Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 757 There is only one way to keep the dark female giant from going mad, and that is...

Chapter 757 There is only one way to keep the dark giantess from going crazy, and that is...

After returning to the TPC base, Yuanquan handed over the data of the distortion phenomenon to Nakajima, and at the same time handed it over to the Mobile Fortress.

Although it is data, there are some things that he did not expose, that is, everything that happened in that space.

Whether it was Zero or Ultraman Mecha, he didn't say anything.

What a joke, with the obsession with Ultra fighters inside TPC, if they know that there are signs of Ultraman activities inside the twisted phenomenon, and even the mechanical Ultra brothers made by the Salome stars are left after they are defeated Some people in TPC will go crazy if it is wrecked.

They will desperately want to find a way to enter that space, and then get Salome's technology there, and get the wreckage of the mechanical Ultra warrior there.

And as long as they get these, they can also create corresponding Ultra warriors, and get their own mechanical Ultraman in their own hands.

This kind of temptation, no one in TPC, or the whole earth, no one should be able to refuse this kind of temptation.

It was precisely because Yuanquan knew this that he made an agreement with Kibi Gosuke that he would not tell anything about there.

And similarly, there are no such things in the data collected by the Alpha.

Just let it all stay in each other's memory.

Following Kibi Gosuke, Genuine returned to the command room, put the helmet aside, and sat down on the chair.

"Captain, I want to take a leave of absence."

"Are you here again? You used to ask for leave every now and then, and now you're still doing this?" After finally sitting down, Xibi just helped to stand up with the chair still warmed up, and shouted angrily: "Do you know who you are now? You are now the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team. You shoulder the important task of commanding the battle and leading everyone to form an effective command."

"Do you think the earth is safe! Do you think Ultraman Dyna has defeated all powerful enemies?"

"Do you think the Super Victory Team can relax from now on?!"

"Make it clear to me, bastard!"

"I asked for leave to deal with a more difficult matter. If this matter cannot be completed, there may be a disaster no less than that in Gatanjaer." Yuanquan was expressionless, but raised his hand Said stiffly.

Are you kidding me?I'm not countering directly.

"Uh..." Xibi Gangsuke's words that he wanted to spit out were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. He could only cough a few times to relieve the fatigue in his throat.

I'm old, I'm old, I used to be able to chat with this kid for hours, but now I can't stand talking so much with a slightly louder voice.

It's true that time doesn't forgive people.

"Is it that serious?" Xibi Gangsuke asked back.

"Of course, after all, I don't know what that woman can do if she goes crazy." Yuanquan pouted, don't think that Camilla is harmless to humans and animals now.

This woman is now nourished by Dagu, and a part of pure light energy is injected into her body at fixed points and timings every day, so that she can maintain her sanity and be satisfied with the happiness brought by the light.

Otherwise, this woman will go crazy, but she will take out the dark world.

".Why do I always feel that you kid wants to skip work?" Xibi Gangsuke narrowed his eyes dangerously, trying to figure out Yuanquan's thoughts.

But this guy has no expression on his face, and it is impossible to tell what he is thinking.

"Don't say that, don't you understand me?" Yuanquan pulled Koda who was acting as an audience aside, and in the latter's apologetic smile, Yuanquan continued: "If you are worried, you can let Koda come with me As a reference, supervise me on the spot."

"Come on, you called Xing Tian away, and I really have no one under my command." Xibi Gangsuke burst out laughing, waved his hand at Yuan Quan and said: "Okay, you boy, go quickly, It's nothing more than something about who you really are."

"If you don't handle it well, don't come back, kid."

Knowing Yuanquan's other identity, Kihigosuke certainly understands that Yuanquan sometimes cannot help himself, and he also has a lot of things to do, and he has to go.

Although he didn't know. Yuanquan asked for leave this time because he really wanted to sneak away, and then go to be a melon-eating crowd
After finding Saori who had been waiting for a long time outside the base, Yuanquan was gearing up with excitement on his face.

"Really? Camilla really said that?" Yuanquan had an expression on his face.

The one who was eager to fight, could see that he couldn't wait.

"Yeah, Sister Camilla seems to want to put on a wedding dress and marry Dagulai in the church." Saori seemed to remember that after Camilla heard the story of Asuka and Liang, Camilla looked at the The envious look in the wedding photo of Zhang Dagu and Lina.

Is the so-called wedding really that important?
But obviously Camilla and Dagu have already done all the things between husband and wife?

You already have that kind of behavior, why are you still obsessed with a wedding?
Saori's eyes were flickering. Although she couldn't understand it, she didn't ask Camilla why she did this.

She just turned her face away and looked at the excited side of the source who was walking side by side with her, and there seemed to be a flash of electricity in her heart.

She seemed to have discovered something, but felt that she hadn't noticed anything at all.

"Even if there is already a husband and wife, the sense of ceremony and oath brought by a wedding is only once in a person's life." The source is Saori's popular science: "Camilla has lived for so long , she may never have had this experience."

"She is a strong woman, even though she doesn't care, but in her heart, she always feels that she is not as good as Lina."

"Because, the person who has the wedding photos, the person who carried out the wedding is not her."

"Women are very fussy. Although Camilla doesn't say it, she still cares a lot."

"She will delay saying it until now, it's already at the limit."

"But, this is not the first time for Dako?" Saori keenly discovered the loophole in Yuanquan's words, and immediately raised her hand to express doubts.

"Well, he has two wives after all. Because of Lina, Dagu will be more familiar the second time, more gentle and more active!" Yuanquan thought for a long time before finally trying He came up with these few words out of his brain, and used them to whitewash Dagu without destroying his image in Saori's heart.

"Really?" Saori said suspiciously, "If that's the case, then as long as the wedding is held, why do you want to do that first?"

"Could it be that Dagu is a domineering president?"

"I remember that in the TV series I watched, the domineering president was like this. He did this kind of thing first, and then he got married."

Yuanquan was dumb, he didn't know how to answer these words.

Although he has some quick wits, it's impossible for the little quick wits to turn so fast.

Good guy, I got stuck from someone!

"I think you can ask Dagu directly about this matter. After all, he is the person involved, and he can tell you the answer to this question." Wiping off his cold sweat, Yuanquan could only throw the blame to Dagu.

Dagu, it’s not that I’m a brother who betrays you, but that I’ve tried my best to help.

I have nothing to say!

(End of this chapter)

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