Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 884 Juggulas-Jagula

Chapter 884 Juggulas-Jagula

He did not enter Ganon Star in the appearance of an Ultra warrior, but stood on the earth in the form of a human being after landing.

The black windbreaker swayed with a faint light, standing under the tree of life, feeling the energy of the tree of life that constantly wanted to enter his body and strengthen his physical ability, Quan snorted coldly, repelling this kind of life energy .

In fact, there is no harm in sucking this kind of thing, but the key is that Izumi's way of thinking is completely different from Yuan Nai.

Origin Nai is estimated to want to absorb and store it in the body, to recharge himself, or to empower other existences.

But Quan's way of thinking is very simple, that is, if you don't need it, just get out of here.

At the life level of the transcendent, the energy of the tree of life can hardly play a role. Walking on the land of this planet, the royal city built on the tree of life is extremely large in scale at first glance.

But despite being huge, it also looks a bit retro.

After Queen Issara, there will be a Queen Amaterasu here, and because of Queen Amaterasu's mentally handicapped way of thinking, it will bring disaster to this world planet and this country.

The pain caused by the incompetence of leaders is not uncommon.

Quan didn't bother to care about the future of this planet, he just came to confirm one thing, and then he could leave.

Wandering in the city of Wangcheng, I used my five senses to analyze and understand the topics I wanted from the conversations of people around me, and at the same time, my mind power spread towards the inside of Wangcheng.

The spiritual level of a transcendent is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

There was no hindrance to the telekinetic power, and it spread all over the city, and found the pale Queen Isara lying on the bed inside the city.

From Queen Issara's body, Quan could feel an aura of ashes, which was a terrible injury whose healing effects were slow with the breath and fruit of the tree of life.

"A spark of darkness?" Yuanyuan Nai also saw the entangled dark energy in Queen Issara's body through sharing.

The power of the dark sparks is tormenting Queen Issara, and she is constantly modifying Queen Issara's life in an attempt to turn the queen into a spark puppet.

But the energy of the tree of life can often force this force back, playing a role in reversing the dollification.

Mixed between life and death, that is life is worse than death.

Queen Issara suffered such pain, and even at this moment, it was very difficult to incarnate into the posture of God of War.

"What can you do?" Quan asked Yuan Yuannai.

"You want to save her? Why, you should not be familiar with her." Yuan Yuannai's tone was flat, indifferent and asexual, and he treated all life equally.

This equal treatment includes love, and naturally includes ignorance.

To some extent, fraternity is the embodiment of ruthlessness.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Seeing a person who needs help right in front of you, shouldn't it be right to lend a helping hand?" Quan put his hands on his chest, unable to understand Yuan Yuannai's thoughts: "Hey, you don't really think of yourself as a god Alright."

"I'm not a god, but I and she are not human either."

"Whether it is human or not, there is no need for a reason to save a person. If you have to find one, Queen Issara is a member of the Galaxy Rescue Team, a decent person, and if she is still alive, the bullshit plot at the beginning of the original It won't happen, understand?" Izumi interrupted Yuanyuan Nai's follow-up words, he knew that Yuanyuan Nai's way of thinking is somewhat like God's perspective, and because of the fact that one body is divided into two parts, the way of thinking has changed a lot.

But... it won't change so much.

"...Yes." Yuanyuan Nai nodded, and Quan's words for this sake meant that Queen Issara was worth saving.

If it is valuable, it is worth his shot.

Spanning multiple universes, Nai originated in the Land of Light and raised his hands high. A golden vortex bloomed from his body, converging on his head to form a golden sun.

The brilliance of this sun shines on the entire Kingdom of Light, and the radiance is so intense that it even faintly juxtaposes with the plasma sparks.

Quan took out the black sword, pointed the blade at the sky, a golden radiance appeared on the tip of the sword, the black blade was coated with a thin layer of golden light, and immediately, a group of golden sun was released from the sword, hanging in the sky The sky above the star.

The moment the golden sun appeared, a ray of extreme light spanned countless distances, ignoring all obstacles, and directly shone on the pale-faced Queen Issara.

The energy of the dark spark was illuminated by this ray of light, like a wandering poisonous snake, entangled Queen Issara's body.

The golden glow entered Queen Issara's body, wrapping the queen in light.

Eliminating the power of the transcendent with the power of the transcendent is also one body and two parts, and the same transcendent, the two of the previous era and the future era will fight again.

The power of the dark spark belongs to the rootless duckweed, and it is all because the level of the dark spark is too high that it can not be entrenched with such a little bit.

And when Yuanyuan Nai intervened, the power of the same level was instilled, and the power of the dark spark was almost instantly eliminated.

Immediately afterwards, the queen slowly fell to the bed from a floating posture, and the golden light all over her body also dissipated.

A trace of blush flashed across her pale face, and the sinking body in her body was exhausted. Under the energy of the tree of life, Queen Issara would soon recover.

The golden sun dissipated, Yuanyuan Nai withdrew his power, and pointed it out casually, turning the golden sun into long swords suspended above his head.

Pointing out with a wave of his hand, the golden rain of swords flew into the sky, flew out of the planets of the Kingdom of Light, flitted across the distant dark universe, and struck out countless exploding fireworks.

That is a group of cosmic beings hiding in the dark universe, trying to sneak into the Kingdom of Light with a warship.

These guys thought they were hidden, but they had already been locked by Yuan Nai, and they were all wiped out with a single move.

The rest of the sword light crossed the space and landed directly in the monster cemetery, piercing the soul of an evil god who was constantly trying to get into the body of the monster-Gomera.

The spirit of the evil god let out a wail, and finally returned from the multiverse, and wanted to find a suitable body. As long as it entered the body of this monster, it could complete the resurrection.

It looked like it was about to succeed, but this sword from outside the monster cemetery cut off all possibilities for this evil god.

Even if the chance of resurrection is right in front of your eyes, it's so far away that you can't even touch it.

The evil god let out a wail, and the spirit body shattered, turned into countless smoke and dust that rose up, and died completely.

But these drifting smoke and dust didn't disappear completely, but after a long period of dissociation, they would be attracted by Grimd and enter Grimd's body.

Yes, even if it was an evil god that had been killed, the smoke and dust from the corpse of the dead evil god would return to Grimud's body.

Because this is in line with the prophecy.

The King of the Gods will take back all his power, and the Cthulhu is part of it.

After death, it will naturally return to the king.

After releasing this attack to kill the fleet preparing to invade the Kingdom of Light and a certain evil god who tried to resurrect, Yuan Nai recovered from the light shining on his body, returned to calm, and continued to sit cross-legged in front of the plasma spark tower.

On Quan's side, he has already left Ganon, and is wandering in the universe in the form of Heinai.

Now that Gennai can't move, Heinai can move freely. The world is so big that he can go there.

The concentration of human nature makes Heinai choose to use his emotions more. The so-called do what you want, and the emotions are explosive and complicated, which has always been the strengths and weaknesses of human beings.

That is to say, under such circumstances, Heinai accidentally met a person who was trapped in the universe because the fighter plane lost power while wandering the universe.

And this person, Yuanyuan Nai and Heinai both recognize it, that is the O-50 survivor who was rescued from the interlayer of o-50's bones by them and given a part of the light of protection.

Jugglers - Jugglers.

(End of this chapter)

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