Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 764 Super Galactic Empire!! The trumpet finally meets the trumpet.

Chapter 764 Super Galactic Empire!! The trumpet will finally meet the trumpet. (This world references Abe's setting)

Countless meteorites fell from the sky.

Horrible monsters have gained immortality.

Strange creatures absorb energy, eating away at the vitality of the world bit by bit.

The waving tentacles slapped the ground, kicking up countless dust.

In the universe, roaring roars are mixed with countless splashing lasers, and battles are staged in the universe.

The battlefield of space battleships is extremely difficult. Compared with them whose movements are restricted, the opponent's body composed of strange creatures is more handy.

"Yuan...need your help...Yuan..." The hazy voice in my ear, I couldn't hear it clearly in the mist. Standing on the corridor of this barren temple, Yuanquan frowned and listened carefully, but still couldn't hear it. Find out why.

Need my help?
This place is in my dream, this temple... is also a relic that only appears in my dream.

If someone can really ask me for help through this temple, then only those capable people who are also the inheritors of Nexus will be able to do so.

But... which able person is asking for help?And why would he know it was me?

"Come to me...our promise...the star of the mirror..." Suddenly, the mist dissipated abruptly, and the turbulent wind blew in, making the surroundings of the source empty in an instant.

The moment when most of the fog cleared, Yuanquan's eyes widened, and for the first time he saw more things through the heavy fog.

Below the hallway of the temple, below the suspended bridge, the broken stone statues can no longer discern the specific appearance, but the shattered body is like worthless garbage being dumped into the garbage dump, just below the suspended bridge, densely packed The paved.

Yuanquan could see the existing parts of Nexus' body, although... only a part could be vaguely identified.

Just as he thought, under the hanging bridge is indeed a cemetery where countless Nexus are buried.

This tragic scene, which could not be seen at a glance, deeply touched his nerves.


Such a voice sounded in his ear, Yuanquan suddenly turned his head and looked at the end of the corridor, which was the most important and central place of the temple.

The mist couldn't cover that tall and stalwart body, but even so, it couldn't change the fact that he was still a stone statue.

"Noah..." Yuanquan stared blankly at the stone statue full of cracks. I believe anyone who has seen Ultraman knows the appearance of Noah, and Yuanquan also believes that he will not admit his mistake.

The location of the center of the temple is Noah?

Is it Noah who called me just now?
Where does he want me to go?where to go

And the promise he just said...

Noah and I just met for the first time, where was there any agreement?

and many more!

Yuanquan's eyes widened, he raised his head full of shock, looked at the stalwart but cracked Noah stone statue, and said in disbelief, "Could it be... you are!"

Before Yuanquan finished speaking, his body fell down the corridor in an instant, and fell into the boundless darkness.

Like a gravel, it fell into the broken ground of the endless Nexus stone statue, not even a trace of dust appeared.


"Don't go! Come back!"

Suddenly opened his eyes, lying on the edge of the cliff, sniffing the primitive breath of green grass, and gasping for breath, as if he was finally able to breathe freely after being suffocated for a long time.

His chest rose and fell, his breathing was chaotic.

This is the moment when he came to his world for a short rest after leaving the Tiga universe.

He originally wanted to lie here and sleep without thinking about anything, but what he saw and felt in the ruins of the temple in his dream was like the most terrifying horror story, and he woke up abruptly .

"What's wrong?" Saori, who was also lying beside Yuanquan, rolled her eyes and asked, "Why are you yelling all the time?"

Yuanquan didn't speak, but quickly took out the evolution trustee from his arms.

The evolutionary believer exudes a rhythmic red light, which resounds endlessly like a heartbeat, as if telling Yuanquan that what he sees and experiences in his dream is not a dream.

"It's not a dream...it's real..." Yuanquan murmured.

"Eh? Yuan, your hand is glowing!" Saori's belated voice sounded, causing Yuanquan to focus on the other hand.

The spark weapon seems to be responding to the rhythm of the evolution trustee. Once the rhythm of the evolution trustee lights up, the spark weapon will give corresponding feedback.

Yuanquan stood up and felt the two things that resonated with each other. He immediately made up his mind, pulled out the evolution trustee and placed it on his chest, transforming into a life-sized Ultraman Nexus.

At the same time, the spark weapon is no longer flickering, but a golden dotted line is projected from the spark weapon, piercing the earth's atmosphere and extending to the deepest part of the universe...

No, it's even possible, outside the universe.

"This is... the coordinate?" It's no longer Xiaobai's source, and he naturally knows that the end of this golden dotted line is a coordinate, a coordinate that guides him to the past.

Combined with the call in the dream, Nexus finally understood what he was going to do now.

Someone is calling him.

And it might be that person!

"Sazhi, I'm going on a long trip, you stay here." Nexus turned to look at Sazhi, and said in a deep voice, "This time, you can't go with me."

"Eh? Why?" Saori didn't show dissatisfaction, but she still needed a reason.

"If my predictions are correct, the end of this coordinate should be that world...the dark Zaki in the monster cemetery, the world that was blown up." Nexus continued: "And, there may be that The legendary Ultraman Noah."

"I don't know what will happen if I take you there, I don't even know what will happen if I meet him."

"Saori, promise me to stay here."

If it is really the universe where Nexus TV is located, then it is natural to be careful.

"...Okay, but you have to promise, you must, must come back!" Saori is not the kind of messy character, she knows that Nexus's trip is dangerous, and there may even be no way to protect her, so she Nor would they say anything like death or death together.

It is better to wait for him to come back than to die together.

She believed that he would definitely come back. From the first time they met, Nexus had never broken his promise, and it was the same this time.


In the floating monster cemetery, a pair of dark palms tore apart the thick monster souls piled up on his body. Zaki jumped out of the piled soul vortex, feeling the surging power in his body and the abundant vitality after resurrection, and suddenly I couldn't help laughing.

"Gumen... So Hime Yajun, Chiki Rei, and even Saijo Nagi are just trying to pass the light to you?"

"So you are Noah!"

The red eyes seemed to be able to reflect the figure of the silver giant who knocked him out of the earth with one blow, and then killed him with a ray of light. Zaki's excited body couldn't stop shaking, and he wanted to sway on the spot.

"Gumen, when I get rid of you, that damned Nexus will die." Similarly, Zaki didn't forget who defeated him who should have been revived a long time ago, and fell into such a long time's sleep.

That Nexus is strong, but it only took advantage of his incomplete strength and incomplete awakening back then.

After he meets Gumen Yihui and fights with Noah, he will find trouble with that brat.

The pitch-black figure was like a demon god. Zaki found the entrance and exit of the monster cemetery, and accurately found the coordinates of the universe he was going to, and then flew into it, using his own energy as an anchor, and fixed himself firmly His body shuttled rapidly in the space storm.

Awakened Noah's Gumen Yihui, don't think you can get rid of me in this life.

I'm Zaki, I'm back!
 The world view in this section cites Abe’s setting, which is the universe of the Super Galactic Empire. The Nai TV universe was ravaged by alien beasts, and was finally opened by Noah to reset the universe.

  The plot time of the Super Galactic Empire is countless billions of years after Noah reset the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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