Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 724 There is a big terror in the monster graveyard

Chapter 724 There Is Great Terror in the Monster Graveyard (Sudden Fantasy Flow)
With so many cosmic beings coming suddenly, it is indeed a test for Hayata and the star clusters to say that they are really stuck in the present where they cannot transform for the time being.

It is still very difficult to fight these guys with a human body.

But it doesn't matter, Zhu Xingtuan is not the kind of existence that can't change its body and has no way to fight the enemy. He took out the monster capsule from his home and took it with him.

Although Uyingdam was lost by Hikari's little bastard, other capsule monsters can still be used, which is no problem.

When the guns fired at each other, Zhu Xingtuan and Hayata each hid behind the bunker. They looked at each other in tacit understanding, and began to cross fire, attacking with the laser gun in their hands.

One attacking and retracting, followed by alternating cycles, is the fighting method of the two of them.

Although there were only two guns, compared with the violent firepower on the other side, Hayata and Zhu Xingluan had no intention of retreating at all.

If these guys are really allowed to enter the Science and Technology Bureau, then something really big will happen.

"Huh, the first generation, Seven, you who can't transform, choose to jump out now, which is the biggest mistake!" The Sapenter took out a device hanging from his waist, held it high and shouted at the sky: "Everyone! , Call out your monsters, we have revenge for revenge, revenge for revenge, kill these two guys here!"

"Come out! The two-headed bird-King Ponton!" With the words of the Sapenter star, the fiery red two-headed bird Ponton emerged from the light and stood standing on the ground dug out by Gomorrah. in the cave.

But... this cave can only accommodate one Ponton King, if there are more, it will be squeezed to death.

But judging from the meaning of these guys, it is obvious that they don't care about it, but still summon the monster on their own.

In a series of sounds, these huge monsters crowded into a small space, and the only result was to burst the ice cave abruptly.

So much so that the huge ice surface collapsed and concaved, and the huge ice cubes fell in pieces like stones.

The monsters have rough skin and thick flesh, and nothing will happen even if they fall, while the cosmic people use their abilities to fly between the broken ice blocks.

Hayata and Zhu Xingtuan were no exception. They also danced on the tip of their knives. In order to avoid falling into the ice crevasse, the two sides even kept shooting at each other when they were jumping up and down towards the fragments against the current.

For a moment, the light of the laser gun danced among the scattered ice, colorful.

Even if there is no way to transform, the physical fitness of Hayata and Zhuxing Cluster will never be worse. Some weaker cosmic beings were ordered one by one by them, and they shot them down with the laser gun in their hands.

As a result, these relatively weak cosmic beings fell under the gap. Amidst the continuous roar of beasts, they obviously experienced the feeling of being trampled in the violent herd.

Soon, both Hayata and Zhuxingcluster fell in front of the gate of the Science and Technology Bureau.

After the ice layer was burst by the monsters, the Science and Technology Bureau was truly freed from the ice. Although it was still bleak and without any energy supply, the existence of the Science and Technology Bureau itself was a huge treasure room.

Although the ice layer hundreds of meters high was destroyed, the exposure of the Science and Technology Bureau was just in line with Sapenter's plan.

"Mikulas, Akira!" If Wuyingdam didn't respond, Seven could only use two capsule monsters.

However, it can barely play a role in the current situation.

It's just that when the two of them cast their eyes on the monsters standing behind Dada not far away, they still find it difficult to accept.

King Ponton, King Black, Bellocken, Bemonstein, Disc Creature-Noba, Gomorrah.

And the Golden Ancient Bridge, and Sigurus.

There are a total of eight monsters. Compared with the two monsters on their side, it can be said that there is a big gap.

"Give it to me! Tear the first generation and Seven to pieces!" Inside the Jingu Bridge, the Pedan star who controlled the Jingu Bridge looked at Saiwen with hatred.

Their family and Seven can be regarded as old grudges.

Seeing that the opportunity to beat the dog in the water was at hand, the Pedan people would never let it go.

"It's coming!" Zhu Xingtuan clenched the gun in his hand: "We have to block them no matter what we say, until Mebius comes back!"

"That's right, the Bureau of Science and Technology must not allow outsiders to break in!" Although he couldn't transform and the situation was pretty bad, Hayata had no intention of backing down.

As an Ultraman, wouldn't it be ridiculous if he couldn't even keep his own home.

"Give it to me!"

With an order, the mighty monsters roared and rushed towards Mikulas and Akira.

And Mikulas and Akila didn't flinch, and rushed forward with a roar.

The battle between monsters started, and the battle between the aliens and Ultraman also started simultaneously.

Hayata took out another gun from nowhere, and with two guns in his hand, he pulled the trigger one after another, walked under the feet of the monsters, and collided head-on with the cosmic beings who were also walking on the death line.

Holding a charging laser gun, Zhu Xingtuan was sent into the air with the help of Akila's leg strength, condescendingly he pulled the trigger and fired several laser rays downward.

King Ponton aimed at the star clusters in the mid-air, and breathed out flames to kill him.

But Akila used his huge body to stand in front of the star clusters, resisting all the damage for him.

Akila bumped into King Ponton head-on. Although both sides were monsters, Akila's weight and stamina were higher than King Ponton's, and he immediately knocked King Ponton back a few steps.

King Ponton retreated, and Gomora rushed forward immediately.

And Gomora is a heavyweight existence that Akira can't overthrow.

While the battle under the Cracked Ice Canyon was in full swing, more and more warships and spaceships began to rush towards the Kingdom of Light outside the Land of Light.

These are the cosmic people who rushed here from all over the universe with all their strength after learning that the Kingdom of Light had been destroyed.

They all wanted to tear off a piece of flesh from the Kingdom of Light.

The destruction of the top civilization in this universe, and the property it left behind are enough to drive any civilization in the universe into madness.

The closer you are and the faster you run, the more good things you can get.

No one would want to send someone a step at this time.

At the same time, in the monster cemetery, Beria inserted the plasma sparks he had snatched into the ground of the monster cemetery, and with the help of the energy of the plasma sparks instantly revived all the more than 100 monsters in the monster cemetery, and with his hands The ultimate fighting instrument, absorb all these monsters into the grids at both ends of the fighting instrument.

Compared with ordinary fighting instruments, the fighting instrument in Beria's hand can hold a hundred monsters, which is also a proof of his strength.

The souls of monsters that flowed from countless universes to the monster cemetery were revived by Beria with powerful energy and contained by the fighting instrument.

If it has been brewing for a long time, maybe these monsters can recuperate in the fighting instrument and return to their fighting power before they were alive.

The premise is that Beria does not call them out.

"Heh heh heh, this is the power that can fight for the hegemony of the universe." Holding the ultimate fighting instrument high, Beria laughed wildly.

Beria, who was immersed in his beautiful fantasy, did not realize that the power of the plasma spark inserted on the ground seemed to stimulate a certain existence that was sealed in the monster cemetery, forcing the other party to wake up from the dazzling light.

Immediately, the power of the plasma sparks began to be slowly extracted, following the underground veins, a new faint particle light was formed, and injected into the deep dark vortex that served as the background in the monster cemetery.

Beria didn't know all this.

And with the help of the power of plasma sparks, a terrible guy who has been sealed in the monster cemetery since ancient times is gradually waking up from his drowsy mental state.

He will return eventually, and this is something that no one can stop.

(End of this chapter)

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