Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 899 You Dark God Wants Equipment of Light, Do You Want to Combine Light and Darkness?

Chapter 899 You Dark God Wants Equipment of Light, Do You Want to Combine Light and Darkness?

Is this what it's like to be an Ultra warrior?

What he is holding in his hand is no longer the card of Nexus, but the evolution trustee holding Nexus, but it is just like, not exactly.

At least on this thing, there is an energy bar that is continuously decreasing. Every second, the energy bar is dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jugula understood that this was the time for him to transform into Nexus this time, and once this energy bar reached the end, he would break away from the transformed state.

Because it is not the kind of human being fused by the giant of light itself, Jugula only borrowed light particles to become Ultraman, so the duration in terms of time is shorter.

Not only that, but his physical exertion will be extremely serious.

The consumption of this energy bar is the maintenance time of Nexus, but how much Nexus' combat power can be exerted depends on Jugula's own fighting will and physical strength.

Once exhausted, it is possible to lie on the ground and not get up.

In the new era, Nexus of the red youth obviously belongs to the existence of the reversed version, but the prelude to the new era has just begun, and it has not yet reached its peak.

At this moment, the red youth's Nexus can still play a role.

"Why are you looking at me with such a sluggish look, I will become an Ultraman, is it so beyond your expectations?" Patting Uub on the shoulder, Jugula was in a good mood: " Come on, my maintenance time is not unlimited."

"Okay!" Although he was shocked that Juggula became the Ultra warrior who had met once, Hong Kai quickly broke away from the shock, made a fighting gesture, and stood side by side with Juggula And fight, facing that terrible Warcraft over there.

During the arc jump, the claws pulled a bolt of lightning in front of him, and the monster roared and threw it out.

The thunder turned into a continuous bombardment, kicking up the gravel on the ground to form waves, spreading out layer by layer, and heading straight for Jugula and Uub.

Jugula spread his hands in front of him, and the ripple shield stood upright in front of him, blocking the first wave of damage for him, that is, the energy impact of the thunderclap.

Uub, who followed closely behind, used the Uub barrier to block the spreading gravel with his half-squatting body, neutralizing the second wave of impact invisible.

The roar of the beast shook the sky, and strong sound waves swept across the world.

The clouds trembled, the sky and the earth trembled. This battle of O-50 represented the debut of the two protagonists under the prologue of the new era.

After finally standing on the top of the warrior again, Jugula couldn't help laughing when he saw his broken hand, and Hong Kai who was limping with a bandage around his head. The sound became louder and louder until it resounded above the top of the warrior peak.

Hong Kai couldn't laugh, after all, he paid such a price for destroying a monster, which somewhat hurt his ambition to come back out of the rivers and lakes.

Although that monster wasn't considered strong, it still made him and Jugula fall into a bitter battle.

If Jugula hadn't combined his power with Uub's in the end and released the Ultra Fusion Beam, I'm afraid the two of them still couldn't find a way to kill with one blow.

Time couldn't be delayed any longer, once it was delayed, Jugula would undo his transformation, and if Uub was left alone at that time, it would really be over.

Fortunately, the power of Ott's fusion of light was strong enough, so that the two of them finally won the victory.

Although the price of victory, but also to pay a lot.

Standing in front of the o-50 ring, Hongkai stared directly at the light. After hundreds of years of disappearance, Hongkai stood in front of the ring again, waiting for the follow-up mission as before. .

The ring didn't seem to care about Hongkai's disappearance during this period of time. Hongkai stood here, and the ring immediately issued an order. After the task was completed, Uub's Light would gain new power and unlock new abilities.

After recuperating in O-50 for a period of time, Hongkai and Jugula set off again to investigate the disaster in Baksib, and at the same time, they will also find the destined place where they broke up.

And not long after Hongkai and Jugula left, the barren planet O-50 also gradually ushered in people from different races and different life forms in various universes.

In the following period of time, these cosmic people from all major universes will gradually fill up O-50, and then rejuvenate.

Such a thing will happen, naturally because climbing to the top of the warrior, you can get the recognition of the ring, and the fact that you are endowed with the power of Ultraman is known to more and more people.

Moreover, the legend that Hong Kai climbed to the top of the warrior and left with the power of Ultraman was even more famous than he imagined.

Therefore, people who are eager for this power and want to climb to the top of the warrior to obtain the power of Ultraman will gather here more and more.

In the future, Feng Ma's father will also be one of them.

The Ultra fighters of the o-50 series will also shine in the new era because of this, so that this suffering planet, and the Ultra fighters who are different from the Kingdom of Light, will leave behind themselves in many universes. s legend.

To set foot in this kingdom full of light, for Lucifer, such a world is too disgusting.

Whether it was the radiance, or the familiar aura mixed in the radiance, it was unbearable.

Lucifer had no intention of going in, he just stood at the airport and waited, and he knew that that guy must have known he was coming.

"Why did you appear here?" Yuan Yuannai's voice echoed endlessly, floating in the entire Kingdom of Light.

"This is saying, isn't this huge universe where I can come and go when I want?" Lucifer spread his hands and responded with a smile: "As a transcendent, I want to interfere with this era, even Split a certain timeline independently, and then slow down the tassel of this timeline."

"I'm curious, what is in this timeline that is worth doing this for you."

"You should know that although you are a transcendent, doing so is tantamount to making an enemy of the multiverse."

What Lucifer said, naturally, is that the timeline of the Tiga universe was intercepted by Origin Nai, and he was burdened with the fact that the flow of this timeline slowed down.

"This is not what I thought." Yuan Yuannai's tone was flat, but for the first time, some emotions were mixed in his voice: "It's what one thinks."

"One body?" Lucifer didn't know that the Yuanyuan in front of him was actually only half, and the other half was still wandering outside, so he didn't understand what Yuanyuan said by saying: "Why, are you schizophrenic?"

"A majestic transcendent, actually schizophrenic? Do you think I'm so easy to fool?"

"I'll give you seven seconds to get out of here, otherwise, I'll invite Grimud." Yuanyuan Nai didn't bother to say anything to Lucifer: "You are the strongest evil god, I won't kill you by hand, let Gerry Mud gets stronger."

"But don't think that I really dare not do anything to you."

"Why do this, I came to you, just want to borrow something from you." Lucifer shrugged: "In return, I can also lend you something, how about it?"

"What is it?" Gennai asked.

"Simply neat, it's really you!" Lucifer sighed in admiration, and then said: "Lend me your original weapon, and as a price, I can temporarily give you my spear."

"Don't ask me why I am armed with origin, you just need to tell me whether to borrow or not, even if you ask, I won't say."

"No." Yuanyuan Nai replied very simply.

Who knows what Lucifer will do with the Armed Origin?
Nine out of ten sentences of this old oily man who came from the ancient times are deceitful.

"Don't excuse me." Lucifer curled his lips: "But if anything happens in the future, I will not be responsible at all."

"At that time, if you regret begging me, what you have to pay is not just the original armed forces."

(End of this chapter)

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