Chapter 709
Shortly after Gauss left, Nexus soon received a summons from King Al.

Although they have met once before, the ghost knows why King Ao is looking for him.

Nexus always felt that Ao Wangte liked to tease him, and he liked teasing him very much.

The point is that he can't beat Austrian King in terms of strength, so every time Yuanquan is called over by Austrian King, he doesn't want to go.

Who knows if Ao Wang is normal or abnormal today?
Bite the scalp, Nexus climbed to the top of the Plasma Spark Tower, where he saw the King of Ultra who was wearing a king's cloak and pretended to be a master without saying a word.

And the first sentence Ao Wang met was also very simple, almost straight to the point: "You have to go out, Gauss is in trouble."

Nexus: ?
"What kind of trouble can he encounter? With his strength, it is enough not to find trouble with other people in this universe." With Gauss's strength, once Gauss' future is opened, it is still possible to find someone in this universe who can fight Gauss' future. Not many.

"Although this is true, what Gauss encountered this time was not a monster or a cosmic being, but the thing that Max had encountered before." King Ao said calmly: "Yefu."

Nexus: .
"What the hell? Leaf rot? Isn't this thing already...Could it be the one that was sent away by Max?" Once the leaf rot was involved, Nexus couldn't calm down immediately, although he also knew that with the personalities of Gauss and Musashi It may not be possible to attack the leaf rot, but...that depends on the situation.

If the leaf rot that has been attacked and turned into a monster is wreaking havoc, there is a high probability that Gauss will land on the corona.

And once he lands on the corona and goes up to stop it, there will be a big problem.

Unless Gauss's landing is the light wave of the full moon, otherwise Gauss will be judged as an enemy by Yefu without knowing it.

And once Yefu judges him as an enemy, Gauss will really not be able to defeat Yefu in the future.

"Where is Gauss! I'll go right away!" Gauss will encounter Ye Fu, which immediately makes Nexus unable to calm down. The previous peace and comfort are based on Gauss' absolute strength.

Yefu, on the other hand, was an opponent that even Gauss could not handle.

King Ao didn't speak, but took out the Wanbao hammer and knocked on the space beside him, directly knocking out a crack in the space and shattering it, revealing a deep space tunnel.

"Go, Gauss is waiting for you."

Nexus didn't talk nonsense, he directly put on the king's cloak and entered it to support Gauss.

King Ao looked at Yuanquan's back, rolled his cloak, and closed the space tunnel again. His red eyes looked at the sky of the Kingdom of Light, as if he could see the distant future through the vast starry sky.

"Nexus in the future, I will guide him to the right path with the possibility that you gave up your life in exchange for it."

Obviously, even if the existence of Nai in the future has been extinct, and it does not exist in the past, it will not be known to anyone in any timeline, but Ao Wang is obviously not in this category.

He still knew what Nexus would do in the future, and how important it was that he had paid his own life for this possibility.

"Yuan, staying in the Kingdom of Light is not the meaning of your trip, go ahead and meet your destiny."

Appearing from the space tunnel of the King of Austria, Nexus flew out directly, and he suddenly realized that he was not in the Kingdom of Light universe, nor in the Gaussian universe, but in an unknown, unknown universe.

He stood outside a planet, and saw the flowers of destruction blooming on the planet through the outside world of the planet.

The flickering flower of blazing flames represents the destruction and death of a civilization.

Gauss' breath was a little weak, obviously he had already faced Yefu head-on, and he was really fighting.

"Musashi, don't let anything happen." Putting away the king's cloak, Nexus flew directly to the planet in front of him to support Gauss.

It's just that he never expected that when he was halfway through the flight, the world in front of him changed dramatically.

From a star ignited by war, it turned into a strange starry sky spinning around. In a dark world, the faint light of the stars is projected, illuminating the insignificant part of the darkness.

A blue light flashed, Gauss maintained his future form, and the timer appeared beside Nexus with a flash.

Nexus hurriedly supported Gauss, and instilled part of his own light energy in the past, replenishing him with energy.

"Brother Yuan." Gauss withdrew from the future form and returned to the posture of the moon god.

But even so, his physical condition did not improve much.

"Ou Wang asked me to support you, Musashi, did you encounter Yefu?" Nexus asked.

"Is that monster called Yefu?" Gauss braced his body: "I just want to prevent him from destroying the city...but I don't know why..."

"Gauss, Nexus." Just when Nexus wanted to tell Gauss about the existence and setting of Yefu, a voice mixed with men, women, old and young, with a strong accent sounded, and this The voice is no stranger to Nexus or Gauss.

They have all heard such a voice before, and the owner of this voice is naturally the god of the universe, the legendary Dración who is above the universe.

"Drasion, why did you appear here?" It is understandable that King Ao sent himself here, but why did Dración appear in this place?
"The last time you ran like a rabbit, I haven't settled with you yet!" Nexus still remembers that Drasion asked him to do something, but after he finished it, he didn't want to give the benefit and ran away What about this stuff.

"Come here for Leaf Rot." As he said that, Drasion projected the appearance of Leaf Rot in the deep starry sky, including the appearance of Leaf Rot at the beginning: "Nexus, you know Leaf Rot."

"Yes, the legendary monster is an infinite life form that is strong when it meets the strong." Nexus nodded. The leaf rot was also very famous when his hometown was not destroyed. Very powerful.

"Max has encountered leaf rot before. You know it. It is said that humans started the war without authorization, because humans attacked leaf rot first." Dración's voice was very calm, but under this calmness, hidden What is most important is the indifference to the equal treatment of all living beings: "Nexus, what do you think?"

"Me? Of course I have the same opinion as Max." Nexus spread his hands, indicating that Dración asked inexplicably.

"No, if this is the case, then why did the leaf rot appear on the earth, and why, it is the strongest life form in your mouth, Brother Yuan." Gauss keenly grasped the loopholes in Nexus' words: " Leaf rot cannot have appeared on the earth for no reason, unless"

"Gauss understands very quickly, Nexus, can you understand?" Even though he was admiring, Dración's voice still sounded flat: "Max didn't think about how the leaf rot appeared in On Earth, you never thought about it."

Nexus suddenly remembered this.

Indeed, there is no way for leaf rot to suddenly appear on a planet, it can only be dropped by someone.

But who is it, which cosmic being in the universe, Maxley didn't mention this.

And there was no mention of this in the information about leaf rot that Max reported to the Kingdom of Light.

"The civilizations in the universe have a splendid and glorious past and present, but outside the universe, there is also a larger world. In the world view of the multiverse, civilizations spanning multiple worlds have the ability to interfere with other universes. called rulers."

"Consider whether a civilization born in a universe should exist or be destroyed, whether it should be rewarded or judged."

"The leaf rot is a consideration. It is a special existence that a higher civilization casts on the lower civilization, allowing the lower civilization to stand the test."

(End of this chapter)

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