Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 708 The source of the attempt to make Gauss unable to paddle in front of the new generation

Chapter 708 The source of the attempt to make Gauss unable to paddle in front of the new generation is the lesson
The leaping Gauss flew directly into the sky, and then fell from the sky, using the force of falling from above to create sparks of friction, strengthening the power of the flying kick.

Descent and kick.

Nexus hung upside down directly, spiraling into the sky with his head and feet up, and the flame ignited on his left foot shot straight into the sky like a drill.

Although it was from the bottom up, no one would doubt the power of this kick.

Up and down, tit for tat, after the moment of the explosion, two red streamers fought in the sky.

It is not uncommon for prominence balls and reckoners to fall from the sky and hit the ground of Star of Kings from time to time, and even the direct collision of fiery light waves and cross storms is also staged in the crimson sky.

The scale of the battle between the two sides seemed to have soared to another level after flying into the sky, but fortunately, it did not exceed the acceptable range of everyone watching below.

After confronting each other with dozens of moves, Gauss fell to the ground suddenly, and Nexus also landed immediately. The two sides had a tacit understanding, and they both began to accumulate strength and prepare to release the finishing move in this form.

"Nebast Light!"

"Ultimate Light - Torrent!"

The crimson and golden-red rays of light collided together, and the stalemate lasted for less than five seconds. The finishing moves of the two Ultra fighters exploded again, and they died and dissipated at the same time.

Gauss raised one hand high, penetrating his own light energy into the sky of King Star, which instantly affected the planet's atmospheric environment, and condensed a large number of thunders above his head.

Nexus didn't give in at all, and also raised one hand high, popped out the Storm Sword and began to accumulate light energy.

There is no energy injected into the flame, nor the attribute of frozen air, but the purest, crescent moon shock wave of light to confront Gauss.

Thunder Crush vs Crescent Blaster.

"Use the power of light to affect the environment of the planet. If Gauss is on the earth, he may be considered a god." Taylor folded his arms. Although Gauss' current strength is powerful, he is similar to them, and It can't be considered too strong.

And what does King Austria and Nexus say about the level of the universe?
Hikari, who was holding a microcomputer at the side, frantically pressed the keyboard, desperately collecting data, and even Tregia was called by Hikari to help him, and together he collected the data of this battle. data on both sides.

"The energy has weakened, is the fight over?" Tregia, who has been paying attention to the rise and fall of the energy of the two sides in the battle, saw that the energy level of Gauss and Nexus had dropped to the lowest level, and thought that the battle was about to be over. .

"No, it might be the calm before the storm." Hikari didn't think so. He didn't believe that these two guys would stop fighting so easily since the battle hadn't reached the end.

The thunder exploded, and the scattered thunder light bombarded the surrounding boulders and wasteland. The high temperature struck by the thunder left red traces on the stones.

In the center of the confrontation with the crescent shock wave, viscous plasma was produced and fell little by little, emitting an unpleasant smell on the barren land.

Gauss stopped the energy release.

Nexus withdrew the Stormsword.

The closing of the two sides does not mean the end of this battle, but the beginning of another escalation.

"This energy level!" The originally sluggish energy level soared to a terrifying level in an instant, and Tregia was so scared that he quickly shouted: "Chief Hikari!"

"the two of them…!"

As Hikari's words fell, the bright ring of the sun shone around Gauss' body, and the flickering of that circle of light and shadow caused the color of Gauss' body to change again, from red and blue swirl patterns to Parallel staggered patterns formed, and a brand new body was formed.

The microcomputer issued a series of warning sounds, and Hikari also knew that Gauss's current energy level exceeded the limit that this microcomputer could detect.

"He can really change again," Ace complained directly.

"It's not the same over Nexus." Leo crossed his arms and stared at the battle situation.

Gauss switched to the solar eclipse form, and the same Nexus was not idle, and directly switched to the blue youth to liberate his power again.

While the two sides started their new stances, various physical data soared again. This time, the scale of the battle between the two sides was not the same as before, and even the speed of the two sides' movement was almost undetectable.

This also means that there is an insurmountable gap in strength between them and the Ultraman who can only act as spectators at this moment.

Eclipse Gauss and the blue youth, this battle will open a new prelude to the future chapter of the Kingdom of Light.

After that, the final result of the battle between the solar eclipse and the blue youth was a draw, because although the two sides showed their respective forms, they did not really intend to kill.

Of course, the most important reason is that the Kurzmium rays cannot cause damage to Nexus, because in Musashi's heart, Yuanquan, that is, Nexus is his brother Yuan and his good friend.

And the Kurzmium ray has the ability to distinguish between friend and foe, and can simultaneously destroy and purify the light technique, so even if the Kurzmium ray hits Nexus, it will not cause any damage.

Of course, Nexus also knew this, so he finally opened the blue youth-sublimation.

If there is no way for Kurzmium Ray to deal damage, Gauss's choice is also very simple.

He directly opened Gaussian Future!
This time, after taking out the form that can really stand at the level of the big universe, Gauss, who changed his body color for the third time, ignored the already stunned Zhongao of the Kingdom of Light, and exerted the super fighting power of Gauss' future form.

The final result was nothing more than a tie between the final moves of the two sides.

The main reason is that the protective shield built by the two sides' special skills restrained the destructive force of the collision, so as to avoid tearing up the star of the king at that moment, and making the old man Otto homeless.

After that, the Ott brothers, who had been slacking off because of peace, began to train themselves hard again, and worked hard to become stronger. Obviously, they were shocked by Gauss' future posture and let them let go of their slack. thoughts.

As for Sai Luo, because his strength was too weak, he couldn't see the moving speed of the two sides clearly when he was with Eclipse Gauss and the blue youth, so he didn't see more.

But even so, the battle between Corona Gauss and Nexus made him see the level of the so-called strong.

After seeing it with his own eyes, Sai Luo finally reined in his arrogance that he was not afraid that day. He started to train silently and worked very hard.

He even doubled the training instructions given by Mebius himself, and he worked very hard.

Obviously, he was also very stimulated.

After the fight, Nexus has actually made some progress. After all, being able to show his true skills to fight against an evenly matched opponent is also good for him, and it will also help him find out some of his shortcomings.

But well. In this way, if the plot develops to the time of Ultra Legend, you will not be able to swim, Musashi!
In the legend of Ultra, it was Sero and Dyna who didn't know that you could cut the form, and thought you were an ordinary Ultraman, so you succeeded in pretending to be dead.

This time, you, Gauss, missed the point in front of Sai Luo and let him know how awesome you are.

I can see how bad you are at that time!

(End of this chapter)

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