Chapter 896 The Greatest Calamity of the Creation of the World (Are you writing some prehistoric novel?)
"This blue warrior is..." It was an Ultra warrior that he had never seen before, and although the opponent didn't do anything, Uub felt quite a lot of pressure from him.

This kind of pressure doesn't come from the strength of this Ultra fighter, but from... force.

It's as if he's doing nothing but standing there, and you can feel how powerful he is.

"That is the light of the Earth's ocean, Ultraman Aguru. He is a powerful warrior. Because of the Great War of Sparks, he has been turned into a spark doll." Gennai's voice resounded throughout the world For a while, it echoed endlessly: "Uub, you will see him sooner or later."

"But before you meet him, let him correct your ridiculously weak fighting style."

Aguru must be able to beat Uub violently, and with Aguru's fighting style and pretentious style, Aguru is top-notch in terms of abusing food.

Gennai doesn't expect Uub to learn Aguru's overpowering passive, but at least he can be turned into a background board by Aguru's anger, and then live under Aguru's beating to let himself grow, which is also good .

"Okay!" Uub nodded, trotted forward and stood opposite Aguru, lowered his body, and did not make a fighting gesture.

And Aguru turned his body slightly, slanted sideways, stared at Uub from the corner of his eyes, and then turned around.

But even if he turned around, Aguru's gesture of crossing his arms over his chest didn't change at all, and his style remained steady.

Uub, who was still young and cute, didn't know how outrageous the hanging behavior of some of the Ultra fighters was.

Leaving aside the Dyna I met in the beginning of the primordial, Aguru alone is not the kind of person who will see you as a junior, so as not to push yourself.

What he was going to experience soon was the first lesson taught by another Ultra warrior after becoming an Ultra warrior.

Gennai only pays one point of attention to Uub, even if he doesn't look at it, he will know the pain of Uub, so what he is thinking now is where to put Uub next.

Working behind closed doors is a meaningless act. Even if you have great power, but your heart has not kept up, you are just a reckless man with no power.

Whether it is mentality, three views, or cognition, these are all tempered and forged through repeated trials before they can finally stand out.

Origin Nai is already thinking about which universe to throw Uub into.

Of course, the test that Uub has to go through must be different from that of Jugula, and Yuan Nai is not in favor of Heina's approach.

In the extreme opposite situation, Jugula and Hongkai received completely different teachings.

This also shows that the final products of the two of them are still opposite but parallel.

This has nothing to do with Yuanyuan Nai and Hei Nai, it is purely due to their own personalities, otherwise why would it become like this.


As time goes by, the great war triggered by the arrival of the prologue of the new era has gradually become a legend, and some myths spread in the universe.

And because the giant of light disappeared, the existence of the giant of light this time became a legend.

Origin Nai communicated with u-40’s Jonias and the great sage. During the period when the kingdom of light has not been restored, u-40 will shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the order of the universe and eliminate those who try to destroy the universe Peaceful cosmic beings.

In this current era, although everyone is still recuperating, there will always be some small forces that will spring up like mushrooms after rain, and then appear in the eyes of major civilizations.

These small forces are very active in the prelude to the new era, but in fact they are all grasshoppers after autumn, and they won't be jumping around for long.

Although most of them will be wiped out, and only a small number know how to survive, existence is hope, and it is better than being destroyed.

Therefore, the first wave of catastrophe in the new era will come soon, that is, the monsters who have returned from the multiverse, after a period of time adapting to the laws of the new era, will immediately prepare to cause turmoil. A war broke out in the big universe.

They want to regain all that they have been able to achieve in the past.

Status, hegemony, the name of the gods, the singing and singing of the wailing of countless lives, these are all things that they cared about when they were wandering in the multiverse in these countless ages.

Now that they have finally returned to the universe, it is their limit to be able to endure for so long.

The universe is in turmoil again. After the War of Sparks for 300 years, now that the giants of light have disappeared, many monsters lead the civilization of the enslaved planets to launch a war.

The flames of war broke out in an instant, affecting all universes.

Under the guidance of the beast, the flames of civilization wield butcher knives, slaughtering everything in other civilizations.

Either be utterly cut off; or give up all that one has and become a slave to the dominion of the great beast, there is no other choice.

For a time, the multiverse was full of grief, the smell of gunfire everywhere, and civilizations attacking each other everywhere.

In the dark universe, there are little sparks everywhere, fleeting.

Maybe at the moment when the spark ignited, a civilization fell along with it.

Perhaps with the fall of that meteor, countless warships collapsed.

Without existences like Kingdom of Light to suppress the universe, chaos has always been the theme of the universe.

It stands to reason that if such a thing occurs in the new era, then a corresponding existence will be born to solve these problems.

But it's a pity that Yinhe, the first Ultra warrior of the new generation, has already escaped from the meteor shower composed of spark dolls, descended on the earth first, and was enshrined by the auditorium.

The main thing is that the Milky Way landed on the earth, in the image of a star-studded Ultra warrior.

On the earth of primitive civilization in ancient times, the appearance of the Milky Way is like a god.

Therefore, Galaxy used its last strength to reach an agreement with the auditorium clan, and left its own genetic factor of light on this clan, making the auditorium clan no longer ordinary.

The ancestor of the Auditorium family also witnessed the coming and disappearing of the Milky Way, and left behind the Milky Way Spark. Immediately, he regarded the Galaxy Spark as a token and passed it down from generation to generation.

The mission on his shoulders is to protect the Galaxy Spark and find an heir.

Compared with the Milky Way, which still has power remaining, Lugiel fell into a deep sleep, just because he sensed the existence of the Milky Way sparks when passing through the solar system one day, and then brought a meteor shower and slammed into the Earth's Starfall Mountain.

The force of this collision was extraordinary. It not only exploded the Falling Star Mountain, but also shattered the shrine enshrining the sparks of the Milky Way, so that the auditorium family, which was originally a big family, was devastated by the meteor that fell from the sky. weak.

After all, they are two born in one body, love and kill each other is engraved in their bones.

After another 200 years, the flames of war in the universe finally reached its peak. Not only the monsters participated in the battle, but some monsters who were furious because of being disturbed also participated in the battlefield.

Of course, the fate of these monsters participating in the battlefield will not be very good.

Either they were eaten by those super powerful monsters, or they were enslaved and turned into siege monsters, lost their freedom, and fell into torture.

The changes in this era are not completely unnoticed by everyone. A certain Yuan Nai who is sitting in the Kingdom of Light and He Nai who is adventuring in the universe have almost noticed such changes.

But the two are the transcendents of the previous era, and they are not the protagonists on the stage for this era.

Even if the two of them can take action to clear up the current chaos in the universe, it still doesn't fit the tone of the changing times.

Because of this, Jugula and Hongkai, the two guys who belonged to this era, finally came to the time to come out of the mountain.

Jugula and Hongkai should be able to clear up the chaos in the universe this time.

(End of this chapter)

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