Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 734 Brother Tazi: Then why did I get so excited when Siro called out Tiga and Nexus

Chapter 734 Brother Tazi: Then why did I get so excited when Siro called out Tiga and Nexus

"He's really gone, Lugiel, didn't he lie to me?" The golden door opened again, and the golden figure reappeared, symbolizing his comeback again.

Only this time, Tartarus came prepared.

A certain Lukiel who also has the ability to travel through the timeline told him that the source is not in his hometown at this moment, but in the Showa Universe, where he guards the frozen Kingdom of Light to avoid being stolen by other cosmic beings.

Tartarus is not the kind of person who will believe what other people say. He opened the door and looked over. He believed it only after he saw Nexus appear in the Kingdom of Light. What Lukiel said.

That's why he chose to make a comeback and set foot on this planet again.

Without the source, the so-called birth of the planet cannot find a specific power carrier, and this also means that the planet is in an undefended state at this time.

So with the power of Tartarus, isn't he able to do whatever he wants here?
Even if it is Ampera, it cannot be its own opponent by itself.

So whether it is the light of the planet or Ampera, the life form of light, Tartarus said that he wants these two things.

After closing the golden gate, Tartarus used the power of the rubies on the backs of his hands to block the space barrier, preventing Nexus from returning in time.

This also means that at this moment, the existence of other universes cannot enter, and the life in this planet cannot escape.

In this way, everything is ready, and Tartarus only feels that he has the chance to win, and there will be absolutely no surprises.

When he had just set foot on this earth, Ampera immediately appeared in front of Tartarus, revealing a really so expression.

"As expected, you are here. His worry is right."

"Even so, he has to leave when he is bound by many things." Tartarus stretched out his hand and pointed at Ampera: "Why, do you want to leave with me, or do you want me to leave?" Take you away?"

"You don't really think that he won't leave behind after he leaves, do you?" Ampera's face remained normal. Tartarus' comeback was already in the calculations, and Yuanquan had already left behind. Naturally, La is not worried.

"Heh, backhand? What backhand?" Tartarus crossed his arms and said proudly, "Let me see what the so-called backhand is."

"That's it" Ampera moved away from her body, revealing a figure of a human standing on a cliff that was hidden by it.

"Ultraman Tiga!"

"Tiga?" Tartarus was taken aback. He had heard this name before. It was an ultra-ancient warrior with legends and stone statues left in all major universes.

But... just Dijia's words, he still doesn't pay attention.

"You are Tartarus? Yuan said. The ultimate life form?" Looking at the golden figure that could blind the eyes, Dagu squinted his eyes and said with emotion: "It really shines."

"Ultraman Tiga, I've heard of you." Tartarus looked at Dagu, the tiny human form: "Why do you keep such a posture? Don't you change your shape? Show your appearance."

"I can't change Tiga now, because I have already given the source of my transformation device." Dagu smiled and responded to Tartarus' question: "So you want me to become Ultraman Tiga If not, you might be disappointed."

"." Tartarus was also a little speechless, Nexus asked you to be a helper, and you gave him your transformation device, so what is the significance of him coming to you?
Could it be that Nexus thinks that you, a human being who cannot transform, can kill me, the ultimate life form, in seconds?

"Ultraman Tiga who can't transform, hehehe. It's really funny." Tartarus waved his hand: "So, do you want to go to the kingdom? I can let you have it even if you don't need to transform. , and can completely surpass the power of Ultraman Tiga."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I can't become Tiga now." Dagu said, and took out the evolution trustee from his pocket, which made Tartarus feel a sense of crisis when he saw Dagu holding the evolution trustee.

"That's it." Of course Tiga's transformation tool Tartarus has seen it, not only Tiga, but he has basically seen all kinds of Ultraman's transformation tools from the past timeline.

Therefore, when he saw that Dagu, who was Tiga's human body, took out the evolution trustee, he suddenly felt bad.

When he browsed through all the past experiences of the savior of the stars - the source, that is, Nexus, there were several experiences that he could not see.

The first paragraph is the failure of Tiga Universe-Faust, and the failure of Gatanjae.

The second paragraph is in Gaussian space-time.

These two passages of the past seemed to not exist in any timeline, as if a piece had been forcibly taken away by someone.

But Tartarus understood that there is actually a second possibility for the unobservable reason.

That is, during this period of time, a great existence that transcends time and transcends concepts appeared. This kind of existence made the timeline unable to accommodate this kind of existence at all, and the information about this kind of existence on the timeline was directly inconsistent. existing.

If this is the case, then Dagu took out the evolution trustee, could it be
"Wait! Me!" Tartarus just wanted to stop him, but Dagu would not act according to his will, and directly pulled out Dagu, the evolution trustee, and was wrapped in red and blue light flow, from Red, blue, and golden lights rushed out of his body, and rushed to the sky, shining in the universe.

The moment Dagu pulled out the evolution truster, a golden particle of light circled down, surrounded Dagu's body, and gradually entered Dagu's body.

The light particles came from inexplicably, but Tartarus judged from the breath of the light particles that the light particles were Nexus.

But how is this possible?

It is obvious that the space of this universe has been sealed by him, and it is obvious that life outside this universe cannot enter at all!
life outside the universe.

I don't know if Nexus is a local, but Yuanyuan, he is indeed a local of this universe!
Just when Tartarus wanted to understand that his actions were futile, he saw the three-color scrolling beam of light coming backwards, and a hand stretched out from the brilliance and tore open the curtain, descending from the expectation of the crowd.

The stars were shaken, and the brilliant (existing for praise) warriors condensed by the trust achieved by the bond between the two stood standing on this earth that was once full of despair but was reborn.

"This gesture is" the terrible coercion came, and Tartarus seemed to feel that he came at the wrong time. He seemed to have chosen a most inappropriate time and a place that should not have appeared.

Then it led to what he was going to meet next, which was an existence he had never seen before.

"It's really a long-lost battle." Dagu opened his eyes, looked at the world of light around him, and knew that he had entered Yuanquan's body, just like before.

"I didn't expect that after so long, our bond hasn't faded much."

"That is nature, no matter how far apart we are, our hearts will always be together and we will always care about each other."

"This is our parting message."

"Never change."

(End of this chapter)

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