Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 725 Towards Hikari's laboratory, brothers rush duck!

Chapter 725 Towards Hikari's laboratory, brothers rush duck!
When Nexus came out of the space-time tunnel, he suddenly found that the brilliant Ultra Star, which once shined in the starry sky, had fallen into the silent darkness at the moment.

This planet, which has always maintained its emerald color, has now been swallowed by the cold ice explosion, and there is no light left.

Combining the contents of Naot's signature, Nexus can probably understand that it was Beria who had taken away the plasma spark, which caused the Kingdom of Light to become what it is now.

It is understandable that the Kingdom of Light has become like this, after all, there have been such scenes in the original book.

However, some things are not mentioned in the original book.

Nexus turned around slowly, behind him, because of his sudden appearance, many space battleships stayed in place.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ultraman, they had the courage to come to the Kingdom of Light to play the autumn wind when they learned that the Kingdom of Light had fallen into eternal ice.

But if an Ultraman really appeared in front of them, they would also feel scared. After all, the Kingdom of Light is one of the top civilizations in the universe, and the name of the Ultraman resounds throughout the universe.

Turning around, Nexus, who was still in the radiant form, looked at these space battleships coming hand in hand with milky white eyes, and there was a glimmer of light that could not be erased by the darkness on his pale golden body.Even in the dark universe, it looks shining.

"It's Nexus, the legendary Nexus who defeated the Dark Emperor, the Ambella Star."

"Isn't it rumored that he only has red and blue? Why is it changed to another color now?"

"The shape is indeed Nexus, that's right, it must be faked by someone?"

"Why don't you give it a try?"


"Why didn't you go!"

Nexus' name in the universe is also very exaggerated. Although the color of his body at the moment makes the cosmic people in the local universe look a little stunned, this familiar shape also makes them very jealous and dare not go beyond anything.

"If I leave now, I can pretend that I didn't see anything." Milky white eyes reflected the space battleship in front of him, Nexus slowly raised his hand, and put his whole palm into the void of the universe, as if through the space of the universe, As if grabbing something.

Hearing Nexus' plain words, some more cautious space battleships turned around and ran away without any hesitation at all.

And some of them went through a lot of inner struggles in the battle between heaven and man, and finally obeyed their inner thoughts, chose to follow their hearts, and turned around and left.

What's left is naturally the existence that feels that he shouldn't be so intimidated by an Ultraman, and is determined to give it a try.

Others want to see the situation and choose whether they want to leave.

If the situation is not right, run away immediately; if you can get some benefits, then you must not miss it.

Nexus gave these unknown cosmic beings some time, those who were willing to leave would naturally be able to survive, and those who were unwilling to leave, he naturally did not force them.

If you die in the next attack, you don't need to blame anyone for queuing up in the monster cemetery.

Extracted a mass of colorful black light from the cosmic void, Nexus pinched it in the palm of his hand, and it instantly turned into a huge ball of energy with his hands raised above his head.

This group of colorful black light matter was suddenly captured into the universe from outside the universe.

After coming to the material world, this mass of black light matter began to send a reaction, and expanded into a mass of huge black holes. This mass of black holes produced a strong suction force, trying to swallow everything around.

Some guys who were still hesitating trembled when they saw this scene, and they also launched their battleships and ran away.

But more of them brazenly pressed the attack button, launching the main cannon attack towards Nexus.

It was clearly aimed at Nexus, but these artillery fires were gradually deflected as they moved forward, and were absorbed into the colorful black light.


Nexus let out a deep sigh, and the black light matter instantly expanded to the limit, and in an instant, it encompassed all the surrounding space, including those cosmic people who had never left.

Once this mass of matter extracted from the negative universe by Nexus enters the universe, it will form a huge collision body, and then be neutralized by the material universe.

In the process of neutralization, everything absorbed by this mass of negative matter will be digested without leaving anything behind. It can be said that it is the kind that is dead and cannot die again.

Originally, this group of negative energy substances would have a slow process of gradual expansion, but Nexus maintained the glowing state at this time, and he directly accelerated the expansion speed of this group of substances, and it spread to the maximum in an instant. In an instant, all the cosmic beings who were not afraid of death were eliminated in front of them.

And at the moment when it hit the maximum, it disappeared at an extremely fast speed. It can be said that everything has been arranged.

The neutralized negative energy substances finally turned into a transparent crystal, which was collected by Nexus into his own energy core.

Without hesitation, he turned around and flew towards the Kingdom of Light.

Since so many space warships have appeared outside the Kingdom of Light, it is conceivable how many cosmic beings have been visited inside, in the frozen Kingdom of Light.

Those guys are all here for the Bureau of Science and Technology. I'm afraid their primary goal is the laboratory of Hikari, the Kingdom of Light.

I am the gatekeeper hired by Hikari, this is my duty.

These cosmic beings are going to challenge the gate he guards?

Can Nexus bear this?
Exiting from the radiance mode, Nexus returned to the blue youth, turned into a galloping stream of blue light and flew into the Kingdom of Light, falling like a meteor.

In front of the Bureau of Science and Technology, the war is still going on, but this time the difference is that Mebius is paired with Ray's Gomora and Litola, and Ray himself as Leonix fights against those monsters them.

Mikulas and Akira have worked very hard, but two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention ten monsters on the opposite side, and some of them can transform into gigantic cosmic beings at any time.

Even if the force of the capsule monster itself exceeds that of a single one, it cannot withstand the siege.

So Mikulas and Akira have been punched back into the capsule.If it wasn't for the arrival of Mebius and Lei, the Bureau of Science and Technology would have fallen.

Even so, the body of Mebius who had been beaten by the ultimate fighting instrument was still very painful, dragging this injury to fight against so many monsters was also a torture for Mebius.

But he can't step down. In the current Kingdom of Light, he is the only one who still has the ability to transform.

"As expected of Mebius, he was able to drag such a body and wipe out King Ponton and Sigurus." Two of the ten monsters were missing, although Mebius was not the only one who did it. But it should be the finisher move by Mebius.

It wasn't that bad anyway.

Sapenter looked at the huge body of Mebius and the half-kneeling figure on the ground, and said mockingly: "But how long can you hold on? What else can you do with such a body?"

"I can do a lot more!" Swiping Mebius' breath with one hand, Mebius raised all his strength and aimed the Mebius lightsaber at the sky.

"This canyon is really straight!"

"You bastard!" Mephilas' complexion changed immediately. It is a person who has dealt with Mebius on Earth, so he naturally knows that Mebius's posture and his words are intended. what to do.

Mephilas immediately activated his ability, rushed to the top of the canyon in an instant, and ran away without looking back.

"Drink!" The golden-red Mebius knight lightsaber slashed down instantly, and the Nexus card transmitted power to Mebius' breath, serving as the energy source supporting Mebius's battle at this moment.

The crescent shock wave carried blazing flames, whizzed out at a height of more than 30 meters, and went straight to the monster in front of it.

"Gomora, Super Vibration Wave!" Lei seized the opportunity and gave Gomora an order with the fighting instrument in his hand.

"Cooperate with Mebius to attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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