Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 726 In short, I, Mephilas, are inseparable from evil cosmic beings!

Chapter 726 In short, I, Mephilas, are inseparable from evil cosmic beings!
The super vibration wave and the crescent moon shock wave, the joint attack of the monster and Ultraman made all the cosmic people look solemn.

Mebius is not some low-level character like a cat or a dog, he is also a well-known warrior in the universe.

In the underground market of space hunters, Mebius is also a valuable item.

He is the only outstanding Yan Clan fighter in this generation of Kingdom of Light. .

The monster allies here are not to be outdone, and at the same time use their own nirvana.

"Bairoccan, full fire coverage!"

"King Black. Pointer Shot!"

"Nuoba, use poison!"

Several monsters capable of releasing long-range attacks released their own proud moves as a prelude to counteract the power of the super vibration wave and the crescent shock wave.

The super vibration wave detonated ahead of time during the collision, while the crescent shock wave was weakened several times, and finally rushed out of the smoke.

Bemonstein fell from the sky and landed in front of all the monsters. He opened his belly button and absorbed the Crescent Shockwave that was greatly weakened by the monsters' attacks into his stomach, completely cutting off the power of the Crescent Shockwave.

Mebius Knight's lightsaber turned into a little bit of light and disappeared. Mebius put his hands on the ground and tried his best to maintain the transformed posture, but the flickering of the timer was already serious.

"Mebius, you can't bear it anymore!" The Kingdom of Light is frozen, and Mebius is also Beria's defeat, there is no doubt about it.

Although he was lucky not to be frozen, Mebius was also seriously injured, and he was fighting with injuries.

Fragmented ice cubes continued to fall from the surrounding ice walls, and fissures appeared around them, and they tended to become bigger and bigger.

If there is another explosion of that level, I am afraid that the ice wall will not be able to withstand that kind of destructive power, which will trigger another ice avalanche.

"And me!" Suddenly appeared in front of Mebius from the side, and Lei, who was in the state of Leonix, held the fighting instrument horizontally in front of him.

On his body that is too similar to Ultraman, one can vaguely see the common shadow of Lebrondo and Ultraman.

Gomora ran over from the side, stood next to Mebius, waved his hands and roared, cheering for his master.

"What can a mere monster do? Leonix of the earthlings, you will pay for your meddling in this matter." Before Dada could finish his sentence, Mephilas appeared again from above the canyon. Flying down, the light blue lightning was released from both hands, hitting Dada's body with a bang, flying it out, hitting the ice wall, causing Dada to be embedded in it, and I'm afraid it won't come down for a while .

"Mephilas! What are you doing!" The Ratchums glared at Mephilas, who fell from the sky and stood opposite them, and was stunned: "What are you doing? Why are you standing there? Are you not The head of the Interstellar Alliance division!"

"Because I am the division head of the Interstellar Alliance, and the Kingdom of Light and I are allies, what's wrong with standing here at this moment?" Mephilas held his hands on his hips like the first generation, and seemed extremely proud. Lei next to him, Hayata and Zhu Xingtuan were all stunned.

"I am an ally of justice. The Kingdom of Light is in trouble. As a member of the Star Alliance, of course I have to lend a helping hand to help them!" Mephilas coughed a few times and shouted: "You dark universe You evil cosmic beings, just catch them without a fight!"

The group was confused by Meferas who suddenly changed his mind and ran to the opposite camp. They really couldn't understand what Meferas was doing.

Didn't we make it clear that we were going to win?If you run to help the other party now, you don't think that the other party really has someone capable of turning the tide, do you?
Isn't Ultraman frozen in ice?

How about saying that the Star Alliance and the Kingdom of Light are allies... Pooh!In this entire universe, who doesn't know that the one who wants the Kingdom of Light to die the most is you, the Star Alliance, okay?

Can I show some face?Show some face!

"You can think clearly, jump over now, we won't show mercy to you just because of your identity." Sarpent crawled out of the ice crevice in disgrace, and looked at Mephilas viciously.

Although its eyes are the same compound eyes as flies.

"Of course, I did what I did, I did it right!" Mephilas shouted to the sky: "I swore to be a righteous one, Mephilas!"

"You're right, Nexus!"

Following the words of Mephilas, the sword of sparks dropped from the sky immediately, and rearranged in mid-air, forming a shield inserted on the ice, protecting Lei from behind.

The blue stream of light fell to the ground in an instant, and Nexus' blue body stood upright in front of the shield, which made Mebius' tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and also relieved the anxious Hayata and Zhu Xingtuan.

This guy came from his hometown in time, so there should be nothing serious about the Kingdom of Light.

"Are you all right?" The full timer showed that Nexus was in extremely good condition, and his abundant physical strength gave him the confidence to face all crises.

Mebius canceled the transformation, fell to the ground, and was supported by Hayata to stand up again.

"Brother. The Kingdom of Light is already. Already" Speaking of the painful place, Future couldn't help the tears from the corners of his eyes, and was about to cry.

"It's okay, this matter will end soon." Nodding, Nexus signaled to everyone at the same time, and then turned to face the group of invading aliens.

The Sapenters headed by "Nexus" looked at the laser gun in their hands, and when they looked at Nexus who appeared in blue, they immediately felt that they were in serious trouble.

Fuck!Beria, why didn't you defeat this guy and freeze him up!
If he is still alive, the fun will be great.

Sapenter would not think that blue would be a weak color. Although it is common knowledge in the universe that the blue Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light was weak a long time ago, but the fact that Nexus came from another universe, the entire universe Who among the major civilizations and planets here doesn't know about this?

All civilizations capable of interstellar travel know that this one is different from that of the Kingdom of Light.

The Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light, the blue one may be really weak.

But this one, blue is his strongest color!
Not to mention that I don't know how many years ago there was a rumor that there was a purple Ultraman who blatantly destroyed a fleet of space hunters, and his methods were very cruel.

But everyone took this matter as a joke, and no one took it seriously.

How could there be a purple Ultraman?Do not make jokes!
"It suddenly occurred to me that I missed a very, very powerful monster on my battleship, and I'll go get it right away!" Without waiting for everyone to reply, he turned and ran away.

But for a moment, there was only a black shadow left.

Nexus raised his hand, and he threw the blue Reckoner condensed in his palm, drawing a graceful arc, and hitting the Rachel who was fleeing in the distance.

There was a thundering explosion, and the reversing gust of wind blew in front of everyone's eyes, slapping the faces of the cosmic beings mixed with ice shards, just like their mood at the moment.

Isn't it obvious that the Ratchums are dead or alive?
"Whoever wants to leave, I can give him a ride." Nexus raised his other hand.

The blue reckoner shimmered faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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