Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 755 The thunder is loud and the rain is small, comparable to a big conspiracy

Chapter 755 Loud thunder, little rain, comparable to a big conspiracy of a silver grid fart (bushi)

Nexus did not answer Salome's words.

Because he doesn't know what happened in that universe when Beria was exiled in order to pull up such a huge cosmic army in a very short period of time, and even fight in the entire universe, invincible, and the entire universe is under his rule Trembling under the pressure.

Although there is quite a special Emeralu ore in that universe, which contains magical energy, it is not an object that Beria, who has just been healed by the princess after being severely injured, can defeat.

He is an evil Ultra warrior, but in the face of an entire kingdom, how did he pull up such a huge power in a very short period of time, and even add some new ones on the basis of his original power, Ability never had before.

Could it be that those are all given by the ore?That's too exaggerated.

"The next era will be full of Beria's rampant era." Yes, starting from the legend of the super galaxy, even in the new generation, Beria's activity has not declined in the slightest.

For Beria, he is like a ghost that will never die no matter what, he is always wandering around Ultraman, and he can even create things like dimensional bombs, and then force Altman to go away together with the universe.

"Didn't Belial be defeated by Sai Luo?" Although Salome still had some doubts, since Nexus said in such detail, she had to be sure of something.

"Sero can only defeat Beria. The one who can really kill Beria is not Sai Luo." The person who can really end Beria is naturally a dutiful son of the Ultra world.

It's just that that person hasn't come out yet, only he can completely end Beria's fate of being alive and dead.

On Sai Luo's side, Dark Lopes Sai Luo's ability is almost exactly the same as that of Sai Luo. Whether it is fighting skills or light skills, they are basically the same. Obviously, in the monster cemetery, the one who was beaten up by Sai Luo Beria's hatred for Sai Luo is quite high.

This level of similarity is enough to tell what kind of beating Beria suffered.

And how many tricks Sai Luo showed.

What's even more rare is that Dark Lopsero is not just a mechanical and rigid behavior like a mass-produced machine, but a mechanical lifeform that truly has its own thinking and will.

So he will make some tricks that Sero has never done before, but he uses them.

These are not things that stubborn and rigid machinery can do.

But because of this, Dark Lopes Sero also has a weakness, that is heart.

Different from Sero's heart full of fighting spirit and anger, Dark Lopes Sairo's heart is full of hatred, fear, and even more confusion.

He hates Sai Luo, why did he appear in the form of Sai Luo when he was born?
Whether he is always just a substitute for this guy in the eyes of Caesar Bellia.

He was afraid of death, because once he died, he would never be able to return to Caesarbelia.He couldn't return from the wandering universe.

He was confused, whether he was Dark Lopes or Sai Luo!

This is a weakness that a machine will have after it becomes a mechanical life form, so this led to the failure of Dark Lopes Sero.

One is full of fighting spirit and anger, and the other is full of confusion and hatred. When the two meet in a life-and-death duel, it is self-evident who will lose.

Therefore, when Dark Lopes Sero decided to fight with all his strength and bombarded Sero with the dimensional core energy stored on his chest, he had already lost.

The excessively long energy storage time made his body stiff, and Sero would naturally not miss this opportunity. The plasma sparks slashed past him for a moment, cutting off the dark Lopus Sero in the middle, on his chest. A green knife mark was left behind.

The outcome is decided at this moment.

And at the moment when Sai Luo and Dark Lopes Sai Luo decided the outcome, the people of the Panlong finally followed the place of the battle and came here over the mountains, and they just caught up at this moment.

There was no need to hide the huge figure of Nexus, they followed this giant.

After Captain Hinata led everyone to arrive, he happened to meet Kihigosuke.

"You are the members of the previous fighter plane, right? I am Xibi Gangsuke. I am from another universe. I belong to the Earth Peace Organization and the Super Victory Team under TPC. I am the captain, Xibi Gangsuke." Kihigosuke leaned forward quite familiarly, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Captain Hinata.

Although everyone on the Panlong was a little embarrassed, they respected Xibi Gangsuke's attitude.

"I am Hiroshi Hyuga, the captain of the space transport ship Panlong belonging to ZAP SPACY." Immediately afterwards, Captain Hyuga also introduced his team members to Kihigosuke one by one, including Lei.

Haruna Jun, the deputy captain of Panlong, a subordinate taught by Hiroshi Hinata himself.

Oki Koichi, the technical specialist on the Panlong, is also a monster expert.

Kumano Masahiko, the maintenance engineer of Panlong, has a strong understanding of mechanics (the actor is also the man who rubs it with bare hands).

The above five characters are basically the configuration of the Panlong.

"Then this is." Captain Hyuga and the others cast their gazes on Salome.Judging from this person's attire, it was not at all clear that she was a member of the team.

"Hmph, it's all here." Dark Lopsero struggled to get up from the ground, feeling the pain of the knife marks on his body, he already knew what his fate was.

"Sai Luo, Nexus, one day you will kneel before the emperor! The darkness and terror sweeping the universe will come sooner or later!" The core of the dimension began to emit unstable fluctuations, and the energy dissipated inside could no longer be controlled Well, Dark Lopsero, as the main body loaded with this core, of course understands how terrifying it would be if this thing exploded.

And this is what he wants to do next.

"Your Majesty, let me be the last to clear away the enemies of your hegemony!" Without any scruples about Sai Luo and Nexus over there, Dark Lopes Sai Luo directly instilled the remaining energy in his body, It was shot on the dimensional core, and the whole dimensional core became abnormally hot.

The core of the dimension was attacked, and the fluctuations of space shocks began to sweep around.

Nexus blocked the wave in front of everyone.

"We should go too." At this time, Nexus said to Sai Luo: "The core of the dimension is the culprit that causes the distortion of the universe. Only when this thing is destroyed, the curve of time and the causal relationship will be restored. Back to normal."

"Sero, there is no need to pay attention to its destruction." Nexus said, turned around directly, and put his palm in front of everyone: "Let's go, when we leave here, the destruction of the core of the dimension will be destroyed." Takes us back to a moment before we even got here."

"But only if ... we don't get killed."

Hearing this, Sai Luo immediately ran over, and after nodding and communicating with Nexus, he also stretched out his hand and spread his palm.

The two of them took some people with them, flew straight up, broke through the planet's atmosphere, and set off outside the planet.

As long as you don't get killed by the bomb, everything will go back to the beginning of time, which is the moment they came in.

What Sai Luo and Nexus did was to protect everyone, as well as themselves.

The explosion at the core of the dimension was so powerful that a planet was blown to pieces in an instant without any lingering.

The violent explosion was still not satisfied, and continued to expand outward, with the intention of destroying everything in this star field.

Nexus turned around and spread out his hands in front of him to form a ripple shield to resist the wave of the explosion with all his strength. In the end, he was submerged in the reorganized strings of time.

The distortion phenomenon stopped, and the self-healing function of the universe began to work immediately.

The time string will return.

(End of this chapter)

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