Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 897 The protagonist is not in place, and the supporting role still wants to steal the limeli

Chapter 897 The protagonist is not in place, and the supporting role still wants to steal the limelight from the protagonist? (Captain don't shoot!)

"Hey, where did those monsters come from?" Sitting cross-legged in the barren desert, Jugula's heart had already been set on the frontline battlefield.

In that place, whether it is resistance or aggression, it is not the original intention of the civilization of the universe.

It is because of a more powerful force that forces these civilizations that did not want to fight to be forced to fight.

For Warcraft, apart from being conquered by it and then fighting, the rest is the pleasure of watching these cosmic civilizations obviously not wanting to start a war, but having to die in the war.

From the very beginning, Warcraft did not intend to take these conquered cosmic civilizations seriously.

The hatred of being expelled from the universe and wandering outside cannot be relieved with a sentence or two.

Even death is too cheap.

The resentment of the monsters has a long history, but this unknown joy has been going on since ancient times.

After all, watching people who don't want to die die, and those who don't want to fight go to war, the pain can bring them joy.

Otherwise, how can it be called Warcraft.

"The person who needs to solve this matter is not me, but you." Quan Bo stirred the fire in front of him, and the flickering flames reflected his face: "I belong to the existence of the previous era, and I can gain a foothold in the present era." , and can even help, but the protagonists on the stage will not be us."

"The stage of the new era naturally has a corresponding protagonist, and that is where the lives born in the new generation are active."

"Jagula, let's go."

"Me?" Jugula pointed at himself, quite disbelieving: "Are you kidding? You have educated me. Which one of those magical beasts is stronger than me? That is also an opponent I can deal with?"

"Why not, they simply have power, but you have more than just power." Unexpectedly, Jugula didn't understand the meaning of his words, Quan was a little helpless, and could only open his mouth and said: "Listen, Juggler, the stage of this era is prepared for you people, not me."

"If you encounter an enemy that you can't defeat, we can show our face and help, but we are just supporting roles on the stage, understand?"

Jugula wasn't an idiot either, Quan had already said so much, and Jugula quickly came to his senses, savoring Quan's words carefully.

The more he pondered, the more unfathomable Jugula felt.

Seeing Jugula's pensive look, Izumi curled his lips and turned his attention to Gennai.

Because at the same time, in Origin Naina, the same thing is happening.

"I need to guard the kingdom of light and the two universes, and supervise the big universe at the same time. I can't get away. There are new protagonists on the stage of the new era. Hongkai, that's you."

"Me?" Although only 200 years have passed, Hong Kai only feels that in these 200 years, he has lived a fuller life than any previous time period.

Before meeting Yuanyuan, or even before spending these two hundred years, Hongkai really didn't know that there were so many Ultraman in the universe.

I don't even know that these Ultraman's unique skills are so powerful.

Hitting people is so painful!
Recalling the self who didn’t recognize any Ultraman 200 years ago, and think about the self who can answer his name immediately when any Ultraman appears...

The hard work of these 200 years is no longer humane.

Yuanyuanna taught Hongkai how to become stronger, but Yuanyuannai did not touch Hongkai's state of mind.

Because once he taught Hong Kai about this, Yuan Yuannai's own divinity had a high probability of assimilating Hong Kai.

That is to make Hongkai's mind the same as him, but Hongkai will not have the power of a transcendent, and will believe in Yuannai's thoughts from now on, and then until death.

This is assimilation, and this is the result of understanding the thoughts of divinity as beings under God.

And it's not at all under Gennai's control.

So Yuanyuan Nai simply does not do one thing and does not stop, and does not teach anything in this area at all.

Although this will cause Hong Kai to become a powerful but fragile existence, it is the only choice at the moment.

"I understand. What you mean is that we, as the protagonists of the era, went out to deal with these things, but because of our lack of ability, we couldn't reduce this catastrophe at all, so our failure is inevitable."

Hong Kai's words fell on the ears of Yuan Yuannai and Quan, and were heard by both of them at the same time.

On Quan's side, Jugula finally figured out what his role was, and couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"But because this catastrophe has to be overcome, I will definitely follow the times and erase this catastrophe."

"During this process, the protagonist only needs to stand there. When encountering a situation that cannot be defeated, someone will naturally deal with it. When encountering a difficult situation, someone will naturally solve it. Because the protagonist is on the field, the supporting actors can come one after another. Respond one by one!" Jugula hammered the palm of his hand heavily, and suddenly realized.

"And I am the protagonist."

"Yes, at that time, whether it's you or anyone else, they can come as a cooperative senior, remove obstacles for us, and help us defeat powerful enemies!" Hong Kai also wanted to understand this, and couldn't help smiling: "So that's it, I understand!"

"If you understand, get ready to go." Yuanyuan Nai said "um", and said: "This chaos has been going on for a long time from the beginning to now, the chaos is enough, and it is time to end it."

"Those guys who don't know how to retreat bravely, but still want to compete for the position on the stage in the new era, try to grab it again in this time that doesn't belong to them, it is tantamount to courting death, and they are doomed to failure."

"Go and send them back to the ferry, and go and fulfill your Ultraman Orb legend."

"Yes! Senior!"


On Quan's side, facing Jugula who was excited but suddenly depressed, Quan took out a card from his pocket without any haste, and handed it to Jugula.

Jugula was a little dazed, and after receiving the card, he realized that the one printed on the card was an Ultra warrior he knew.

"Jagula, go prove it to me, prove to me that you have the heart to change, prove to me that you have the capital to reverse the tragedy." Jugula is still on this curiosity card, but Quan Quan But no matter how much, he hugged Jugula and leaned against each other with his shoulders draped.

"Jagula, I'm very upset with you, because I feel very angry when I see you, but this anger is not directed at you, but at a trash who is also powerless." Regarding the matter of calling himself a trash, Quan There was no dissatisfaction at all, and the scolding was even more ruthless.

"When I saw you, I thought of what that trash looked like before. I wished I could strangle him to death with my own hands. It would be better to let him die as soon as possible."

"Don't become such a waste, Juggler." Turning his head, Quan's eyes fixed on Juggler: "Being willing to fall into the darkness to gain strength is better than wanting to do something but being unable to do anything." The trash that arrives is strong."

"Prove it to me, and then you will become a truly capable existence to reverse all this!"

Jugula was silent, although he was very unhappy with Quan's previous attitude, but looking at Quan now, Jugula squirmed his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

In Jugula's hand, the Nexus-Red Youth card shimmered, and the whole card was radiant and extraordinary.

And under the Nexus pattern, there is a very obvious stripe, which shows three diamond-shaped gemstones, flickering and very rhythmic.

This means that this card can only be used three times. After three times, the energy on this card will be exhausted and the luster will become dim.

After all, it was only the half body of Yuanquan, and it was Quan's limit to be able to barely manifest this red youth card that belonged to Yuanquan.

(End of this chapter)

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