Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 593 In the adult world, there is no such childish thing as Ultraman anymore.

Chapter 593 In the adult world, there is no such childish thing as Ultraman anymore.

"Don't struggle, I told you that you can't take it off." Nexus was a little bored as he supported his boring wall with one hand: "If you have the ability, chop off your own hand." , otherwise the Spark Armament will not be able to be removed.”

"Do you think I dare not!" Sitting angrily on the seat in the square, there was an extra thing in his hand for no reason, which still made Yuanquan feel a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention that there is an Ultraman in it.

"Anyway, you can't get rid of me, or just tell me why you resist being with Xiaohui so much." Nexus tried his best to figure out what happened to himself in this world. Under the premise of exposing himself as the source of the same identity, he can only be so cautious.

"No, I don't have the habit of sharing my mental journey with a guy of unknown origin." Yuanquan refused without any surprise, leaning back on the chair and looking at the sky.

No matter how hard you look at this splendid sky, the flowing white clouds can never get tired of looking at it. Every time you look at it from a distance, it always brings a rare joy to your heart.

"In my opinion, Xiaohui is a rare good girl, no matter in every way. From the perspective of my Ott life, it is hard to imagine that someone would reject such a girl."

Because I have had it and lost it, so I cherish it all the more, but I can clearly distinguish it rationally. Even the same person has a different life. Nexus did not regard Xiaohui here as his Xiaohui .

Maybe he will love the house and crow, but he restrains himself rationally.

That is not your own.

"There's something wrong with you. Ever since you saw Xiaohui, you seem to have been talking about her, you." A muffled voice came from under the hands covering your face: "You bastard, don't you really have something for Xiaohui?" Think about it."

"What are you talking about! This is a piece of advice from someone who has experienced it!" Nexus raised his head and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Hey! Time is very cruel, and fate is also very cruel. You don't cherish the treasure in your palm now. , When you lose it, it will be too late to regret it!"

"Why are you acting like an old mother, I don't need you to remind me!" Yuan Quan sat up straight: "Take care of yourself, it's not your turn to worry about my affairs."

"It's so kind to be a donkey's liver and lungs, and you will cry in the future." Nexus hated iron and steel, and didn't bother to say anything to Yuanquan, so he directly closed the link and chose to remain silent.

Although he tried his best to warn himself that it was not the same person, but once the memories flooded up, it was not something that could be suppressed.

Allow yourself to immerse yourself in your past in this closed place of your heart.

Those memories in this world that only he himself knows.

"Yuan, why did you run out?" Dagu panted heavily. To be honest, it is still very difficult to drag the future all the way out. This guy's struggle is really fierce, if it is not for Daguji Being superior, he really got him out of trouble.

"What am I doing in the hospital? I'm not very well, and Qihai doesn't want to be told by Qihai, it's so embarrassing." Scratching his cheek, Yuanquan moved to the other side to make a seat available.

Dagu and Future are also welcome, the three of them sat on the same chair, each with their own concerns.

"He's called Mirai, the Ultraman you and I saw before, called Mebius." Dagu introduced Mirai's identity to Yuanquan. In fact, he was also tired. After all, Mirai's enthusiasm and energy seemed to be It's like there's no limit.

"Mebius?" Yuanquan looked at the future with surprised eyes, looked up and down the young man with a bright smile, and then gave a nonchalant oh, and then stopped talking.

"There should be no Ultraman in our world, right? That's all the Tokusei drama we watched when we were young. Now you tell me that the real Ultraman is standing in front of you." Yuan looked into the distance, as if he could see it from here. To the scenery in the distance, the vast ocean: "If someone told me that Ultraman is real, I would laugh out loud."

"It's all so naive."

"No!" Dagu loudly interrupted Yuanquan's follow-up words, and said seriously: "Yuan, have you forgotten? When we were young, you had me, Asuka, I, Meng, and Zhen. We were all five tall. Gao shouted, it is the dream to become Ultraman!"

"I told you that it happened when I was a child, Dagu, there is no Ultraman in the world of adults." Yuanquan turned his head, and said this sentence firmly at the beginning, but after looking at the future from the corner of his perspective, he also Unconsciously weaker.

"Dagu, the five of us once said that we wanted to become Ultraman, but now, which of the five of us is ahead of that ridiculously childish dream?"

"You became a tour guide, I became an architectural designer, I dreamed of becoming a handyman of the Academy of Sciences, I failed in the Asuka baseball competition, and became a member of the ball picker." Spreading his hands, he gestured a huge corner in front of him: " Perhaps among us, only the real life is the happiest."

"He really went around the world."

"Children's dreams are not suitable for the world of adults. We will eventually grow up, become smooth, and be tolerated by the world."

"Live in reality, Dagu." Standing up, Yuanquan put his hands on the railing and looked into the distance: "Go to Uncle Hayata's house for dinner tonight, do you want to go?"

After a pause, Yuanquan added: "Lina will go too."

"No, there are no dreams for children or adults!" Dagu didn't reply, but the future stood up first: "When I don't even want to believe it, then this thing really won't happen!"

"Brother Yuan, Ultraman exists, and so does the Ultra Star! That's not a naive dream, it's right there, waiting for you to pursue it!" Future said affirmatively.

"I haven't been on Earth for a long time, but everyone I know is a group of kind and lovely people. They told me a lot of truths, and I really learned a lot on Earth."

"Getting along with them is a joy that I can't even enjoy in the Kingdom of Light, because with everyone, Ultraman has the meaning of existence."

"It's not false, it's not hallucinations, it's all true!"

It seems that very few people will say such words with certainty. When they grow up, they see the cruelty of society, and then they know the childishness of childhood.

People have lived in reality for too long, so how long has no one said it to themselves?
Last time. No, the previous self also said the same thing, right?
Dagu is silent, the source is speechless, he is stimulated by the earnest and earnest gaze of the future, and turns his head away, not daring to look directly at the future.

"You are Ultraman, you have the final say, what you say is true, it is true, I have no objection." After speaking, Yuanquan walked past the future without stopping.

"Future, don't talk about it." Gula gave Future a hand, and dragged him away with the source.

He knew that in the future he would not be a person from this world, nor would he have a place to stay. He planned to let him live in his home temporarily.

"Future, in fact, Yuan is not as indifferent as he seems on the surface." Pulling away from Yuanquan, Dagu and Future whispered something.

"He was not like this before. He was enthusiastic, kind, cheerful and serious. He would work hard to do something once he was sure of it. He exuded a dazzling light, and he was a person who attracted attention no matter where he was."

"But six years ago, everything changed."

"Xiao Hui was seriously ill that day. It was very serious. When he was sent to the hospital, he was given a critical illness notice. At that time, Yuan was taking the most important exam in his life."

"Everyone thinks that he can pass the exam, and there is no one who doesn't think so." Looking at Yuanquan's back, Dagu finally sighed: "But...he failed."

"Since then, he has changed, he has become another person, he has become taciturn, he dare not face Xiaohui, and he has given up on his dream, living in a daze, becoming the kind of person he used to hate the most .”

"Great Gusang, but... why did it fail? It's obviously not a sure thing." Future asked puzzled.

"At that time, was he still able to think about the exam?" Dagu replied: "He was sitting on pins and needles in the examination room, and he put all his heart on Xiaohui."

"When he learned that Xiaohui was issued a critical illness notice, he couldn't sit still any longer."

"Should we continue to wait here and stick to our dreams; or should we give up our efforts and stay by Xiaohui's side."

"In the future, which one do you think he chose?"

(End of this chapter)

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