Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 792 The Battle of Diversity: The War of the Spark

Chapter 792 The Battle of Diversity: The War of the Spark
Nexus and Jonias returned to the Kingdom of Light one step ahead of Sero, because Sero had to deal with those who followed him, that is, he also had Red Lotus Flame, Mirror Knight, and Jambert. Arise - Ottersero Ultimate Guard.

Now that the group has just been established, there are things Sai Luo is busy with.

Therefore, after Jonias and Nexus returned to the Kingdom of Light universe, the first thing that caught their eyes was the helpless wreckage scattered around the Kingdom of Light.

Those are the wreckage of the carrier plane and the dark cyclops. After being sent by Beria, a great battle broke out with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Light. As a result, the entire army was wiped out, and all the dark cyclops were left.

The war has long ended. Compared with so many carrier ships in the original book, because of the intervention of Nexus, the number of transported ships has been reduced by nearly [-]%, which also makes the battle of the Ultra fighters more complete. quick.

Right now, it has begun to restrain the battlefield and clean up the traces.

"Nexus? Jonias? You're back too?" At this time, the only commander still on the battlefield, that is, Sophie, flew over following the movement, and appeared before Nexus and in front of Jonas.

"You... Nexus, didn't you go back to your hometown? And Jonias, I remember you were entrusted by the captain to investigate O-50?"

"You may not know, last time..." Sophie was about to tell the story of Gauss's visit last time, but was interrupted by Jonias.

"Ultraman Gauss brought Drasion's oral order, which Nexus has already told me." Jonias crossed his arms and asked his question: "Drasion's news The source should not be wrong, but even if O-50 is destroyed, why it was destroyed is something we must know."

"Soffie, I'm looking for the coordinates of o-50 in the interlayer between universes. I've been lost for more than 1 years, and I can't find the universe of o-50 no matter what."

"Inside, there must be someone stopping me from finding it."

"Is that so?" Zoffy immediately became serious. Jonias had the token given by the envoy of o-50 from across the universe in his hand, which means that if you hold this token, you can find o Where -50 is.

But Jonias said that he was lost for more than 1 years, which is impossible.

"If this is the case, then what happened to o-50 is not an accident. There must be some powerful civilization interfering with us." Zuofi also agrees with Jonias: "o-50 is a civilization that crosses the universe with us. And the allies formed are high-tech civilizations similar to ours. If they can't even send out a distress signal, then their opponents..."

Speaking of this, Sophie, Jonas and the others were more or less silent.

Because this means that the opponent can also easily destroy the M-50, which is also similar to the O-78.

Even if it is u-40, it is the same.

"I will go to O-50 to investigate. If I can't find a way to follow the road, I can only play a little unruly." Yuanquan nodded slightly, expressing his decision.

"Then I'll go back to u-40 first. I haven't returned for more than 1 years, and I still need to go back to guard." Jonias nodded: "If you need anything, you can come to u-40 to find me at any time."

"Old Joe, you'd better get up and recuperate. Zaki's attack is not so easy." Nexus shook his head. Although Jonias is strong and physically invincible, Zaki's attack is not bad. .

In the battle with Zaki, Jonias persisted for a long time with his strong body, until the moment when Nexus turned into Noah.

Although it seems that Jonias is nothing serious, in fact, his exhaustion and trauma are definitely nothing serious.

"That's the evil god of darkness after all, Zaki, and it's really powerful." Jonias waved his hand, but didn't refute Nexus' words. Obviously, he also knew that his situation was not very good.

After more than 1 years of continuous searching, consumption in the space storm, and the need to fight Zaki and other powerful enemies as soon as he came out, Jonias was very depleted.

"Soffie, I'm going to see Jonias off, and please pass my news back to the Land of Light." Nexus turned to Zoffy and said, "Siro will be back soon, he He will also bring the partners he met in another universe to the Kingdom of Light."

"By the way, he also set up a new Space Guard."

"He... this kid really fits his style." Sophie was a little surprised, but when she thought that the other party was Sai Luo, she suddenly felt normal.

"You actually know that Sai Luo has gone to another universe?" Sophie came to her senses and grasped the key point of Nexus' words: "Are you there too?"

"The story about the other universe, and those experiences, I think Sero will tell us, so I will send Jonias back first." Nexus couldn't deny it, he had no intention of telling Zoffy , especially... what he was going to do next.

"Alright, then you go first." Sophie agreed.


After sending the weak Jonias back to u-40, and at the same time declining the retention of the great sage, Yuanquan left u-40, and turned into a ball of light and continued to fly for a while.

After leaving the range of u-40, Nexus put on the king's cloak, opened the cosmic channel, and then followed the token of o-50 he got from Jonias, locked the coordinates and wanted to wear it directly past.

Nexus's idea is good, but when he gets closer to the universe where o-50 is located, the surrounding space will change more and more, and finally...a group of glowing objects appeared in front of him The ferocious meat ball blocked his way forward.


"Hey, all of you from the Star Alliance." It's still the deep dark space, and those who are plotting, but this time, the blood-colored eyes opened in the darkness are mixed with unique lines, even standing in the darkness, it still makes people He looked radiant.

"Who are you, guy!"

The sudden intruder was obviously not unexpected to them, and even surprised them.

"I'm just a guy who will show up when someone needs it." The dark sparks lit up, and Lukiel continued: "You can still have a leisurely conversation here, aren't you really afraid of death?"

"Ultraman Nexus has obtained the power of Ultraman Noah in another universe. Now, he has taken over the responsibility of Jonias and is already on his way to O-50." Lu Ji Al's tone was relaxed, but it was these slow words that made all the people in the dark universe lose their voices.

Nexus... Got the power of Ultraman Noah, and even went to track down O-50? !

"What kind of things you committed in O-50, even if I don't say it, I think you all know it in your heart." From the faintly cracked red core, there was a radiance like a demon.

"Just imagine, when he reaches o-50, the sins you have committed are known to him."

"Waiting for you is the wrath of the legendary warrior, Ultraman Noah."

"Can you afford it?"

Lukiel naturally knew that Nexus could not become Noah at any time, and it was only that one time.

But it is an indisputable fact that Nexus has become Noah.

As long as he changes, that's enough.

"...What do you want? Or, what do you want to do?" There is no free lunch in the world, especially Lugiel does not look like a good person. The people in power in the Star Alliance naturally know that he is by no means nice guy.

"I don't want to do anything, I'm just here to save you." Lukiel opened his hands and continued: "Your only choice is to strike first and wipe out any possible resistance."

"Even Noah is not without enemies."

"How? Do you dare?"

After a silence that was enough to suffocate people, the Gazi star spoke.

"You want to start a war?"

"That's right." Lugiel responded with a smile: "It's not a war in a single universe, but a war that sweeps across multiple universes. After the cosmic barrier disappears, it spans dimensions and time!"

"I call it: War of the Spark!"

"Sweeping across the multiverse, the barriers of the universe dissipated... You guy, you must have seen the turmoil caused by the connection of the multiverse." This is no secret, in fact, all the high-level civilizations in the universe know about it.

The barriers of the multiverse will dissipate, and all universes will be connected.

And at that time, it will inevitably cause turmoil between the universe and the universe.

It's as if everyone was playing stand-alone games, but suddenly one day the servers are shared and it becomes an online game. Naturally, disputes will erupt in many aspects, including resources and territories.

(End of this chapter)

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