Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 756: A Wedding Delayed by 1 Years

Chapter 756 A Wedding 3000 Million Years Late
When Kihigosuke and Yuanquan opened their eyes, the two of them had reappeared inside the Alpha at this moment, and the entire Alpha was intact without any damage.

Not only that, but the red hideous wormhole caused by the distortion phenomenon that existed in front of the Alpha also disappeared.

As if everything was completely unimportant.

It seems that everything is just a dream.

"Siro is going to deliver everyone on the Panlong, and he also wants to return to his universe." Yuanquan knows what happened after the explosion. Of course, Siro will not appear in this world. Siro at this stage does not have Pala Ji bracelet, there is no way to shuttle in the endless universe.

"You guy, you didn't even tell me the name of that Ultraman, you didn't even tell me the names of those mechanical Ultramans, you always act like you know everything." Xibigang assisted Rolling his eyes, he was quite speechless: "I know you know who they are, but I don't know!"

"Don't you have to tell me?"

"The one with a pair of ponytails is Ultraman Zero, an Ultraman from the M-78 Nebula Kingdom of Light, and he is the strongest Ultraman among the younger generation of Ultraman." Yuanquan shrugged. Shrugging, then continued: "Those mechanical giants also come from the Kingdom of Light, and they are Ultra fighters who once defended that earth."

"I won't say their names, anyway, you won't be able to identify them, and you won't be able to tell them apart."

"Hey! I have a bad temper, can't you be more tactful, boy!" It is true that even if Yuanquan said the names of those Ultramans, but it was not in person, Kihigosuke couldn't tell who was who.

"I guess your next sentence is to ask me what the Kingdom of Light is."

Xibi Gangsuke didn't speak, but said: You know everything, why don't you explain it quickly.looking at the source.

"The Kingdom of Light is very troublesome to sum up. Haven't you also been in touch with the investigation project of the giant stone statue inside TPC?" The trajectory when it came flew back again.

"It's ashamed to say that Quan Teng's staff used those plans to create a brand new giant stone statue, that is, artificial Dyna, and extracted the light from Asuka's body, successfully activating the artificial Dyna." Xi Bigang sighed. He said that the power struggle within TPC was always something he didn't want to deal with.

But when he is sitting in this position, and he controls such an elite team, it is impossible not to participate.

Even if he doesn't go, those things will come to him.

"Then, because of the exhaustion of energy, he was possessed by Sfia and became an evil warrior." This is what happened in the universe after the source left the earth, and it happened in front of Kihigosuke.

The stone statue belonging to Dyna is naturally also the masterpiece of those inside TPC who yearn for the power of giants.

"Do you still remember Luluye back then? Do you remember the hometown of the Giant of Light 3000 million years ago? The Kingdom of Light is similar to this kind of existence, and there are all Ultraman there." Yuanquan said, and began to use Alpha The equipment of the No. [-] collects various sound waves from the universe, and wants to reconnect with the Mobile Fortress.

"You don't want to tell the things I told you. If those guys who are thirsty for the power of giants know this, it would be fun to search for the Kingdom of Light one by one." Saying that, Yuanquan raised his head The button is turned on and said at the same time.

"In short, there are tens of millions in the universe, and there is naturally not only one Ultraman."

"Compared to the universe, human beings are small enough, but compared to the multiple universes, even the universe is just a part of countless gravel." Xibi Gangsuke shook his head with a smile: "Sure enough, human beings want to There is no such delusion at all to reach the sky in one step."

"Delusion is the ladder of human progress. No matter what kind of person, as long as he has the desire to get something, he will want to move forward." After saying this, Yuanquan kept silent, because from Alpha Inside, the voices of the personnel from the mobile fortress came.

"This is the mobile fortress, Alpha, are you all right?"

"We're fine, we've successfully escaped from the twisted wormhole, everything is safe, and we've collected some data by the way." Saying that, Yuanquan held the thruster again, and slowly increased the speed of the Alpha: "This time the data is very rare, The distortion of the universe is rare, please accept it carefully."

"Understood, the Mobile Fortress is always waiting for your return."

After the mobile fortress was disconnected, Yuanquan contacted the TPC base again. The first thing that came to his ears were all kinds of noisy quarrels and the entangled voices of everyone after contacting the Alpha.

"These guys should be worried about us." Xi Bigang said dumbfounded, "Hey! You guys are arguing like this, how can we hear what you are talking about! Come one by one."

After hearing Xibi Gangsuke's words, it seemed that a physical struggle broke out in the base, and finally, a crisp voice sounded out, and said the first sentence.

"Captain, vice-captain, are you all right?" Mai's voice was still very recognizable, Yuanquan couldn't help but feel a lot better after hearing her voice.

"Of course, as I said, I was once a TPC legend, a man that monsters can't defeat no matter what." Although there was no video meeting, anyone could hear the pride in Yuanquan's words.

Mai let go of her holding heart, patted her chest carefully, and stepped aside.

"Vice-captain! It's so messy! I know the identity of the vice-captain is very extraordinary, but you did it like this." Nakajima's voice was full of entanglements, and it could be seen that he wanted Yuanquan not to do this in the future.

But... he is Ultraman.

"Vice Captain, don't listen to Nakajima's nonsense, he is regretting why you didn't take him there!" However, when Nakajima was still struggling, Koda's voice immediately pierced Nakajima's true thoughts , Let him suddenly become angry from embarrassment.

For a moment, the angry roar mixed with the schadenfreude smirk resounded in the ears of Yuanquan and Kihigosuke, making them both dumbfounded.

"Okay, we have collected a lot of data and come back, Nakajima, don't regret it." Yuanquan also interrupted at this time: "I know you are curious about what is in the distortion phenomenon, don't worry, you will be able to see it soon."

"Vice Captain, have you collected the data?! Good!" Nakajima burst into cheers. His excitement finally covered up his anger, but at the same time it did reveal his true thoughts.

"Okay, let's go back right away."


After hanging up the communication, Yuanquan put his hands on his ears, and started a conversation with another person linked to his mind.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back."

"What? You say Camilla is throwing a tantrum? What is she talking about?"

"No, why are you talking to me about this? I'm not Dagu, and Camilla lost her temper, why don't you go to Dagu and find me?" Yuanquan was stunned by Saori's communication, he I also don't understand why Saori told him this.

"Who are you chatting with?" Kibi Gosuke asked.

"It's the girl I brought back last time. She asked me for something." Yuanquan said without turning back, with a relaxed tone, and anyone could even feel the casualness in the words.

But it was precisely because of this casualness that Kibi Gosuke showed a clear expression.

Sometimes, when a person gets used to the existence of another person in his life, then the relationship between these two people can be harmonious.
"Then tell me, what is she making trouble about?" Although it was true that it had nothing to do with me, Camilla's sudden trouble also aroused Yuanquan's interest.

In my impression, this person is very easy to satisfy, and he shouldn't be the kind of person who speaks forcefully.

"What? What did you say?"


She also wants to have a wedding? "

(End of this chapter)

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