Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 733 The source of the death in front of everyone

Chapter 733 The source of the death in front of everyone
In the end, Sai Luo still failed to follow Nexus.

Because Seven was fully resurrected when he was still on the way, and even rushed out of the Science and Technology Bureau.

Then, in order not to disturb the scene where the two father and son recognized each other, Nexus left consciously.

So when he arrived at Otto Airport, he was the only one who came here.

He also reverted from Nexus to human form after passing through a protective membrane.

And at this time, in this airport, apart from Hayata and Mirai who also turned into human forms, there are also everyone on the Panlong.

They are the first people on the earth to set foot on the planet of the Kingdom of Light as human beings. Of course, after ten thousand years, the earth's current technology is definitely not weak.

If the earth would still be coveted by various cosmic beings 1 years ago, then at this time, it would be a forgiveness for many cosmic civilizations if the earth does not invade other cosmic civilizations.

So in the past 1 years, the people on earth have also explored the universe in the universe, leaving their own footprints in various places in the universe, and human beings have become stronger, so that the Ultramans do not need to send people to go there. Earth protects humans.

They have broken out of the protection period and have reached the point where they can survive under this starry sky by themselves.

After meeting everyone on the Panlong, Yuanquan turned his attention to Asuka.

And Asuka didn't seem to expect that he could meet his senior here, so he was very happy for a while.

And this joy made him completely forget how elusive the person standing in front of him was.

"Asuka, why did you appear here?" Although Yuanquan knew how Asuka got here, he still had to pretend he didn't know.

Asuka shrugged and told Yuanquan about Dyna's finale.

It is probably that he was absorbed into the black hole formed by Sophia's destruction, and then he did not die, and even gained the ability to travel through the universes, and then came to this universe during the process of traveling through the universe.

"Why is Senior Dagu always unwilling to help me?" In the end, Asuka was still a little distressed. If Dagu had become Tiga and fought side by side with him at that time, Sophia would not be a problem at all and would definitely be properly resolved. of.

After hearing Asuka's murmur, Yuanquan immediately cast a strange look at Asuka.

Why didn't Dagu help you?
Good question!
This can be traced back to a long time ago, when it was not you Asuka but your father who became Ultraman Dyna.

"Who is this"

Koichi Oki's role in this exploration team on the Panlong is the same as Zheping's role in the Phoenix Nest. He is an expert in monsters, and he is also looking forward to seeing the legendary Ultraman.

Among the people on Panlong who came to the Kingdom of Light, he was the most excited.

The future is Mebius, Hayata is the first generation, and the person wearing the special combat uniform over there is Ultraman Dyna. Tsunade Oki already knew these things.

But he didn't recognize the strange man who appeared in front of him.

"Nexus, in the data on the earth, I am Ultraman Nexus." Yuanquan nodded, and introduced himself to the monster expert: "You are Lei's companions, thanks to your help." Only by helping them will they be able to solve this trouble in the future and come back successfully."

Suppressing Oki Koichi who was shouting excitedly, Lei took the time to say while pushing Koichi, "It's nothing, we are just doing what we can do, just like the Ultra fighters who helped We Earthlings are the same."

Lei, whether you are an Earthling or not is still unknown.

This is Yuanyuan's psychological activity, of course he didn't say it, otherwise it would be too hurtful.

"Anyway, thank you for your help." Hayata also stood up at this time, facing the captain of the Panlong - Hiroshi Hinata, also known as One Punch Man (who can knock out Ray's Leonix rampage factor with one punch) His existence has saved Lei from the brink of losing control many times.

"You're welcome." Hinata Hao naturally didn't feel that he could have any power on his side. Humans and Ultraman will always help each other.

"I'm troubling you, Lei." Hayata also cast his eyes on Lei at this time. For him, Lei has helped him for the second time.

Lei smiled, not too excited, and after nodding in the same way as Hayata, Lei turned his gaze to Mirai.

"Our agreement, I still remember." Lei and the future have been together for a while, and when the future found him and brought him to the Kingdom of Light, the two had been together for a long time.

With his future personality, no one would hate him.

Therefore, although the time is short, Mirai and Lei have become tacit friends.

"Well, we will definitely go to the earth together." The future smiled, and took a step forward to shake hands with Lei, which also represented the beginning of friendship and the reconnection between humans and Ultraman.

"Since there is nothing else to do, I think we can." Captain Hinata already planned to leave, but just as he said his words, Yuanquan's body in front of everyone's eyes suddenly shimmered, and this shimmer It enveloped Yuanquan's whole body at an extremely fast speed.

This sudden change immediately surprised everyone present, including Yuanyuan himself.

He looked at the way his whole body was glowing, and suddenly felt dazed.

what's the situation?
I haven't transformed, why is my whole body glowing all of a sudden?
"Brother, what are you?" In the future, some people can't understand Yuanquan's current changes. Are you going to transform?

Or, what kind of work is brother doing?

"No, I will be in the future." Before Yuanquan finished his words, he saw Yuanquan's entire body completely turned into light particles, and instantly collapsed into several parts that drifted away, and then rushed to the sky of the Kingdom of Light in an instant, breaking through this A shining star, submerged into the dark universe.

Future maintained the movement of reaching out his hand and stared blankly at everything in front of him.

What about my older brother?

Brother Yuan, who was as big as me, turned into light and disappeared inexplicably in front of his eyes? !
Not only was the future dumbfounded, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Who can accept that a big living person suddenly turns into a ball of light particles and then flies into the sky and disappears?
And the opponent is Ultraman, not a rookie.

It's impossible to really die.

Although Hayata thought for a long time in his heart, he felt that the way of disappearing really fits the scene of Ultraman's death.
"Just now, there was a very weak spatial fluctuation, as if the senior was summoned away by someone." Asuka was a little uncertain. Although he himself had a keen sense of space, what kind of summon was summoned in this way?

Turn into a ball of light?

"Do you have research on space?" Hayata's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that the red and blue Ultra warrior in front of him became extremely cherished.

"Let's not talk about research. I have the ability to create a small black hole alone, although I haven't used it much." Asuka was a little embarrassed. Under the circumstances, he is not very useful.

"The ability to create small black holes?" Asuka said easily, but Hayata and Miku were shocked.This kind of power can actually be controlled by Ultraman?

What is the origin of Ultraman Dyna to possess such power.

On the Kingdom of Light side, there are no Ultra fighters with this ability.

"So, do you know who summoned Brother Yuan?" Future asked.

"I don't know." Asuka shook his head.

"It's okay, in the future, you will take this Asuka to the Science and Technology Bureau to find Hikari, and then you will tell Hikari what happened just now and Asuka's ability." The first generation said with a smile.

"Shikali will know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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