Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 791 Still can't think of a day to scan the chapter...

Chapter 791 I still can't think of a day to sweep the words...

Waking up from the coma in a daze, Jonas' eyes lit up again.

Although he was still a little confused, he still remembered that he was still fighting, so he immediately reacted and prepared to get up and continue fighting.

"There is no need to continue fighting, Zaki has already failed." Such a voice came from his ear, making Jonias follow the sound.

And at this very first glance, Jonias saw Nexus with his hand outstretched in front of him.

"Zaki has already failed?" Jonias was dumbfounded, some still didn't understand what happened during his coma: "Didn't he still be arrogant before?"

"And you, didn't I remember that you were fucked before?"

Nexus paused, then pulled Jonias up as if he hadn’t heard this sentence, and then gave him a popular science by the way: "Zaki did fail, he defeated you and me, and then just now Anyone who wanted to do anything wrong in this universe was wiped out by the legendary Ultraman Noah."

Nexus did not lie, because Zaki really died at the hands of Noah.

"Noah... the mysterious messenger of light that is said to be above the universe?" Jonias couldn't help but remain silent. The more powerful an existence is, the more it can feel the horror of the mysterious four abstruse.

King Austria is already the most unfathomable existence Jonas has ever seen, and Noah, who is also among the legends, is naturally not weak.

"If it wasn't for Noah, you and I would be stuck here today." Yuanquan patted Jonias on the shoulder: "Speaking of which, isn't it a coincidence that you got lost here?"

"Don't be kidding, do you think it's the first time for me to come to this universe?" Jonias said helplessly: "It's the sixth time I've come to this universe, and I've also visited other universes, I don't know how many times."

"Only the universe where o-50 is located, I have never been able to find."

Jonias had a headache: "Thousands of years, I even got lost in the storm of space to make my body go further. Even so, I still can't find it."

"I can't find the location of O-50..." Nexus was also pondering: "I was lucky enough to go to O-50 once, but I don't know if the timeline of the O-50 I went to is correct."

"The o-50 I saw at that time was already a desolate place, without any life at all."

"Except for the peak of the warrior, the whole land is only the darkness under the abyss, which stretches as far as the eye can see."

"Impossible! If o-50 exists like this, how could it be possible to send messages to communicate with us?" Jonias vetoed Nexus' statement: "You also said that you can't even determine the o-50 yourself. Is -50 on the correct timeline, maybe what you see is the past of o-[-], or..."

Jonias paused, and then said in a deep tone: "The future of o-50."

If the future of the o-50 is what Nexus says it is, maybe the o-50 is now...

"By the way, you may not know that during these ten thousand years, there was an Ultra warrior from another universe, Ultraman Gauss, who brought the news of Dración." Nexus suddenly remembered, about Gauss Arriving and telling o-50 that it had been destroyed, Jonias didn't know.

He had accepted Aofu's commission a long time ago to find o-50.

"Drasion...the god of the multiverse? If it is the news that he sent, it is correct." Drasion is the creator god that has been passed down in the Kingdom of Light universe long ago. According to legend, the civilization of the entire universe At the beginning of its birth, it was the seed of civilization sown by Dración.

So there is also a legend of Dración in the Kingdom of Light universe.

Even the legend of Legerto has it.

"Yuan, I suspect that someone is secretly interfering with me to prevent me from finding o-50." Jonias pondered for a while before giving this answer: "Even if I may find the wrong place, But it’s absolutely impossible for me to just go around in circles.”

"Someone must not want me to find o-50!"

"...In this case, leave it to me and let me find o-50." Nexus nodded and continued: "I have the king's cloak, and I can accurately locate o-50 based on the information where the universe is and travel through it.”

"No, you have to bring a helper. If someone really doesn't want us to find o-50, the other party must know about you." Jonias has a different opinion: "It's too dangerous for you to go alone, we won't even No one knows who is behind the conspiracy."

"Well, it just so happens that Sero has also acquired the ability to travel through the universe, so I'll take him with me." Jonias's tone was unquestionable. Obviously, if Nexus refused to agree, Jonias would say nothing. Don't do it, so he followed Jonias's idea and brought Sero with him.

"Siro? He also obtained the ability to travel through the universe?" Jonias was taken aback. Why is it that the ability to travel through the universe, which was so difficult and rare before, is now like a bad street?
It's fine if you have it, but it's okay for Sai Luo to come to this universe?

Artifact wholesale, right?

"He got the Palaji bracelet condensed with the light of hope in the whole universe. That thing has magical power and is the next strongest equipment." Nexus shrugged, saying that Palaji is really awesome.

"Really?" Jonias didn't quite believe it. "How does it compare to the Bell of Ultra, and the Ultimate Blade?"

"Palaghi must be the strongest now, but after a while..." Nexus crossed his arms and his face was slanted, which made Jonias understand immediately.

At this stage, Palaji is the strongest, and it may not be so after a while, right?

"Let's go, let's go back first." Raising the cloak, Nexus constructed a space passage, as deep as a black hole: "Our work here has also been completed, next, I just go to see the current O-50, what is the situation."

"A crisis has been resolved, but there is still an unknown crisis waiting?" Jonias was quite emotional: "The change of the universe is imminent, and it seems that everyone is restless."

"Because of this, the Kingdom of Light, u-40, and all kinds of Ultra fighters are shouldering more and more responsibilities." Nexus added: "A new era is coming."

In any case, the arrival of a new era is inevitable, and both the Kingdom of Light and u-40 are ready to meet the challenge.

Nexus stepped into it, followed by Jonias.


"Jonias has given up?" said a voice in the darkness.

"He fought Dark Zaki with Ultraman Nexus in another universe, and he didn't have time to find O-50 at all." This was another sharper voice.

"That's good, hurry up and don't let Jonyas have a chance to react." This is the voice at the beginning: "Research on the wreckage of the giga-endora retrieved from the Gaussian universe. The life reset cannon that comes out, just go and use it on the O-50 once."

"I object! Didn't you agree to give us all the lives of O-50 as test subjects? If everything is reset, wouldn't we get no benefit at all?" This voice...you can tell it's Karma at once. sub-stars...

"Don't tell us that, go ask Jonias and see if he will give you a chance."

"If Jonias knows what our Star Alliance is doing, the fragile alliance between us will collapse in an instant. At that time, guess whether the Kingdom of Light and u-40 will turn their faces and deny people."

"If you turn your face, you will turn your face. Is our Star Alliance afraid of them?"

"Don't make trouble, take advantage of the next period of time and force them to hand over the Light of Uub!"

The conspiracy in the dark has long been leaked without knowing it. The conspiracy is shrouded in the sky above the planet O-50, but under the cover of a series of major events and the Star Alliance, it is not known to anyone.

But no matter how impenetrable it is, there will eventually be a moment of leakage.

A certain undercover agent who was placed in the Star Alliance long ago has finally begun to play his role.

(End of this chapter)

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