covered his mouth with a bear hug and locked his throat, and dragged him out abruptly. Even though Future was struggling It doesn't help.

"It's all right, nothing happened to Yuan's body hahaha!" Dagu smiled and dragged the future out forcefully while smiling: "Xiaohui, you Qihai said that we will leave first, and we will meet again at night." !"

"I'm sorry, Xiaohui!" Dragging Future out of the room, amidst the latter's sobs, Dagu's figure gradually moved away, and finally disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

"...Really, everyone is mysterious, whether it is Yuan or Dagu, it has become very strange." She retracted her poked head and looked at the backs of the two leaving, Xiaohui muttered that she couldn't understand.

However, it is good that the source energy has some changes. If it remains the same as before, then Xiaohui may not know how long she will have to wait.

It's just... I remember Yuan who was active and gentle when I was a child, why did he become like this...

Xiaohui was tidying up the ward, thinking about some things in her mind.

But for a moment, Beidou Xingsi and Nan Xizi's daughter, who was also her best friend since she was a child, also came to Big Dipper Qihai.

She was originally a nurse in this hospital, and she handled Yuanquan's admission procedures all by herself. When she saw Xiaohui here alone, Qihai showed such an expression.

"That guy, let's run away again." Although it was a question, he used an affirmative tone: "I knew it, I heard the yelling in the hospital, and the sound of Xiaohui on the twelfth floor. "

Qihai inherited Nan Xizi's appearance, she was extremely beautiful, and she was a well-known beautiful nurse in this hospital.

It is said that the number of doctors practicing here is the largest every year.

Of course, the most people come here to see a doctor.

Even if you are not sick, and the illness is not very serious, you must apply for hospitalization.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink.

"You, you didn't even come to see us after hearing about it."

"No! I'm angry when I see his face!" Qi Hai said angrily: "I like it, but I have to think about something all day long, I don't know what he is hesitating about!"

"Every day, why do you go to do architectural design? Didn't you already get admitted when you were studying?" Qihai complained about the past events, those absurd things that were completely incomprehensible to her: "It's almost With just one step at the door, he can embark on the road to realize his dream, but he shrinks back!"

"The same goes for your relationship with Sister Hui! He hesitates, it's not real at all, what a bad man!" Qi Hai sat on the hospital bed angrily, muttering with puffy face: "I really deserve to play with Dagu since I was a child." As far as the big one is concerned, Dagu is like this and he is like this! It seems to be discussed!"

What Qihai said is the same, naturally it means that the dream that Dagu wanted to realize since he was a child was also when he was just one step away from the door, he chose to back down, and then he sank and became a tour guide.

It wasn't the kind of job he wanted, but he was muddling around like that.

Since then, he also began to worry about gains and losses, and his feelings for Lina were no longer so firm.Once it comes to marriage, the subject is always involuntarily changed.

Lina is Uncle Hayata's daughter, and she is the oldest among them.

A couple who were supposed to be the first to get married, but they dragged it off until now.

Seeing that Sister Hui and He are going on the same path as Sister Lina, Qihai sees it and is anxious in her heart.

What kind of evil did you do to let the two sisters share the treasures of you two!
"No, today's Yuan is still very active." Xiaohui blushed, and then leaned close to Qihai's ear, talking about what happened just now.

The more Xiaohui talked, the more surprised Qihai became, especially when she heard the last two hugging each other, she let out a series of exclamations.

"Eh, eh? No way? Is that guy so active?" Qi Hai looked disbelieving.

"Is Yuan Neng so decisive? Could it be that he was dropped by someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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