Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 885 I'm tired of teaching Ultraman, this time, let's teach the Dark Pointer!

Chapter 885 I'm tired of teaching Ultraman, this time, let's teach the Dark Pointer!

Why didn't he get the power of the Ultra fighter himself?
Why wasn't he recognized by the Orb Circle?

Why is Kai more favored by the ring than himself, who is excellent in everything?

Jugula has been thinking about this kind of question for a long time, but the answer to this question can have a different answer every time he thinks about it.

This is not a good thing, it means that I don't really believe in the so-called answer.

Crawling out from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, what he saw was Hong Kai shaking him awake.

Seeing Hongkai's tearful eyes and trembling with excitement, Jugula's fragmented head finally came to his senses after being buffered several times.

At the moment when that piercing light beam arrived, the so-called defense was all false.

From the moment those armored, huge monsters, the universe and people invaded together, a crushing situation has been formed.

Obviously, he has already made contact with the Kingdom of Light, why not ask the Kingdom of Light how to become an Ultraman?
There is no point in asking after all the dust has settled.

From that moment on, Jugula's life was no longer for himself.

Hongkai's wish has not changed, but he also has a clearer understanding of the reality of the universe.

The meaning of o-50's existence is meaningless, because it is difficult for the only surviving people to survive.

Jugula and Hongkai met again, and once again, they launched an impact towards the top of the warrior.

The two of them are determined to die this time. If they can't climb to the top of the warrior and become Ultraman, the two of them would rather choose to die.

With such a sigh of relief, Jugula and Hong Kaiju really climbed to the top of the warriors.

But... Juggler's smile didn't last long. As an existence who also reached the top of the warrior, Hongkai was selected to become Ultraman Orb, while Juggler had nothing.

The ring will not give Jugula any answer, the so-called matter of becoming an Ultraman by reaching the top of the warrior, was refuted by the ring of O-50 himself.

Even on the top of the fighters, it is different.

Jugula couldn't figure out what he was missing from Hongkai. Could it be that there was something different?

But whether it is awareness or physical fitness, I am much better than Hongkai. The only difference is that I urgently hope for revenge in my heart, and I desperately hope that I can completely ruin the Star Alliance that destroyed o-50.

But what's wrong with that?

A grievance has a leader, and a debt has an owner. Isn't it just and right to pay blood for blood?
I have such thoughts, so I was not seen by the circle?
That was the thought that echoed in the heart of Juggler who was in shock. After that, Hongkai began to move around in the universe for the mission issued by the ring, and Juggula naturally accompanied Hongkai, and He goes through it together.

The missions of the ring are all kinds of strange things, but most of the cases are within the range that Uub and Jugula can handle, so when the two of them formed a team together, they didn't encounter too many problems.

But the key point is that those were all small tasks, but when one of the large tasks came, Jugula and Hongkai had disagreements for the first time.

Jugula believed in killing all members of the Star Alliance, but Hongkai was different. He believed that people in the Star Alliance could still be saved, and their revenge was only on the commander who launched the war.

Because of this incident, the first quarrel broke out between Hongkai and Jugula, which also caused a crack in the relationship between the two parties for the first time.

This rift will become deeper and deeper in the daily life that accumulates in the future.

The so-called quarrel stems from the disagreement of the three views.

With the first time, there will naturally be countless times behind.

The heir to the Light of Uub appeared, and this news was widely spread as Hongkai traveled the universe more and more frequently. Therefore, Hongkai's path of obscurity became no longer so peaceful.

When Jugula rushed out of the monster encirclement formed by mercenaries to cover Hongkai this time, he was chased to the sky and had nowhere to go. In the end, the energy of the fighter was exhausted, and he floated in the universe for an unknown period of time. .

At the last moment when his consciousness collapsed and disappeared, Jugula's regret was that he failed to take revenge with his own hands.


The heat from the bonfire could not bring any warmth in the cold wind. Jugula suddenly opened his eyes, propped his body up all of a sudden, groped his body belatedly, and suddenly realized that he was not dead. After that, the tense nerves relaxed a little.

But... how did I get rescued?
It's not too deep to walk around the cave, and it can barely be used as a temporary shelter.

A bonfire swayed with orange-red flames, and people couldn't help staring at it in a trance.

With his arms folded, the man standing at the entrance of the cave looking at the outside world didn't seem to notice Jugula's awakening, and he didn't respond in any way.

The moment he saw the man in black, Jugula felt a sense of familiarity in his heart, as if it was the joy of reuniting an old friend who hadn't seen him for many years after a long absence.

The warmth from the bottom of my heart flowed through my whole body, so that Jugula's tense body unconsciously relaxed.

But Jugula was sure that he didn't know such a man. Even though it was the first time they met, he felt so familiar with him. There must be something tricky about it!
"We've met before." As if knowing Juggler's doubts, the man turned around and walked towards Juggler.

The closer he got, the clearer his figure became, until it was illuminated by the swaying firelight, which allowed Juggler to see his face clearly.

"Although it was a one-sided meeting."

"Who are you!" Juggler asked.

"Is this how you treat your savior? If it weren't for me, you would have become space junk by now." Quan was not polite, and he just sneered: "Maybe someday some guy who collects space junk will take your If the fighter plane picks it up and sees your crumpled body, it will kindly bury you."

"You!" Saying a word is sure to piss someone off, Jugula couldn't catch his breath: "You bastard, who the hell are you!"

"Quan, you can call me by that name." From the first moment he saw Jugula, Quan remembered his identity and experience.

It has to be said that Jugula was very miserable. His experience made him see everything in his eyes, but he was powerless.

He obviously had a sword in his hand, and his swordsmanship was amazing, but he couldn't protect anything.

Just like Quan in those days, holding the most advanced weapons and wearing the most advanced battle clothes, but he couldn't even destroy a low-level alien beast.

Because of one body and two parts, Yuan at this time will feel sad about what Jugula has experienced, and will make him feel pity, but that's all.

And as Heinai, a man among gods and men, Izumi will empathize with Jugula's experience and have a more special feeling.

But it was also because of this that Jugula met Quan, which was considered a disaster.

After confirming that he really didn't know this man named Quan, Jugula relaxed his vigilance a little: "Hmph, no matter what, thank you very much."

"My name is Jugula, and I will never forget this kindness."

"Thank you?" Quan cast a sneer at the relaxed Jugula, and added, "I saved you at a price. You don't think it's that simple, do you?"

"Heh, there is no free lunch in this world, and naturally there is no one who does things for no reason." Jugula folded his arms and heard Quan's answer. As far as I can, I can help you do it.”

"You don't need to be able to do it, even if you have no money, you can do it." Quan walked to the entrance of the cave not far away, and continued: "From now on, you will follow me."

Gagura: ?

No, what do you mean by that?Are you greedy for me?
You are not some cosmic male ketone, are you? !
(End of this chapter)

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