Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 765 Siro: Uncle 7 has a chapter to say, everyone's name is with Luo, there is no need t

Chapter 765 Sai Luo: Seventh Uncle has something to say, everyone’s name is Luo, there is no need to drag me to blow myself up
Nexus has seen the scene outside the universe many times, but every time he sees it, he feels the insignificance of life.

Human beings are but a drop in the ocean for the planet.

For a river system, the planet is just a tiny part of its existence.

And for the universe, the existence of river systems is even more numerous.

But standing outside the universe and looking at the universe behind it, the bubble-like universe can't be seen at a glance in this multi-dimensional world, and it is impossible to perceive how many universes exist.

The world is big, but human cognition limits people's horizons.

Flying out of his own universe, Nexus looked at the dark bubbles behind him, followed the guidance of the golden dotted line, and drove all the way along this guiding road, heading for another universe.

The multiverse is quite quiet, but there are many evil gods expelled from the universe, or monsters.

It's just that the multiverse is too huge. Compared with the entire multiverse, whether it's evil gods or monsters, they're nothing more than ants.

Even if you don't know how long the flight will be, it is difficult to put the mark of distance under the multiverse worldview.

Following the guidance, Nexus turned into a ray of red light and quickly shuttled, and soon appeared in front of a bunch of black bubbles gathered together.

"This universe..." The golden dotted line extends all the way to this universe, obviously this is the destination.

But Nexus sensed something wrong from the surface of the cosmic bubble, the dark barrier.

Generally speaking, the cosmic barrier is as round as a chicken, and the whole body is black. The barrier is like a flowing material like an ocean. Although it is easy to get in, it is not easy to get out.

Therefore, within the barrier, there are many corpses that try to cross the barrier of the universe, but are forced to exhaust their strength, and thus fall into the barrier, wrapped in flowing silt-like objects.

And on the barrier of the universe, Nexus saw a crack, a crack glowing red.

If the barriers of the universe are damaged, the energy inside the universe will leak out continuously. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that so many other universes gather here around this cosmic bubble.

These universes are absorbing the constant flow of energy from this broken cosmic rift.

And when all the energy has passed away, the universe will gradually decay and condense back to a point, and then wait for another explosion to propel the point apart during the long time of accumulating power.

For the universe, it is a new life after decay.

But for the life living in the universe, it is the end of an era, the destruction of an era, and the rebirth of an era.

It stands to reason that if the barrier is damaged, the universe will repair itself.

But this universe...seems like nothing is moving at all?
Has it always been like this?
Nexus couldn't understand, but dodged into the crack of this barrier.

After entering, Nexus turned around and extracted power from the legendary stone. His whole body began to spin at a high speed. On the outermost barrier, a golden barrier was built.

Nexus has no way to completely repair the cosmic barrier, and in fact that is definitely not something he can do.

The thickness of the barriers of the universe and the strength of the energy required are far beyond what he can bear.

Although it can't be completely repaired, he can still build a seal on the outermost part of the barrier and make a shell to block the air leakage.

Looking at the barrier glowing with golden light, although it was stuck on the wound like a Band-Aid, it was only a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause.

If the wound cannot heal, the bandage will always be removed.

Nexus turned around and continued to rush into the universe.

Why there is such a crack in this universe, maybe the answer can be found in this universe.

Entering the interior of the universe from this crack, Nexus was unimpeded all the way, and soon broke in, and was in the universe.

And when he was exposed to the universe, what he felt for the first time was another kind of energy that was very different from the dark energy, or the plasma energy of the Kingdom of Light.

"This is…"

This kind of power pervading his whole body and entangled his body made Nexus feel a little familiar, but he couldn't be sure what it was.

But he could tell that the energy permeating his whole body was neither darkness nor light, but rather a mixture of the two.

"Light and darkness merge together? Why is the energy pervading in this universe like this?" The pure dark energy will stimulate the light in Ultraman's body, making the light even brighter.

The plasma energy can be directly absorbed by Ultraman and stored in the body.

But the pervasive power in this universe, and even the light emanating from the universe, are all made up of such weird things.

This also led to the fact that this kind of energy that permeated the universe could not be absorbed by Ultraman at all, and even... could not be absorbed by guys from the dark camp.

The combination of light and darkness, but they all give the hope of killing both the light and the dark?

It is obviously a product of fusion, but it has to reject the path of the only two attributes.

So what is the ability to drive energy in this universe?
In other words, is there life in this universe?
Looking at the traces of the huge barrier cracks in front of him, Nexus shook his head and continued to fly towards the depths of the universe.

It's pointless to think so much. It's better to see how the civilization in this universe drives this peculiar energy.

Although it cannot be supplemented by light, and the free cosmic energy cannot be converted, Nexus is armed with sparks, so there is no need to worry about energy reserves.


The difference in the flow of time between the universes on both sides makes the time in the Kingdom of Light pass faster than that in the Tiga universe. Therefore, although Sai Luo returned and told everything he encountered in the distortion phenomenon, he still did not see it. Traces of Nexus.

According to his father, Seven, Nexus has the ability to travel through the universe. He is not in the Kingdom of Light, and he should have returned to his hometown.

Although Sai Luo wanted to compete with Nexus so as to control the energy in his body, but Nexus was not there, so he could only settle for the next best thing and choose...

Go challenge the Ultra Brothers!
Yes, Sero didn't return to k-76, and he didn't intend to continue to fight against Leo.

His goal was on the famous Otto Brothers in the Kingdom of Light.

In fact, the root cause was that Sero was jumping up and down after being chased by Salome's mechanical Ultra brothers.Then he wondered if the Ultra brothers were stronger than the mechanical Ultra brothers.

Except for Sophie, who is busy with work and can't find anyone, from the first generation to Taylor, Sai Luo has challenged it once.

In the end, the Ott Brothers left a deep impression on him.

The wrestling ability of the first generation is really unique.

My father, Sai Wen...

Jack's weapon skills are quite powerful. Of course, Sai Luo felt that it was because he had no weapon training at all that he lost.

Ace... What Selo remembers most is probably the way Ace is holding a wheel in one hand and a knife in the other.


To be honest, Sai Luo was scared away immediately when he saw Tai Luo's "rubbing" and getting angry.

The uncles and uncles are very kind, why did they become immortal when they arrived in Tailuo?
Don't think that I, Sero, don't know Ultra Bomb.

After much deliberation, Sai Luo finally did not dare to ask the Ott brothers to beat him up.

Because if he remembers well, the Ultra brothers can fit together...

Although rebellious, Sai Luo is not arrogant, let alone brainless.

Fighting Super Taro...he didn't have that plan.

Sero, who is rather bored, is looking for a worthy opponent.

(Caesar Bellia: Wait, kid, I'll send someone to kill you right away.)
(End of this chapter)

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