Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 763 Camilla: Duram, Hitra, you will bless me and Tiga's wedding.

Chapter 763 Camilla: Duram, Hitra, you will bless me and Tiga's wedding.

Dreams come true, or long-term expectations finally come true, Camila has no regrets.

Camilla was quite content.

Dalam, Hiram (Tra), if you can also see this scene, I believe you will also bless Tiga and me.

This wedding, witnessed by only five people (with a priest invited), although not very lively, has satisfied Camila.

And the wedding is simple, which means that there will not be so many complicated things.

Yuanquan knew that there was no need for him to intervene in the next thing. After seeing Dagu holding Camilla's hand, bathing in the shining road and finally disappearing in the backyard of the church, he also took out his evolution trust. By.

"Let's go." Saori was held by Yuanquan. After taking this step, the way of getting along between the two of them went further, as if they were used to this kind of behavior.

Even counting this time, it was only the second time.

"The things here are done, and I have to go back to my daily life." Shaking his head, Yuanquan looked at the rhythmic evolution trustee.

Who will he pass on this light to?
However, that's not something I should consider.

Holding Saori's hand, he walked out of the church. Under the sunshine, Yuanquan looked at the girl beside him: "Do you want to go back with me?"

"Of course, they all have their own things to do, and it doesn't make any sense for me to stay here." Saori also turned to look at Yuanquan after saying that, "I still like it better, there is a big idiot by my side. "

"Tch, what a fool, you've learned some new terms during the years you've lived on Earth, right?" Yuanquan rolled his eyes and continued, "It's fine if you go back, Dagu's side will definitely It’s the constant artillery fire, so it’s meaningless for you to stay here.”

"What about you? Aren't you going to say hello to everyone in the Super Victory Team?" Saori asked back.

"...I mean to leave here and go to the TPC base, do you think I'm going back to the Kingdom of Light?" Yuanquan said with a bit of a smile: "How, if this is the case, you still want to be with me together?"

"Together, why not? I seem to be the kind of person who is afraid." Saori muttered dissatisfiedly: "Don't we live together in the Kingdom of Light's home? It's all the same reason, no difference .”

"That's not what you said... In short, I will stay in the Super Victory Team for another month. After their honeymoon vacation is over and Liang is promoted to the captain, I, the vice captain, can follow my captain, Swept into the dustbin of history." When Liang was promoted to captain, it represented another generation of superiors.

Yuanquan and Xibigang helped, so naturally it was time to leave.

Xibigang was promoted, while Yuanyuan stepped down from the position of vice captain, as if he had retired, and no longer held any position.There are only records of his attendance at labor service.

"The base is so cold, of course I'm going to warm your bed." Stretching her chest, Saori still remembered what Camilla had said to her, and because of this, Saori changed her previous scruples and hesitation , became bold and direct: "Otherwise, you would have to be cold-hearted and cold-body."

"Are you kidding me, I will need you to warm the bed?" Yuanquan was taken aback, Saori was so explicit, and her blunt attitude was completely different from her before.

Yuanquan is not a beginner, let alone a piece of wood, so he naturally understands Saori's thoughts all the time.

But Saori kept it secret, so he continued to pretend to be stupid, because he hadn't figured it out yet, no, he didn't want to have a relationship at all at this stage.

I thought that Saori would keep hiding like this, but why does the current Saori look like she wants to speak out directly?

"If you don't express your liking, if you keep hinting, you won't get his understanding."

"Go tell him you like him."

What Camilla said echoed in her mind, and Saori mustered up her courage, after all, she was no longer as scruples as before.

But Yuanquan sensed what was wrong with Saori at a glance, and immediately clenched Saori's hand, rose rapidly, turned into a ball of light and rushed towards the TPC base standing among the mountains.

He interrupted what Saori was about to say.

Because looking at Saori's expression, he already knew what Saori would say next.


If it is said that playing what you want to play during the holidays is time passing quickly, then the pain during the working period is inhumane.

During this period of time, although there was the shock brought by Nexus' reappearance of the earth, it could not resist those constant temptations after all.

Yuanquan and Xibigang helped them together, and the Super Victory Team drove the Victory Eagle to attack for countless times.

Those temptations from the aliens include but are not limited to: sneaking in secretly, dropping viruses, trying to replace the top staff of TPC, lurking on the earth to search for ancient ruins, etc.

Some cosmic beings are not very powerful and can be captured with a pistol, while others need to dispatch the Victory Condor.

And there are some that need the source to become Nexus to settle.

Generally speaking, although there is deterrence, the temptations of the cosmic people are also endless.

Originally thought that there would be a source of peace after the end of Dyna TV, thinking that he must spend most of his time fishing and paddling in the base, but how could he have imagined that the cosmic beings would visit the earth so frequently, as if it was the first time for people to visit the earth. It's like entering a zoo once, and everyone wants to visit it.

Then throw away some garbage (referring to cosmic monsters.) or take some souvenirs back (referring to capturing humans), and worst of all, there are those who want to come to archaeology (stealing giants of light and super ancient ruins).

During this month, Yuanquan changed Nexus six times.

This is because these six crises were so severe that he had to transform.

Not counting those accidents that can be solved without changing shape.

Calculated in this way, all the additions in this month can be said to be overtime every day.

After a month of staying, the source of the hard work finally waited for Asuka and Ryo who returned after their honeymoon vacation.

A few days later, the handover ceremony will start.

Xibigang was promoted to a staff officer, and Liang, as the new captain of the Super Victory Team, successfully took over.

But she will have a one-year probationary period. If her performance during this year is not satisfactory, or if it is very poor, then one year later, Liang will be dismissed from her post and another person will be selected to serve as the super victorious team. captain position.

But everyone has confidence in Liang, after all, everyone can see clearly the performance of colleagues.

Yuanquan also submitted an application for resignation and was approved. Koda will become the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team, while Yuanquan will retire with Kihigosuke.

It's just that he resigned, not because of job transfer.

On that day, everyone in the Super Victory Team asked for a day off to celebrate the promotion of the old captain and to celebrate Liang becoming the captain.

At the same time, they also understood that the day when the deputy captain left was coming.

Everyone was very happy at this clean-up banquet. Although we no longer work together, the memory of how we got along and fought for it will never fade.

Even if time flies, everyone will always remember it in their hearts and it will not change.


This is the next day, after paying the bill with Hibigosuke's wallet again, Minamoto left alone while everyone was still sleeping, standing outside the earth and watching the earth in the posture of Nexus When, what you think in your heart.

Belonging to his era, accompanied by a letter of resignation, turned into memory and data, preserved in people and cold databases.

People will remember what Super Victory has done with a vice-captain.

Also remember that Squad Six had a man who fought endlessly.

It is a legend belonging to Yuanquan, a trace left by the human being called Yuanquan throughout his life.

And now, the legendary story belonging to this human being has come to an end.

Nexus, as an Ultraman, has long been a legend in the past along with Tiga (Note).

In the new era, new heroes will stand up.

 The curtain has come to an end, referring to the struggle and inheritance of generations in the Tiga universe.

  Tiga is a giant who guides and develops mankind into a new era.

  Dyna is the guardian of mankind looking forward to the starry sky and escorting it in the new era.

  After Dyna, the next era of mankind will also come.

  Warriors will retire, legends will end, but the pace of human progress will not stop.

  As Luke said.

  Try to live out your short life, and leave the results to future generations to inherit. This is how human beings repeat and grow slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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